Are you looking to build a website of your own? I can help.
Whether you are looking to create your own niche websites or you are looking to create a website for a local business or client, you can accomplish that with relative ease these days. Websites have been simplified and there are services and platforms out there that offer “dummy proof” ways to create professional looking sites.
So if you are looking to build a site, read on…
The Most Important Aspects of a Website
You have a website, which is your “web presence”, but then you have hosting, the place that stores your website and makes sure it serves quickly and efficiently to people that visit your website. There are some very important aspects of websites that make the difference between a quality site and one that is lacking.
(1) Speed & Load Time
(2) Professional Design & Look
(3) Easy to Navigate
(4) Uses a CMS (Content Management System)
(5) Quality website content
If you can accomplish these 5 things, you will be operating a very successful (and profitable) website. In order to do this though, you need to be leveraging a framework that “simplifies” this process. To do this, I recommend WordPress (you can build a FREE WordPress website RIGHT NOW by entering a domain in the box below)…
The Importance of WordPress, a true Content Management System (CMS)
Many of you have likely heard of WordPress, the world’s most widely used website framework. In fact, this website was built using WordPress.
I can still remember back 10 years when I started out and I had to manually code HTML by hand, programming knowledge was essential. Boy have things changed over the years. Anyone, I mean ANYONE can build a website these days and succeed online as a result. The technological barriers have been completely removed because of Content Management Systems like WordPress.
Here are some benefits to using WordPress.
- Typically very easy to install and set-up (click of a button at Wealthy Affiliate)
- No HTML, no code, no need for some advanced knowledge
- Over 1,400 different website templates to choose from
- One click install over 10,000 “add on” features and website functionality
- Lots of support and help within the community
As you can see, WordPress is my choice and it is the exclusive framework I use to build ALL of my websites and has been for the last 4 years. Now I want to show YOU how you can get your very own WordPress website and how to build a website in the next 5 or so minutes.
Want to build a WordPress website for FREE…NOW?
I have created a video for you showing you how you can get a website up and running, quickly & efficiently. In fact, in this video I show you how I built a fully functional WordPress website in 30 seconds for free. Check it out here…
WATCH VIDEO: Create a Website in Under 30 Seconds
As I said, I can help…but only if you are willing to take action on the help I give you. If you want a website less than 5 minutes from now you are going to need to take 3 steps.
Step 1: Start Building Your Website for your $0 at
Step 2: Create a Totally Free Account
Step 3: YOU Get Access to 2 Free Websites & an Entire Training Platform
And just like that, you are going to have your very own, fully functional WordPress website up and running.
Need Help with your websites?
Simply ask! If you need a hand with anything that I have discussed here, please leave a comment below or you can get in touch with me inside of Wealthy Affiliate via my profile there.
These are some excellent tips! I’m just wondering how far I need to go with designing in order to have a successful website, or is load time and content more important than the actual website design. I kept my site design pretty simple. White background with dark text.
Dear Kyle,
What a fantastically clean & concise website with an inspirational video!
Your content is King and the value to the reader definitely is th priority!
A template to model after for certain!
Barb of Easy-Moneys
Content is king/queen, that holds true to this day and will be the case 10 years from now. As time goes on, content consumption and the opportunity for content creators (bloggers, niche website owners, etc) only continues to grow. The foundation and the building block for your content business is your website and as you can see it is very efficient these days to create a website (using the platform at Wealthy Affiliate).
Thank you so much for this blog. It is very informative and much needed for me. I have recently started building the content on my website to draw traffic. The original site creation only took about a minute. Thanx again
Great to hear Terry. Building a website these days doesn’t need to be a cumbersome process and having access to software like SiteRubix (at Wealthy Affiliate) will truly make your life as a website creator much more efficient.
Thank you Kyle.I’m starting a new website on the same platform you recommend above.When do you think is the best time to register a paid domain-should I create a few articles before or from the initial stage?
I think it is always a good idea to have your own domain, pending that you can afford it. When starting out though it is completely fine to get rolling on the websites, the free websites offered within Wealthy Affiliate. It is SIMPLE to transfer your website over to your own domain using the MOVE feature within WA (which handles for SEO, proper redirects, etc), so it should never be a concern moving the domain over.
And when you do decide on a domain for your website, I recommend that you choose something that is “brandable” versus keyword rich…and a .com domain is ideal as they are the best for rankings.
This is very useful information, to me at this stage in my training. You are using technical terms that are industry standard, in a way that explains what they are without patronizing me. It is a most refreshing approach! I am just beginning to use the Live Preview portion of my WordPress dashboard and find it intuitive and easy.
I do have questions, but I believe they will be answered as I continue with the training, so probably best I don’t jump ahead of the class.
Yeah, we have no intention of patronizing anyone. We want to provide the training and tools that make your life easier as an affiliate marketer/internet marketer. That is why we have put such focus in our technologies at Wealthy Affiliate and within the SiteRubix platform, which is truly leading the industry in the website creation and the website hosting spaces.
If you ever have questions about your websites or any aspects of marketing, please do let me know and I will be more than happy to help you out!
Kyle, I have got to tell you not only have you helped me out when I needed answers to your questions, I also used this awesome site as a starting point for my own. Because of you and the training, including information I found on this site I know soon I should have my first commission. I have since been able to produce several sites including a sports review site my handicapped son that lives with me will be consistently adding content for me.
You definitely will have your first commission, it is a natural part of the process. For myself, this took around 3 months online, but here I am 15 years later being full time online. That is what my journey looked like and yours might be quite similar, what I can tell you is that the time and energy you put into your website NOW will always pay off LATER…and often times forever.
Hello! Kyle:
I like to say that your website lets me know that I can build a website online with your videos and help from the Community at WA. I also know that to begin all I need tp pay is $0 to begin. I know that WordPress will help me in building my website using I appreciate you help and hope to have a website built like yours as an example and reference.
So glad to hear you are enjoying everything Dennis and I appreciate the feedback!
Hi Kyle, I was reading your page and you are right. Building a website before WordPress was really hard, at least for me. I remember trying to take courses on coding and all of that just so I can build a website. When I found Wealthy Affiliate a month ago I was super excited because I didn’t need to know all of that. In fact, I couldn’t finish that course because I couldn’t get it so it was a miracle I found WA. Thank you so much for producing this for other people to see.
Building a website before WordPress truly was hard. It was incredibly hard, in fact, it took me over a month just to get my first UGLY website up and running online (which sounds totally ridiculous these days). A superior website can be built on the SiteRubix platform in less than 30 seconds, so this truly proves how far technology has come in the 15 years that I have been online.
Awesome site kyle im trying to learn from the best.
You are going to get the hang of things as you move through the training and start the build out process of your website. The best way to learn is by doing and as you construct your site and you start working with WordPress, I know you are going to get a really good grasp of things.
Hey Kyle:
Wished that WA was around when I first decided to try to earn money online this would have been great, if I had this I would be well off, what WA has here I am glad that I found your site, even though I am 61 I have learned alot Thank You
A lot of people have said the same thing over the years, but you have found us now and there is no sense on dwelling on the past. You have Wealthy Affiliate in your life now James and you have a bright future ahead of you. I look forward to working with you!
Hi, Kyle.
I really appreciate how you walk your readers through each step and make building a website so easy to understand. I also like that you give your reasons for using and recommending WordPress. I’m very thankful that I don’t need to know how to write code or any other really techy stuff to build a website now.
Thank you!
Yeah, WordPress is definitely a platform that has pushed the website experience and the website building experience in a positive direction…which is why close to 30% of all sites online are WordPress based. No code required, much nicer than the days back in 2002 when I started out.
Good day,
This was very informative and easy to understand.
Also the ways you incorporated the affiliate links makes it flow.
I definitely dont remember much of the coding with html days. It probably wasnt on my raidar or i’m younger than I thought. I would definitely leave a question if im lost about creating my own website.
Yeah, the coding days were interested, but quite inefficient. A lot has changed in the past few years alone in the website platform space and it continues to evolve. We just released the latest version of the SiteRubix website builder and it has been a huge success in just the first few days that it has been rolled out. There has never been a more sophisticated, yet simplistic platform for building websites.
You have outdone yourself,this is one of the best step-by-step guide in how to build a successful website, This is chock full of useful information. I can’t wait to dig deep and start utilizing the resources you have mentioned.
In reality,you have to learn how to crawl before you can stand up, fall down and then stand back up in order to learn to walk
Thank you Kyle
Before getting into WA, i could not imagine creating a website being this easy. Using sitrubix has definitely made this less complicated.
Thanks !
Hi Kyle, great article and enjoying learning new skill sets.
I’m still looking for answers as although I have ticked all of the boxes to allow comments within my pages, they are not there.
Also, I would like to have the ability to put the comment box at the top, rather than have my visitors scroll to the bottom of existing comments.
You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs 😉
Many themes (actually most) won’t allow comments on pages by default. There are plugins that you can install on your WordPress website to allow comments on pages, but what I would recommend here is that you create anything that you want to have comments on it as a “post”. Posts by default will have comments on them and this will solve your problem here. I hope this helps you out.
When I read that ‘list of five things’ and seen Uses a CMS (Content Management System), I said oh-no what’s that. With relief I seen that means WordPress which I have been using since day one. With the help of WA I am confident that I will meet the other ‘four things’ in short order.
Yeah, it is just the technical term for the type of website platform WordPress is (and many other website builders). You will absolutely meet the four other items and as you immerse yourself at Wealthy Affiliate, you are going to realize that the SiteRubix platform that you are using is the most advanced website builder and management platform in the industry. That is something that we definitely stand behind.
Kyle, I have to agree with you that making websites now is easier than ever before. I can remember when I decided to make my own as a hobby many years ago.
While I wasn’t coding completely by hand, I was using a Microsoft product known as Frontpage, and yes, to give away my age a bit, it was the first version, LOL.
The headaches I experienced were many, to say the least, and the end result was very lacking. Now, I’m amazed at just how easy it can be to make an impressive, professional site.
Thanks for sharing this, and best of luck with your site!
Ahhhh, not Frontpage!
I actually remember when I was having to use Dreamweaver to build my sites, it was taking me literally a month to build something that ended up looking like a dog’s breakfast, something that is about 100 times inferior to what I can build with SiteRubix at Wealthy Affiliate. It is amazing how technology has progress over the last 14-15 years and I can tell you that we have some brilliant stuff coming on the website and hosting platform side of things at WA in the very near future.
Hi Kyle
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I can’t imagine what it was to build a website without Word Press. But for sure, It would have been totally impossible, for a newbie like I am, to build a website without word press.
Thanks so much to Wealthy Affiliate who gives me the opportunity to increase my knowledge day after day with the best trainings.
It is so easy now to create content in a blog. It is like writing a book. All I need to do is to add pics to the text and to give it a nice look.
Best Regards, Jeff
Building a website without a CMS like WordPress was an absolutely nightmare. I can remember the days when I used to spend hours just getting a new page up on my site, between design issues, coding issues, and the process of FTP (which wasn’t always stable)…things that used to take hours, now take minutes. Things that took days, take hours now in terms of website design.
We are going to push the website development industry in a positive direction with the advancement of our technologies. This will create more simplicity in the process of building and managing sites, while creating A LOT more efficiency in your business (you can focus on other things that matter).
Hi Kyle,
I loved reading your article about how easy it is to create an effective website these days.
Sometimes beginners are daunted by the thought of creating a website and decide not to do it.
That’s a big mistake in my opinion as your own website is your own business real estate which you have control over and imperative if you want to make a full time living online.
By far SiteRubix has been the easiest site set up platform I have used. More importantly, I value the exceptional training and support that goes with it.
Thanks for everything Kyle. It is much appreciated.
Thanks for your feedback Mark and you are absolutely right, things have come a long ways in the website building space (in particular since when I started). What used to take me a month to build between the image development, structure of the site, code, etc when I started back in 2002 can now be done within 30 seconds using platforms like SiteRubix. Not to mention they are much faster websites, more aesthetically pleasing, more secure, and more functional.
The great part about having website efficiency in your life is the fact that you can dedicate your time and energy to other aspects of your business, leading to quicker growth.
Hi; If I build a website on siterubix will I be able to sell merchandise wholesale or retail ? Do you have SSL encryption for payment options to customers ?
Yes, you have access to FREE SSL for any website that you have hosted at Wealthy Affiliate and that is using the SiteRubix platform. It is the most efficient in the industry and you can literally “toggle” your website to SSL.
Hi Kyle – thanks for creating this website. It’s full of helpful advice and direction – very useful especially for a newbie like me who really didn’t know what SEO, CMS and the likes, were until I joined WA and became a premium member less than a month ago.
What I like most about this website here is its fairly unassuming (not brash at all) and yet appealing appearance that is fully outweighed by its massive amounts of helpful content and long lists of comments from a whole bunch of people who are attracted to the site. It is all surely something I can emulate myself. Thanks again and best wishes.
That is what we are all about at Wealthy Affiliate and the platform you have access to in SiteRubix is continuing to push the website development industry into a direction that is seamless, secure, and simple…. yet powerful enough for any level of marketer.
So glad you are enjoying your experience and I can promise you that it is only going to get better as you continue through the training and see your business take shape.
Hey Kyle,
Thank you for this great website, I really appreciate all the valuable info here!
It is not clear enough to me the connection between a category/theme and 10 topics of that category. Is one category normal page, and there are 10 posts (actually these posts are topics) on that page?
Or a category is one parent page, and 10 topics are child pages of that category? I hope my question is clear enough. 🙂
This is more to get you into the “research” of keywords and building lists of relating keywords. Ideally you want take a few topics and break them down and find keywords. For example, I could have one topic like “best diets” and I could come up with a list of 10 particular diets that could fit into this category (if I was in the dieting niche).
Then I could do this for any topic, you can quickly build significant lists of keywords doing this.
Hello Kyle. Just stopping by to let you know Your “ways to avoid scams online” here has been such a useful guide I use quite often while building out my first website.
Thanks for all that you and Carson do and provide within the WA community. I’ve come to learn that the whole WA platform is PRICELESS!
Merry Christmas and have a Happy, Prosperous New Year,
Randy B
So glad you are learning the process of building out sites. The same principles for building out a website (online business) reside within any niche and the training you are getting at WA is going to keep you ahead of the curve, not to mention the start of the art tools you have for building and managing your websites.
Merry Christmas to you and yours as well Randy.
Hello Kyle,
Just wanted to say that I’ve seen more than my share of online opportunities over the years and none compare to Wealthy Affiliate. So many I have joined and felt immediately cheated with no help and no results. Three weeks into the program at WA and I am farther along than I have ever been (3 sites at time of this posting)! WA is really helping me put the pieces together.Premium membership is a bargain! I can’t say enough good things about it. The way it works seamlessly with wordpress, siterubix, hosting and domain name registration makes website & blog creation a breeze. Unmatched training compared to any I’ve seen and the WA community is 5 star.
Hat’s off and thanks to you and WA 🙂
– Joe
Thanks for sharing your feedback Joe, so glad you are enjoying WA!
Man!!! That is an awesome post, very convincing.
Thanks Kyle!