I am Kyle, your personal concierge through the wild west I have come to know as the Internet.
I have been working for myself online for the last 11 years…it dates back to 2002 when I was going to college for computer science. I spent all of my extra time (the little I had), learning how to use this Internet thing to earn money online.
I had no experience.
I had no help.
“But there is one thing I did have, a DREAM.”
I knew others were making money in the online world and I wanted oh so bad to figure out how they were doing it.
I mean seriously, what could someone do that I couldn’t. I am a hard worker and I see people all over the world and in magazines that have the same story as me. I was just starting my story though…
Then I got to work. This is what my next 6 months looked like online.
MONTH 1: Borrowed my girlfriends credit card with a $5/day budget to start a PPC campaign. I made $70 (I think) gross, spent a ton of time, but didn’t quite end up turning a profit.
MONTH 2: About the same. I knew it was going to work though. When you have millions of people buying stuff online and 10,000’s of companies begging for people to help them promote their products, you have a business!!
MONTH 3-5: Figuring out the process. I managed to start turning a profit. I spent tireless hours building
MONTH 6: I hit the $10,000 in a month mark. I was going to school each and every day knowing that I was making more money while I was a student than my professors teach my class. That was a pretty cool feeling.
MONTH 12: I was nearing the full time mark. I was making consistent revenue and I felt comfortable “going full time” at this online thing. I haven’t looked back since!
Step forward 11 years later, I have seen it all.
I have experienced a lot within the online world…and I have had the luxury over the years to help 10,000’s of folks succeed online through Wealthy Affiliate, my social entrepreneur hangout.
If you would like to join me within Wealthy Affiliate, you can register here to create your free Starter membership. This is where I network with others and offer my help each and every day to people like yourself.
I work hard, but I have a life that I control, I enjoy, and that I get to spend the way I want. In my spare time you will find me:
(1) Travelling (whenever I can!)
(2) Spending time with my family.
(3) Playing sports, primarily basketball. I am a huge Steve Nash fan.
(4) Exercising.
(5) Thumbing around my iPad reading the latest technology gossip.
That is my life. Simple, but at the same time exciting. I work from home each and every day and the entire goal of my site here is to help you do the same (and to avoid the truck loads of scams).
Again, I am Kyle. Wonderful to meet you and if you feel free to contact me if you ever need anything. Drop me a comment below or you can always get in touch with me via WealthyAffiliate.com (here is a link to my profile).
Your friend,
Hey Kyle! I really enjoyed reading my way through your website, I learned a thing or two. 7 weeks ago I went on medical leave from my current full time “JOB!” About that same time, I stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate searching for online opportunities, took the 7 day trial then signed up for the premium membership, which I’m very glad I did because it has given me a foundation to build upon while being off work to build a better income & lifestyle for my wife & I.
Awesome Rick, I am glad to took up the Starter membership (it is not a trial by the way, it is a lifetime membership and it is free). Congrats on going premium and I really do look forward to working with you and seeing your website evolve as you do move forward.
Thanks Kyle, that’s all I’ve got to say (with tears in my eyes) Wealthy Affiliate gave me a platform to live my dreams!
That is so wonderful to hear and thanks for dropping by. Know that you can get in touch with me here on my website or within WA if you ever need a hand with anything at all moving forward.
Hi Kyle, I have built a successful profitable harmonica website through the education from your training course. Now it’s time to build a website that promotes Wealthy Affiliate that I believe in 100% and want to share that with other people. Your About Me page is Awesome!
Have a blessed day!
So wonderful to hear about your success with your harmonica site. It is always much easier to “scale” an existing business than to start something brand new, but now that you have your formula down within one niche you are definitely going to be able to diversify and make your presence felt within many different niches.
Keep me updated with your progress moving forward, it would be awesome to have you down in Vegas for our Super Affiliate conference one of these upcoming years.
Hi Kyle
The picture you had take with the Tigers was it in the Northern part of Thailand
I had a similar experience getting papped with the tigers myself in a place called Kanchanaburi while doing a River Kwai Tour. Cool experience
Yeah, that was at the Tiger Kingdom in Chiang Mai. I was actually incredibly allergic to tigers as I am allergic to all felines apparently. Loved Thailand, lovely place, awesome food, wonderful people!
The food is out of this world. I enjoyed it so much when I was there I took part in a cooking course that was being run by my Guesthouse in Chiang Mai.
They helped me make enough food to last me 3 days LOL
Amazing place and one everyone should visit
Sounds like some healthy and delicious leftovers. I will definitely be back to Chiang Mai one day, one of my favourite places for food in all of the world!
I was just reading over your about me. I’m trying to get my approach together. Kyle, I think you’re doing great thing’s here on WA. I’m glad to be apart. You’re talking with someone who has had many overloads along the way. I guess it was timeout for a while. I’m back. I’m ready to work through the process in a way I’ve never done before. It’s ALWAYS been very fast paced with other’s. I’m glad I can take my time, and not worry about being under so much pressure.
You definitely are not alone, too many people are in a state of being overwhelmed because of the sheer amount of information there is out there. Unfortunately a great deal of this information is “misinformation” which can prolong the process of building a business online and success as you don’t really know the good from the bad.
I am really glad you have found WA and I know you are going to love your experience there.