Wealthy Affiliate Review
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Website: www.WealthyAffiliate.com
Price: Starter Membership, $0 (Join Here)
Price: Premium Membership, $49/month OR $495/year (Join Here)
Owners: Kyle & Carson
Overall Rank: 98 out of 100
Who it’s for: Newbie – Expert
Introduction to Wealthy Affiliate
I have a unique take on Wealthy Affiliate, the main reason being I am the owner. Before you call “bias” on me, let me explain why my review of Wealthy Affiliate will serve to be of benefit you.
ONE, I have insight like nobody else into what Wealthy Affiliate is, where we came from and why we have been able to create the longest standing and what I like to think, the most innovative Internet Business community online.
TWO, I am probably our biggest critic of Wealthy Affiliate and I continue to be to this day. I know Wealthy Affiliate is not perfect,nothing is perfect. When you know that you are never going to be perfect, it gives you something to work towards right? I honestly know where we lack, where we are great, and what we do well.
LASTLY, I care what you think and I care about helping people. Because of this, I want you to offer your comments below this review if you have anything to say about Wealthy Affiliate, both good and bad. I have tough skin and I want to prove the realness of this review but putting this out there. You comment, I respond.
Before I get into the “what”, I want to outline the pros and cons of Wealthy Affiliate.
What Exactly is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is an business building platform that offers you everything you need in one place to create, grow and manage your businesses online. With over 850,000 members, it is an all-inclusive experience where you can get everything you need from your websites and hosting on the state of the art hosting platform, to 1,000’s of training modules and support.
The community at Wealthy Affiliate is second to none and something that we pride ourselves in. If you are a jerk or you like to spam, you are not going to be welcome within the community. If you are looking to earn money online, network with fellow entrepreneurs, get help and help others, and learn a ton from the 1,000’s of experts at WA, it will be your new home.
One thing that you will find unique about Wealthy Affiliate is that Carson and I, the co-founders are very active within the community…on a daily basis. You will even find us in there (sometimes into the early morning) helping folks get their campaigns running, website operating, or getting their businesses rolling in the right direction.
Why Being a Wealthy Affiliate Makes Sense!
If you are on this review, chances are you are interested in a few things. Learning how to create a successful business online then being able to actually do it. The platform at Wealthy Affiliate is going to allow you to do this, regardless of your background, your technical knowledge or your experiences. If you can butter toast, you can build a business within Wealthy Affiliate as far as I am concerned. 🙂
Here are some of the most common “positives” that people love about WA.
- Getting Started Training (the process is completely SIMPLIFIED!)
- Video training, Tutorial training, Classroom training and Courses
- Close the 700,000 HELPFUL community members
- 13+ Full, Interactive Classrooms
- Live & Interactive Help (even at 2am in the morning!)
- One FREE, Beautifully Designed Websites
- State of the Art Secure and Fast Hosting
- Access to Industry Experts & Millionaires
- A strict spam free environment.
- Completely FREE to Get Started! (with no catches)
The last one is a big one for most. Not only do you get access to all of this, you get to do so for no cost. This is the only program in the industry that does this and there is a good reason for it….YOU WILL LOVE YOUR EXPERIENCE AT WEALTHY AFFILIATE. If you don’t, you can come back here and leave me a nasty comment. 🙂
What Skill Level is Wealthy Affiliate For?
Wealthy Affiliate caters to all levels of marketers and entrepreneurs, from a brand newbie to someone that is running an already successful business and wants to scale it to a whole new level. When you get access to the members area you are quickly going to be immersed in the community and the activity within the community.
So in a word, EVERYONE. All levels of expertise, any age, any country. It also works like a charm on your mobile phone, tablet computers (I frequently use Wealthy Affiliate from my iPad!)…and or course any laptop/desktop. Anywhere that you have a connection to the Internet, you can be building your business, getting training, or getting help within Wealthy Affiliate.
You can start a business from scratch, and build something truly substantial online. Wealthy Affiliate is a community of all shapes and sizes, from newbies just starting out on their very first day to experts that have been running full time businesses online for 10-15 years (whom you will be able to communicate with the minute you join).
Wealthy Affiliate Training & Tools
The Training is comprehensive, organized, and current within Wealthy Affiliate. There is training for all levels of expertise, including training for even the most advanced marketer. The training is offered in different formats:
- Live Weekly Training Classes
- Question and Answer Periods
- Organized Classrooms (on specific topics)
- Interactive Discussions
- Video Training, Tutorial Training
- Task Based Courses
Seems like a lot right? Because it is. There are over ONE THOUSAND (1,000) powerful training modules within Wealthy Affiliate, essentially each Classroom reveals an entire different online business model that could be used to generate a full time income online.
And that is just some of the perks to being a member of Wealthy Affiliate. You also get access to ALL of the tools you need to run a successful business online…
The Tools & Services within Wealthy Affiliate offer you a robust “tool belt” to accomplish all of your research, writing, and website
building/hosting applications for your business. Included in the members area is:
- Keyword & Competition Research Tool
- 30 Second Website Builder
- Low Competition, Cherry Picked Keyword Lists
- State of the Art, Unlimited Cloud Hosting (Premium Members)
- Access to over 4,100+ website templates/themes
- Ability to add over 65,000 different plugins (feature extensions) to your website
- Rapid Writer, your content “friend”
Once inside Wealthy Affiliate, you don’t have to worry about tools and services need to run your business. EVERYTHING is included, it truly is the only “all inclusive” online business platform out there.
It Takes a Community to Create a Success Story (Literally)
Have you ever needed help with something and ended up going to Google and searching for help. I know how you feel. When it comes to making money online and trying to create a successful business, it is nice to know that you can get help when you need it…and get it in a timely fashion.
That is what you get at Wealthy Affiliate with the live, 24/7 community and support system. There are many different types of support offered at Wealthy Affiliate…
- Live, 24/7/365 Chat
- Interactive Discussions
- Live Question & Answer periods
- Private 1-on-1 support with ME
- Private access to community experts
You are never alone and you will never feel like you are in the “dark” like you will with almost every other service out there.
Some people to this day find it hard to believe that me, the CEO and founder takes the time to help people out. It is a reality within Wealthy Affiliate though, I am there to help folks. With over 10 years of experience, I have a lot of things to share and a lot of insights that will help speed up your path to success.
What Sort of Work Will You Be Doing at Wealthy Affiliate?
I get many questions about “what will I be doing to make money at Wealthy Affiliate?”. There are many things that you can do to earn revenue online, in fact, there are 100’s of different ways that are taught within Wealthy Affiliate. However, I want to simplify things for you, so in a nutshell, this is how it works.
First a breakdown diagram of the process here.
When you join, you are given two options. You can either follow your passion, maybe you like helping people with skin care or fantasy football, or whatever you want. There are MILLIONS of potential directions you can head and you can choose that as your direction. This is going to be your starting point and the initial training course is going to show you how you can take your passion and turn it into a full time business within the online world. Cool stuff right?
If you don’t have a passion or a niche, or you want us to choose one for you, then that is OK too. Wealthy Affiliate has an affiliate bootcamp with a “predefined” topic that you will be building a business from. This training is a complete walk through, starting at the bare bones and there is no experience necessary.
So basically, you are going to learn to take your passion and create a business online. It starts with a niche website, and it is going to end with you earning in a whole variety of ways from that website. This can be through the promotion of affiliate programs, ads, or otherwise. If you want a more in depth explanation go to my “how making money online works” post.
The Pricing Plans of Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate has two membership price points:
Starter Membership, $0 (Join Here)
Premium Membership, $49 per month / $495 per year (Join Here)
$0 seems too good to be true, but that statement would be completely wrong…and I will explain why . When you join Starter, you are going to be granted instant access to the Wealthy Affiliate community. This includes access to live chat, over 500 training modules, 3 classrooms, networking, commenting, 2 free websites, access to the keyword tool. On and on and on.
In fact, I encourage you to start for free. I would rather see you “see for yourself”, much before you ever have to invest any of your own money.
To be honest, there isn’t another service or platform in the industry that can compete with Wealthy Affiliate’s FREE Starter membership, other than…
Wealthy Affiliate Premium. This is the true “all inclusive” platform if you are even remotely interested in an online business.
Wealthy Affiliate Premium was created to remove all of the other “costs” you typically need to worry about during your day to day activities. The pesky hosting fees, the pesky keyword tool fees, website builder fees, paying for hired help and mentorship, writing tools, domains, live events, searching the net tirelessly for answers to your questions, and getting access to the RIGHT training…all those things have vanished within Wealthy Affiliate Premium into a single low price.
I always say that once you have Wealthy Affiliate Premium, you will never buy another guru book, internet scam, or expensive online success course again. I mean it! Absolutely EVERYTHING you need is at WA, including the 1-on-1 expert help from real living, breathing and proven experts.
You will never get scammed again online if you are a Premium member at Wealthy Affiliate, I can assure you of that.
My Final Opinion + Special BONUS!
Join the starter, it’s $0. You can come back here to my site and yell at me if you don’t like it (seriously). And did I mention it was free? Upon joining, I will make sure to get in touch with you within the first hour. I want you to make me one promise however if you do join…that you will set-up your account. It is simple and you will be walked through it upon joining WA.
Join Wealthy Affiliate, it’s $0. Get Rolling Now!
How to Claim Your Bonus…
When you join your FREE Starter Account, I am going to offer you a bonus if you do decide to become a PREMIUM member in the first 7 days (including a 59% discount). When you create your account at Wealthy Affiliate, I will be personally contacting you on your profile with my “hello” and some more information about WA, how to get help from me, and how to claim your bonus. Trust me, this is going to be some AWESOME stuff (hint: it includes my FULL 10 years of experience and mentorship!)
You will never know what you have been missing all of these years until you step foot inside of Wealthy Affiliate.
Summarized Overview
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Sales Page URL: http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Owners: Kyle & Carson
My Overall Ranking: 98 out of 100 points
Read Real Testimonials: READ REVIEWS
If you would like to leave your personal review or experience of Wealthy Affiliate or you have any questions, please do leave them below. I would love to hear your feedback!
Scam Prevention Team
Hi Kyle,
I wish I had found Wealthy Affiliate several years ago. Better late than never. I totally agree with your assessment of your own company. It is honest and showcases how great a value it provides to entrepreneurs yearning to create an online business.
After being a member for just over a year, I can see your drive to continually improve the platform. Hence, we can rest assured our experience can only get better with time. And the opportunity to become successful becomes easier.
If there is one area that could be beneficial to members is to create case studies in contrasting niches to illustrate in a step by step manner what is necessary to start earning income. If real members who have achieved success are willing to allow their experience to be used that would be amazing.
Examples that could also help is to show the importance of how some members can become successful in less time while others may take more time. The reason is to show the connection between the results of concentrated effort vs the slow and steady approach. Both can work. And it is not unusual for the slow and steady to eventually equal the results of the concentrated approach.
I have noticed some members who are struggling and get discouraged. Of course they can ask for help. But it would be great if there was a way for them to get a reality check to find out if what they are doing will get them the success they seek. And if they are not, what corrective action they need to take to get back on a success path. Developing a checklist that is automatically analysed could be one way to implement this benefit.
Thanks for everything you, Carson and the team is doing. I can’t believe that a company like Wealthy Affiliate even exists. It defies the adage if it is too good to be true then it is. Wealthy Affiliate is really that good. The culture of the community reflects the founders in a very special way.
Before I became a WA premium member, I first joined the FREE STARTER membership. I began to access to the WA community and took advantage of the bonuses granted like training modules, networking, Video/tutorial/ task based-training, etc. Before my starter membership expires, I decided to joined the premium membership. I know nothing about online business but I’m also interested, in fact I tried some local and popular affiliate marketing but I was not completely convinced and persuaded by their promotions and offers. Until I found WA through online searching. It took me sometime in reading all about WA..their pros and cons, the personalities and the community involved. I found WA a very interesting and legitimate affiliate marketing. Although my first three months was focusing on online training courses. I’m not hurrying though, all I’ve got in my mind is build a strong foundation that is to choose my interest, build my own website to attract visitors/audience and learn how to earn revenue. So all the strategies, tools, modules and support are here to become a real and effective affiliate marketer.
I have no regrets in joining the WA. The founders and the community are always there to help and my queries are answered in seconds.
I can refer WEALTHY AFFILIATES to everybody who are interested and willing to become a successful in online business.
Thanks for your feedback Nestor and I am really glad you are enjoying your experiences. 😉
Hi,Kyle,i personally want to join WA for hosting and Keywords Research Features,not for Education and i would like to ask some question.About hosting,how many wordpress site it host and does it accept high visits (or traffic) per day. I see a lot hosting provider have low price but they are just for low traffic,Wa i see is higher price.
About Keyword Research Tool,i can use the softwares right on the member’s area or do i need to upgrade to Jaaxy?
You will have access to Jaaxy directly within WA. As a Starter member, you have access to the Starter version of Jaaxy which is more limited, and asa Premium member you will have access to Jaaxy Lite, which gives you access to over 8 research platforms and unlimited keyword searches.
So yes, your research and keyword tools are fully taken care of for you within Wealthy Affiliate without any upsells.
Honestly, The community at Wealthy Affiliate is second to none.
WA is a great place for those who are brand new to the industry. Sure, experienced marketers may also enjoy the benefits of a Wealthy Affiliate membership, but the service is really created for those who are complete newbies to the industry and need to learn how to build an online business from scratch. WA has everything you will ever need to succeed online.
If ONE wants to build a real online business then it will take some time and hard work but it will be profitable and sustainable long term.
This is really a nice Review!
Thanks for your feedback.
Hello Kyle,
I rarely post comments on the internet, but I couldn’t go without thanking you for this detailed and honest review.Today I was searching on the topic of “how to make money online” and I came across a lot of suggestions one of which was Wealthy Affiliate.. I was a bit skeptic at first, so I searched for more reviews on it. This led me here, and I must say that after reading this thorough review I learned quite a lot about Wealthy Affiliate and will definitely give it a shot.
Thank you,Nick.
That is great that you did your due diligence, that is certainly something that I always recommend. There are far too many scams out there to not research before you join anything.
The thing that is unique about Wealthy Affiliate over EVERY other company in this space is that we are willing to stand behind our service and we let people “try it for free”. There is a starter membership that is very comprehensive and it doesn’t require any form of payment at all. Get started, trying building a few niche websites, work through the training…start your business really.
This is not to mention the fact that myself and 1,000’s of fellow experts within the community are available to help at any given time.
Thank you for sharing with us this review . I am new at WA but i start enjoying the training , the good community which share ideas and love.
I decided to go premium because i found WA is the real company i have waited for.
I love being in this community
Hi Kyle,
Thanks for watching for scams online. I never knew before how many scammers there really are. But websites like yours have made me more aware.
At one I was being scammed left and right, because so many had get rich quick schemes and I was falling for them hook, line, sinker.
With your website, hopefully others will be spared the troubled times I went through.
Sorry to hear about your journey through what feels like the “wild west”, aka, the Internet these days to find WA.
Your story is very much similar to many folks I work with and I felt that if I could offer a comprehensive and insight review of what WA is, what the company stands for, the ethics we following, and the true care for PEOPLE that Wealthy Affiliate has within my review, it would give people a lot of perspective.
Kyle, as a Wealthy Affiliate member myself, I couldn’t agree more with what you’ve written. I especially agree with the fact that it takes a community to build success. There are so many times when things get hard and you feel like giving up. But when you have a whole community to support you, it almost feels like you get an extra boost. You get that extra motivation to keep going and get to that place that you want to be in.
The live chat is great, and I think the articles that you find at WA written by members are so inspiring. When you read that one of your fellow members made a certain chunk of money last month using this platform, it gives you that belief that you can too! Honestly couldn’t be happier finding this platform.
I always support the idea of community motivation. There are people at every level within WA, those making 6-7 figures online, those just starting out, those somewhere in between.
The reality is that there are certain stages that you go through as you are creating and establishing a business online and those that you see just beyond you, inspire you. That is what is beautiful about such a vast, interactive community (over 1.5 MILLION strong) at WA).
Fair disclosure, I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and I am a fan.
I love the sense of community, and the vast majority of the people I interact with don’t seem sleazy, like most other affiliate marketer communities. No constant up-sells.
I think they provide good value for all the training and hosting provided, especially when you get on the yearly plan.
The support is quick and pretty competent.
WA isn’t perfect, though. Most of the ways it isn’t perfect are mostly in the domain of nerd-dom, so they don’t really apply to most people.
My biggest complaint is that there is no option for secure http://FTP. If you want to FTP, which I have not needed to do since there is no cPanel access, your password and all your data goes over the wire in cleartext. That is so 1990’s! When I first started, I opened a couple tickets with support about this. Support seemed confused about the difference between SFTP and FTPS. SFTP is tunneled over an SSH connection, and Support was saying there was some kind of security concern with tunneling over SSH. I understand why they don’t want to allow people to SSH into their hosts. But FTPS is just standard FTP over a secure SSL connection. Secure and easy to implement. This hasn’t been a deal breaker, since most of the things I would want to do over FTPS or SFTP I can do with WordPress plugins.
I don’t want to write an entire several-thousand word review in this comment. After all, that should be on my own site getting my own referrals! 😊
There actually is secure FTP, you can and should be sending all of your files through SFTP, which is what the FTP details provided to you within WA will allow you to do.
So you can use any SFTP program. We have one of the most secure hosting networks in the world at Wealthy Affiliate, something that we provide ourselves in and when other large corps like HostGator and GoDaddy were having blackouts from botnet attacks, we were able to fend these off.
Comparable industry hosting is $250 per month to what you get at WA, and this is included within your premium membership. Just wanted to clarify on the hosting aspect.
Really glad you are enjoying your experience at WA!
I’ve joined Wealthy Affiliate and I really want to share my thoughts on this. I have not been successful yet, but this is in part due to my own reasons – I did not adhere to the ‘put in effort’ part as there were times when I was just overwhelmed with real life issues and neglected my online business. Obviously it won’t turn out successful, it’s an online business that requires work and management after all, just that it offers much more freedom.
The reason why I shared this is to tell anyone who is reading my comment that if you want to start your own online business, you really need a lot of self-regulation. You have to know that how much you plant is how much you reap, and if you don’t plant enough, you won’t reap enough.
That is the case a lot of times, those that do not put in the effort do not succeed. That is the case in any business.
At Wealthy Affiliate we provide you with everything else you need to succeed online, the tools, training, research platforms, websites, hosting, mentoring/coaching and networking. In fact, you can interact with the largest community of affiliate marketers and internet entrepreneurs in the world, as WA now has over 1.6 MILLION members.
Thanks for sharing your story, your ups and downs. This year can certainly be an amazing one for you if you dedicate yourself to your business and work hard. Of course I am here as well to help you every step of the way!
I wish I had found this website years ago when I was going through scam after scam.
It was a total loss of time and money but not only that I didn’t find one legitimate site that I could trust and learn something.Once I found Wealthy Affiliate, I was still skeptical at first, but something told me this was different and I think it was the fact that it was free to join with no strings attached.I mean, to look at what was being offered? A four step process, choosing a niche, building a website, getting traffic, and creating income? Sounded like basics to me but I knew there was hard work to be done.The right attitude taught here in WA and the training is to help people first. That’s when I knew I found the right place for me.Training that is awesome, support better than any and a place that offers an opportunity to change your life. Sold! Wealthy Affiliate is helping me out. First rule done. Making money comes with time.
Hi Kyle,
That’s why I’m with Wealthy Affiliate, because you’re true to your word that you are the biggest critic. In the 8 months since I have joined WA, I have seen nothing but improvements being made, at such a fast pace, I know how hard you and Carson must be working. The training is great, fully guided and really caters to beginners like me who don’t know a single thing about creating websites. It is useful for the experts as well, since there is a whole community of internet marketers for networking.
With the WA platform, I have built up my own website which is starting to gain some traffic in my health niche. And I’m thinking of starting a second one! These would not have been possible without the great resources here at WA, and the friends I have made along the way, who have provided lots of help and support.
Hey Kyle,
I really love reading your review about Wealthy Affiliate – My Unique Take. Most probably you are the founder and CEO of Wealthy Affiliate, you do have a unique view of Wealthy Affiliate.
All the while, I’ve the passion to become an Entrepreneur and because your guy’s helps I have built my online business from stretch. Now, I am able to earn a decent income and enjoy more time with my family.
The platform really provide all the features (training, resources and tools) l needed to succeed for my business, and not to mention about the huge community within Wealthy Affiliate which provide the support and motivation timelessly.
It was my fortune that I found Wealthy Affiliate and once again thank you for everything you guys do.
Shui Hyen
Yes, I am definitely the co-founder of WA so I have a very unique perspective on the direction of WA and the inner workings of the platform. I also have 17 years of experience within the affiliate marketing space (full time) and I thoroughly enjoy sharing my experiences within aspiring and successful online entrepreneurs.
One thing that has always remained consistent about the affiliate marketing space is growth, year over year, it continues to grow as more and more companies adopt it as their MAIN marketing strategy online and more people move larger portions of their spending to the online world.
Glad you found WA!
Hey Kyle,
I got to be completely honest with you. I remember joining in 2007 and having a very good experience.
After leaving Wealthy Affiliate in 2008 I did later rejoin in 2015 and have been with Wealthy Affiliate for 3+ years now.
I remember back in 2008 it was drastically different than it is now. Meaning, the training was all text based. The focus was on article marketing. Yeah, I still remember using article marketing as a backlink building tactic.
I remember back in 2008 being new to the industry. It was so overwhelming. However, I did leave because I was making decent money. Over 100,000 a year. I did fall on hard times after my main money making website was slapped by Google. I went from 10,000 – 15,000 a month to 100 to 200 a month.
I fell into depression from it. I worked so hard on everything and overnight my hard work wasn’t paying for itself anymore.
I spent many years trying to recover from losing all my income and always remembered Wealthy Affiliate.
I joined again back in 2015. What is truly awesome is how much Wealthy Affiliate had changed since I left. I mean Wealthy Affiliate now has:
WordPress hosting.All video tutorials.Webinars.Live Chat.Etc.
I love the WordPress hosting. It would cost $300 a month for a VPS yearly anyway. The training is good and I had to go back and relearn everything from square one. The community has helped me over and over again. I’ve personally helped others, too. But, your 1 on 1 support is well worth it.
Now, I don’t build one single backlink and people think I am crazy for it. I just focus on content and engagement and that is it.
Since, joining I have been getting my income up more and more. I have more of a business mind and thank you for all your help over the years.
I think Wealthy Affiliate is great and there are so many other internet marketing scams out there.
I really believe that anyone that talks negatively and writes anything on Wealthy Affiliate probably doesn’t have enough drive to work through the hardships that come with being an entrepreneur.
There are hundreds of affiliate marketing programs out there, but Wealthy Affiliate is the only one that I’ve ever felt really comfortable with. Too many others try to convince you they’ve got some kind of amazing secret that they can’t share with you until after you’ve coughed up all your money, and then they continue trying to up sell you more products anyway! WA lets you actually build an entire website and completely free of charge without even asking for a credit card number. By the time you run out of ideas on how to proceed and decide to pay for any extra help, you feel confident that you can easily make back more money than you will spend.
That is the ultimate goal of Wealthy Affiliate, to offer the most comprehensive platform in the industry, but also a safehaven form the many scams that exist out there within the online world.
The free Starter membership allows anyone to acquaint themselves with WA in a very stress free, completely free trial so you can look around and see what WA is about before ever making any purchasing decision on the Premium membership. And the premium membership is only $49 per month, or $359 for an entire year and that includes absolutely everything you need to create, grow and run your businesses online.
Thanks for sharing your experience with WA Bobby!
I am glad that I have found Wealthy Affiliate at the lowest point of time in my life. Therefore, I would like to share my own story of how I stumbled upon WA.
So basically, I wanted to choose a career in the Medical field but sadly, my parents are not very rich to fund my school fees for 7 years if I were to go that route. I wasn’t interested in anything else besides being a doctor and even though I did well in school, what’s the point if I can’t get my dream career? There I was, feeling discouraged as always.
At this point, I had lost all interest in becoming a doctor and wanted to give up studying because I wasn’t feeling it anymore. I then used my phone and did my own thing until I stumbled upon a spam ad about a stay at home mum that earns 10k per month and she is now happy that she gets to enjoy the benefits of financial freedom by spending more time with her daughter.
I know that this is just a made up story to entice unsuspecting newbies like me to spend money on a scam so of course, I didnt pay a penny but I knew that earning that amount of money from home is possible but I didnt know how and the exact terms for it. I did not know anything about internet marketing at all. I then decided to do a search on google for make money online programs or courses etc and came across so many fake ones out there.
I was literally jumping from scams to scams (I didnt have the money to pay for these scams so I didnt lose any, thankfully) and decided to just give up and cry. I then decided to click on another link in the search results and came across a WA review landing page and how WA changed his life etc. I was still skeptical at first but since the starter membership is $0 and I had NOTHING to lose, I decided to give it a try and I am glad that I did. I really am so happy and I appreciate online business platforms that are very HONEST and GENUINE and the fact that there are no upsells is what impressed me the most.
I was already sick and tired of upsells from MMO (make money online) programs and decided to stick with WA and putting in effort consistently, knowing that building a business TAKES TIME. Plus, I am learning something new everyday too and I am NOT complaining, This platform is better than school, heck, it teaches me much more valuable things than school does. I can’t thank Kyle and Carson enough for putting the effort and I encourage every newbie or MMO skeptics to give Wealthy Affiliate a try, it won’t hurt.
You are certainly not alone in the way that you went about Searching for a legitimate opportunity within the online world. It is hard to come up with an appropriate solution when starting out simply because there are so many scams out there that are willing to take advantage of people.
Wealthy Affiliate is truly different and this is more than apparent and the fact that we offer a free starter membership, that allows people to get started with her business, and allows them to create their very own niche website and access many mentors and experts directly within the community, without ever having to spend a dime.
Is it true “try before you buy” an environment, with only ONE option (Premium) and not all sorts of upsells. We don’t agree with that approach to business, it is shameless and leaves people with a bad taste in their mouths.
There’s a right way and a wrong way to creating a business online. It actually starts with your mentality and approaching it with the reality of what it takes to create a business. Anyone can create a business from any passion or niche that they want, but there is a proper process of doing so and that is what is taught within WA (and all the training, tools, websites, hosting, resources are provided).
Thanks for dropping by leaving your feedback of your experiences not just within the online world, but within Wealthy Affiliate.
Hi,Kyle,would you mind telling about the paid traffic source inside Wealthy Affiliate. Does it mention about Facebook Ads,Bing Ads,Solo Ads or Native Ads
Yes we have lots of training on paid marketing techniques. We do not support solo ads or the idea of them, because in essence you are spamming other people in a very unsolicited and unethical manner.
But we definitely teach legitimate PPC techniques in detail. There are hundreds of resources on this and hours and hours of live classes. These include:
-Google Adwords training
-BingAds training
-Facebook Ads training
And of course with with along with all of these there is going to be associated PPC training on the proper and advanced strategies for successful PPC campaigns. 🙂
Thank you Kyle for sharing this great post about Worthy Affiliate. Since discovering this community, I have learned lots and refuse to go anywhere else. Within 3 weeks I learned how to build my own site (it probably would have been sooner if life didn’t get in the way) and learn SO MUCH information that many of the more expensive programs were offering.
In my opinion, Wealthy Affiliate is THE best!!
Sounds like you’re making some amazing progress Chris! One thing that holds true and has always held true within affiliate marketing world, is it that is always going to be something new to learn. I personally have been at this 15 years full time now and I still learn new stuff each and every day. That’s what makes this so fun and so exciting.
Many thanks for the great review of Wealth Affiliate and I was so lucky to stumble across this great online opportunity.There are so many scams out there at present and sometimes its so hard to decipher which is good and which is not. Like yourself and others, you are doing a lot of people a great service, by alerting the public to the dangers of these untrustworthy sites.
Thanks again and best wishes.
There surely are a lot of products and services out there that DO NOT have their customers best interest in mind (rather filling their pockets with as much money as possible). You see this with overpriced, high ticket affiliate marketing. That is another word for charging you too much so that affiliates can earn higher commissions. Sickening really.
We are truly different at Wealthy Affiliate, we care about people and their ultimate journey online. We want people to be able to do so in the most cost efficient manner and that is why we provide the most comprehensive platform in the affiliate marketing industry for by far, the lowest cost. In face, WA hasn’t raised prices since their inception back in 2005. That should be tell tale as to how we ethically and honestly care about people, not just business.
You pretty much broke down everything about Wealthy Affiliate. I recognize a lot of those people in your review and have gotten help from quite a few of them. Everybody in the community seems willing to help. Love the way Kyle explains everything in the lessons in such detail as well. I feel lucky to have found WA. I knew nothing about building websites before joining and now I am helping others who have questions. Love it!
Hi Kyle
Thanks for the review of wealthy affiliate!
I have been a member of wealthy affiliate about a year and I am absolutely amazed at the training and support that wealthy affiliate has to offer!
At the beginning I knew absolutely nothing about affiliate marketing! I now have 2 websites that I am able to manage and run successfully!
Thanks so much for sharing this review! So many people need to look at this platform before wasting money elsewhere!
Regards Hailey
Thanks for sharing your story and I am so glad that you have had such a great experience in your first year. Wishing you nothing but further success and personal growth with you and your business in the upcoming year. 2018 is surely going to be an exciting one at Wealthy Affiliate!
Hello Kyle,
Wealthy Affiliate indeed looks like a very great community. I can say your review is very thorough. Actually I have been searching online for a legitimate platform to join and to make some regular income. But as you know the internet today is full of scammers who cannot be trusted and people who are looking for ways to con you and leave you frustrated.
As I said, I have been searching for some time now, and finally I found your review on Wealthy Affiliate. I’m so glad I came across your website, and I think now I have found the best platform to start my online business.
In fact I like the idea of building my own website, but I didn’t know just how to do that. Finally I have found the best place to start. I know that as you mentioned, if I ever need help the experienced members within the community will help me. I know the videos as well will be of great help to me.
But my question is, you mentioned about the free starter membership and the Premium membership, please which of the two will you recommend for me?
I will be happy to hear from you. Thanks
There are definitely a lot of scams out there, but in saying this there’re also a lot of legitimate products and services that truly want to help you build a business online. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely one of those. Building a website has never become more efficient and using this software and the website creation suite at Wealthy Affiliate (SiteRubix) you have access to tools and website features not offered anywhere else in the world.
In respect to your question. I recommend every single person joins as a free member before they even consider spending any money online. That is why we have our starter membership. If we cannot prove that we are everything that you need, then ultimately you’re not going to be out any money. We truly put our best foot forward and show people to sort of service and experience they can expect from the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
Then if someone ever want to go premium, They can do so. Premium is the most comprehensive and advanced technology platform in the affiliate marketing space. The community is very helpful and the average time in which it takes to get help is under five minutes. If you’re looking to create, grow and manage a business of any size online then the only platform that you’re going to need. Not to mention that it is the most cost efficient as well.
Hi Kyle,
I really enjoyed your article “Wealthy Affiliate Review, My Unique Take”. I love your inside view of Wealthy Affiliate. Since you are the founder and owner of Wealthy Affiliate, you do have a unique view of Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve been a member for a while now and follow you on all of your social media as well.
I love Wealthy Affiliate and the community you created with Carson all those years ago. I bet you guys couldn’t have imagined what your idea has grown into today. Keep up the great work you guys are doing. Thanks again for all you guys do.
One more thing. I love your tech guys. They always help me out and fix any issue I have within an hour usually. Those guys do an awesome job!
You are absolutely right, we couldn’t have imagined where our initial “keyword list” site (which is what Wealthy Affiliate was when it started out back in 2005) could have evolved to. We took the approach in this business that if we can help people, we can build a business doing so.
As the years have passes, we have found new ways to help people, to make business owners lives more efficient online, and to create more success for the members here at WA. We built this into our platform through training, through technology, and through the help/mentorship side of things.
So glad your experience with SiteSupport has been wonderful as well. Unlike other ‘hosting support’, which is usually a help desk of people with little technical skills, you are getting direct access to very experienced server admins at Wealthy Affiliate and that is why the support it so direct, efficient, and useful.
It is an honor to review your site as i move along in this program. I cant really add anything to all the positive comments here, but your site is almost as professional as it gets and I have found this journey so far to be very informative and useful. Thank you so much for your help.
Appreciate the feedback and I am really glad you are enjoying your experience at Wealthy Affiliate!
Gotta say thanks for everything you’ve taught on the Wealthy Affiliate programme K Dawg!
I’m finally earning money online, admittedly it may only be pennies at present but thankfully i’ve now learnt the process so all that needs to be done it to repeat and scale the process in order to earn more income.
Thanks again, and i highly recommend people to sign up to WA as it’s totally legit!
Keep up the awesome work bro!
That is great to hear and all substantial and highly successful online businesses start with a foundation, they start with earning pennies (figuratively) before dollars, and once you get the formula down for building your business online, which it sounds like you have, it becomes just a matter of scaling your business.
Keep up the great work and thanks for your personal review of Wealthy Affiliate. I know it is going to offer a lot of insight for my readers, folks who have likely tried many things online without much success.
It’s amazing how you manage to respond to every single new comers at Wealthy Affiliate in an hour, but is it really you? just curious
Yes, it is really me! lol
I am present and helping folks throughout the day at Wealthy Affiliate every day. That is what we built WA off of and that is the sort of personal interaction that we are going to show folks moving forward. We are 100% committed to all members within Wealthy Affiliate and all the decisions we make about the community and platform are not about “more money”, they are about what can best help our audience and serve them best.
That is the very reason why we have already rolled out MANY significant platforms and improvements this year and we will be rolling out some industry leading innovations and platforms in the affiliate marketing space through the rest of the year and into 2018. Exciting times!
Hi Kyle, After a couple of false starts, I have finally decided to hunker down and follow the Affiliate Training Programme step by step, instead of trying to skip lessons. This time, it’s all making sense and falling into place. I’m only on Phase 2 of the Bootcamp training but very proud of what I’ve achieved on my website so far. I can’t wait to wake up in the mornings and continue my training. I can’t waste any more time – I’m almost 76 already! Thanks for your wonderful review. I ‘tuned in’ to yours, to see what mine should look like!
Is there any way I can privately contact or email you? I just have a few questions to ask before I join. Thanks a lot
Sure, you can drop me an email at:
If you have any questions about WA or the service before you join. You can also set-up a completely free Starter account, which I recommend you do because there is ZERO obligation at all to spend any money and I can promise you that the free service at Wealthy Affiliate offers more than ANY other paid service in the industry.
Is there anyway I can privately message you or send you an email? I have some questions before I join
Sure, you can email me at:
And I will be more than happy to help you out Steve. 🙂
Hands down this is the best way to build your online business. There is infinite support and help and the training is A+! Thanks Kyle for giving me such an opportunity:) Like many other my only regret is that I didn’t join sooner- especially since I used to have more time than I do now. However, I’m so happy that at least I discovered it when I did!
Time to look forward, it is all about your future now Hollie. There are many things that have become our focus over the years at Wealthy Affiliate, obviously the community and the people within it are the utmost focus, but the way people can get support and how they can efficiently interact is a big part of WA.
The goal is to get EVERYONE support, regardless of their question in under 1 minute. That is ambitious and we are getting close to this point and I know it is something that we are going to be able to achieve by the end of the year, this year.
Hi Kyle.
Very nice, comprehensive, and easy reading review of Wealthy Affiliate. If I weren’t already a member, I would probably join after reading this review. 🙂
I think so many people just assume that Wealthy Affiliate is a scam, and they don’t take the time to research and find out everything the platform has to offer.
Thanks for this review. It will help people understand how much Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. There is such a wealth of training available. I don’t think I will live long enough to take it all in. I love Wealthy Affiliate!
People have the tendency to think everything is a scam in the affiliate marketing/internet marketing/online business worlds. The problem is that there are actually a lot of scams out there and once you become jaded and get ripped off once or twice, you put everything into the same bucket.
That is the reason we offer a completely free Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate so people can try, before they even consider buying. We don’t want people spending money online on ANYTHING without doing proper research and due diligence, and what better way than being able to try something for free.
Within the free Starter membership alone there are 1,000’s of resources available, people get two free websites, and by Lesson 4 alone in the Getting Started training they are going to have their own “revenue ready” niche website up and running.
Hey Kyle, first of all thanks for this great, interesting and very informative review of wealthy affiliate. I have been a member of wealthy affiliate for a few months now and I have to say that I am enjoying it very much. Just like you said the community is amazing and very helpful. Wealthy affiliate really is for everybody. I actually still am a student and nevertheless I love WA.
So glad you are enjoying the community at WA! Believe it or not, you should NEVER stop being a student. I have been at this 15 years full time now and I am still very much a student, the day you stop learning, is the day you stop progressing.
You need to know such a tiny fraction of what there is to know online to be very successful, but through time you can truly start to expand your skillset and your knowledge set which will allow you to scale your business to new heights. You are doing great, keep at it!
When you are given so much for free you can only imagine what you’ll get once you are a paying member (Premium). I’m a premium member and have been for over two months now and it’s the answer. So much more on offer. Where as the free membership is Good – no doubt about that, the Premium is Very Good !
The WA is a great community and the experienced “players” are very giving with their advise and expertise. A huge plus ! No need ever to be stuck. Simply need to ask.
And WA is definitely not a scam. Where would you get a scam where you have thousands of happy people out there.
With Time + Effort + Perseverance, you will get there. There will always be those who find a reason to give up, but I just have that feeling that if we are prepared to put the time and effort into, WA it will pay dividends.
I actually compare it to the Professional Tennis Circuit.
Kyle and the other top “players” are the Federers and Nadals and I am trying my utmost to break in to the top 1000. I have what it takes but need to improve my skills. How do I improve my skills. By learning from the guys who are better than me right now. Asking for their help and guidance.
With the right mindset and a willingness to put in the training, we can succeed.
To learn the road ahead, ask those coming back. There are LOTS of folks coming back and that understand the process of building a business online and successful businesses at that within Wealthy Affiliate. These same folks are more than willing to help, myself included.
This camaraderie and this community aspect is just one of the MANY benefits of being a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I am really glad you are getting to experience this Roy.
I also love your formula, most people simply cut themselves short when it comes to the time it takes to succeed. If you are only willing to give your business a month to take shape, one will never realize success. If you take what you learn at WA and apply it, along side giving yourself enough time to see your business take shape, it can and will happen!
I really enjoyed reading your Review of Wealthy Affiliate. I like the fact that it is all about helping others, to let people reach their dreams.
I wasn’t really sure what I was getting into when i first joined. But after 6 months now, i am so glad i have joined. Trying out the ‘platform for a month’ was my initial aim, but i found that it has so much to offer.
Besides the Courses, the ability to learn from other members, and ask for help from an experienced member, is what sold me.
I am very happy now, and look forward to writing more success posts. Keep it up!
So glad you gave Wealthy Affiliate a shot Greg. It can be tough to determine the “good” from the “bad” out there as there are so many companies claiming to be the best thing since sliced bread, and worse yet, INSTANT riches.
That is not the reality and this is the reason why we offer the completely free, yet very powerful Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate. People can try before they even consider pulling out their credit card, build a website, get rolling with their niche/business, and interact with myself and 100,000’s of other within the community.
Thanks Kyle for your great affiliate training program. Without this program, I would have absolutely zero knowledge about affiliate marketing or any other way to make money online for that matter.
I have been a proud member for about 4 months now and I have learned so much about marketing/advertising just by giving it a try and following the training. Thanks again!
Wonderful to have you as part of the family at Wealthy Affiliate and thanks for your feedback Gabe. At four months into your journey, you have definitely acquired a lot of knowledge already, but moving forward you are going to truly start to see your business take shape.
For me, when I started out back in 2002, it was around the 4 month mark in my affiliate marketing journey that I really started to have some break-throughs, some of my first sales, and saw just how “real” this opportunity was.
What a great overview of what Wealthy Affiliate program is all about. I never thought that I would be building my own website with a support of a wonderful community….but I am doing it now. I love it. I just posted my first few product links and now I hope to get some sales. Building my website busted my confidence. I know that I still have a ton of work to do but I enjoy the process. I wouldn’t be able to do any of it if it wasn’t for the your awesome certification courses, help of the tech support department team and of course the WA community. Thank you for creating this opportunity for all of us out there.