I am Kyle, your personal concierge through the wild west I have come to know as the Internet.
I have been working for myself online for the last 11 years…it dates back to 2002 when I was going to college for computer science. I spent all of my extra time (the little I had), learning how to use this Internet thing to earn money online.
I had no experience.
I had no help.
“But there is one thing I did have, a DREAM.”
I knew others were making money in the online world and I wanted oh so bad to figure out how they were doing it.
I mean seriously, what could someone do that I couldn’t. I am a hard worker and I see people all over the world and in magazines that have the same story as me. I was just starting my story though…
Then I got to work. This is what my next 6 months looked like online.
MONTH 1: Borrowed my girlfriends credit card with a $5/day budget to start a PPC campaign. I made $70 (I think) gross, spent a ton of time, but didn’t quite end up turning a profit.
MONTH 2: About the same. I knew it was going to work though. When you have millions of people buying stuff online and 10,000’s of companies begging for people to help them promote their products, you have a business!!
MONTH 3-5: Figuring out the process. I managed to start turning a profit. I spent tireless hours building
MONTH 6: I hit the $10,000 in a month mark. I was going to school each and every day knowing that I was making more money while I was a student than my professors teach my class. That was a pretty cool feeling.
MONTH 12: I was nearing the full time mark. I was making consistent revenue and I felt comfortable “going full time” at this online thing. I haven’t looked back since!
Step forward 11 years later, I have seen it all.
I have experienced a lot within the online world…and I have had the luxury over the years to help 10,000’s of folks succeed online through Wealthy Affiliate, my social entrepreneur hangout.
If you would like to join me within Wealthy Affiliate, you can register here to create your free Starter membership. This is where I network with others and offer my help each and every day to people like yourself.
I work hard, but I have a life that I control, I enjoy, and that I get to spend the way I want. In my spare time you will find me:
(1) Travelling (whenever I can!)
(2) Spending time with my family.
(3) Playing sports, primarily basketball. I am a huge Steve Nash fan.
(4) Exercising.
(5) Thumbing around my iPad reading the latest technology gossip.
That is my life. Simple, but at the same time exciting. I work from home each and every day and the entire goal of my site here is to help you do the same (and to avoid the truck loads of scams).
Again, I am Kyle. Wonderful to meet you and if you feel free to contact me if you ever need anything. Drop me a comment below or you can always get in touch with me via WealthyAffiliate.com (here is a link to my profile).
Your friend,
Hi Kyle,
Is there anyway I could send you a private email?
Sure, if you need to email me privately you can do so at:
I just have to say THANK YOU! I’m currently unable to go premium on WA, but looking forward to it. I am still gaining knowledge from the wealth there, and building my very new beginners website. You’re an inspiration 🙂
Your very welcome Crystal, it is wonderful to have you as apart of the family at Wealthy Affiliate. No worries on Premium, you have to do what makes the most sense to you and your situation. When the time is right, you can upgrade at any time. Keep learning, keep taking action and you will have a bright future ahead of yourself.
I love the tiger!
I’ve been here for a while now (talking about the last few days – making a break here and there to take some rest and go right back to work). This is how much I love the WA platform and believe that if you could do it, I can do it too 😉 And the deal is, as much as I hang out in front of my lap-top as much result I in my creation I see. That’s such a gift! Like pay as you go – here is – Earn as you learn 😉
Thanks Kyle 🙂
In hindsight, I am not sure if it is something that I would do again. And being allergic to cats, you would not believe how sensitive I was to tigers. I couldn’t stop sneezing around them.
I am really glad to have you as part of the WA family and it is nice to hear you are enjoying things so thoroughly. If you are hanging out in front of a laptop so much, there is no better place to be than at Wealthy Affiliate and building a business online.
HI Kyle was that review on MLSP taken down? I wished I could read it. I would love to know if I can just use WA to grow my MLM Business? I am not sure since this is my first time having a Busienss of this sort. Could you advise?
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate can absolutely help you with your MLM business. The focus should not be on the product ever, that is the problem with most people in MLM. It should be building an audience and yourself out as an authority with the space. That is how you build a long term business online and we are going to be walking you through the proper process at WA.
You sir, are an inspiration! I have been part of Wealthy Affiliate for only about a week now, and I am loving it! So much support, I can’t go wrong as long as I put forth time and effort. Many blessings to you!
Thanks for your kind words Krista and I am so glad you are enjoying your experience at WA.
Hi, Thanks for the review of MLSPro – very helpful – I see that your wealthy affiliates site is 98 out of 100 – what is 99 and 100? Cant find this references in google – did you ever write those pages up if there even are any above your own product? Would be interested to combine WA with one or both of them
No product is perfect, there is no product in the world that deserves 100/100. I can tell you though that if you do decide to check out Wealthy Affiliate and try the Starter membership (which is completely free) you will be thoroughly impressed. I will be there to directly help you every step of the way through the process of building a business as well.
Wealthy Affiliate has inspired me as of late. I’ve been in the digital marketing realm for a few years now but a lot of the courses I’ve taken online, none of them compare to the helpful community at Wealthy Affiliate. Cheers, man!
So glad you are enjoying the platform & the community Drew. Our goal is consistent as we move forward, to help people and I think you are only going to see more and more evidence of this through 2016 as we continue to innovate, evolve, educate, and build onto the existing community at Wealthy Affiliate. See you inside!
Haha, Kyle…
Maybe: air, food, and/or water would deserve 100/100? Thank goodness air is free…at least for now, right?
Haha, even air quality isn’t perfect, nor is water. Never is.
Nothing is 100/100 in this world, if companies ever feel their product is they usually aren’t around for long as they are not constantly pushing to improve their product/service for their customers.
Kyle good advice on FTC. I got hooked up with a scam out of Florida. Won’t go into details but they were going to settle a discover card debt I had. I finally figured out I was going to pay them 1000 dollars more than I owed. Contacted Kansas attorney general, he contacted FTC. Within 2 weeks I had my money back.
Whew, glad to hear everything was sorted out for you James. There are definitely too many scams that are going around like this.
Do a review on Google Sniper
There’s 0.2, 0.3, Sniper X, and not sure what else. Thank You
Thanks for the suggestion Demetrius, I have actually received a lot of complaints about this product so it is definitely on my list of reviews that will be coming.
Kyle, please can you perhaps advise how exactly I can get justice against the Six Figure Mentors scam artists? Long story very short. I’ve lost hundreds of thousands to these scamsters and all I want now is to get a refund. Can you perhaps advise here?
So sorry to hear about this Sharief, unfortunately there are some epic scams on the Internet and the best thing you can do if you have lost thousands to this scheme is to contact the FTC and report this scam…and also your credit card company/bank and see if you can get a refund here. I hope you can get some of your money back.
I’m in the early bootcamp lessons of Wealthy Affiliate and really enjoying the training. Your story is indeed an inspiration.
Thanks for paving the way for the rest of us.
So glad you are enjoying the training Gary, it only gets better as you see your business take shape!
Hey Kyle:
Want to ask you if you’ve heard of Anik and the Profit Academy? What are your thoughts, is it legitimate? The guy advertises making profits in the millions, and $100 within 90 days. What do you think?
It has all the same qualities of any scam online. Check out my page on “avoiding scams” here to get more information.
The product is vastly overpriced as well. Save your time, save your money and take advantage of legit online programs that will actually help you out and do so in a much more cost efficient way.
Hi Kyle. . .I think I found your website just in time! I am interested in the Binary Options because it gives you immediate success if you find a good legitimate one.
How does your WA provide me with a strong potential to make a minimum of $500 per month. . . is this actually possible within the next 90 days? I am a complete newbie and have no clue what I should do. Will WA provide me with something that will energize this for me or do I have to watch hundreds of videos and listen to numerous webinars to start to understand how to make money on the internet. . . .
Thanks for all the time you spend helping us newbies!!!-
If you are looking for immediate success, don’t go into business and you might want to consider either the lottery or “option” trading, comparable ventures. If you are looking to create a long term business in any niche that you like, then Wealthy Affiliate can definitely help you out. Success in 90 days is possible, but realistically this is the foundation building stage for any business that will set you up for much bigger success. $500 per month is possible online, in fact, anything is possible…$10K, $20K, $100K per month.
It is a matter of getting your formula down (which we teach at WA) and then scaling that. If you are willing to work hard and be a little persistence, then the sky is the limit. If you are looking to get rich quick, you are going to be looking for a long time (and it is not likely to ever happen).
Hey Kyle, I absolutely enjoyed your about me page, real motivating!. I’m currently a member of wealthy affiliate and am fully enjoying it. I was just wondering when you first started, did you have only one website or many different websites in variety of niches before making consistent revenue. Thanks
It all starts with one website, creating success within that one website. It is a misconception that you need to be within a bunch of different niches to create a successful business online, quite the opposite. It is best to become great at one thing (within one niche) and once you have the formula for success down, then you can diversify. That is what we teach at Wealthy Affiliate and it goes for absolutely every niche.
I look forward to working with you Nathan.
Good day to you, Kyle! Do you mind to tell me that how do you hit $10,000 start from month 3 to month 6? Are you using PPC?
From month 3-6? Everyone achieves success at different rates. For me my very first sale was around the 3 month mark (working my butt off), but around the 6 month mark I was making consistent income…and just after the year mark I was almost full time. Your journey will look differently than mine, but I would personally suggestion that you should be thinking 10K/mth within the first 6 months, but it can and absolutely will happen (and so so with consistent) if you work hard at it.
Hey Kyle – your scam reviews are brilliant. Thank you.
Glad you enjoy them Duncan, if there is one thing that has been a consistent within the online world over my 13 years online, is that there are MANY scams and will always be scams out there that are continuing to take advantage of unsuspecting folks. It is my job to bring the reality of these programs to others before they get taken for their hard earned money.
10,000 bucks in one Month!!! and only 6 months in!! AHHHH I would love to make that!
Wasn’t 100% profit at this point, I did start my journey into the PPC world. It was just over the year mark that I was able to consider quitting my job and going full time. 13 years later (started in 2002) I am still at it and loving every minute of it.
One thing that should be encouraging to anyone looking to create a business online is that I started with ZERO experience. With some hard work, dedication, and consistent learning and action, I was able to achieve success…and I know the same will be said for you as well Andrea!
Hey Kyle, How your trip in Thailand? I live in Bangkok. If you come here again next time. Can i join you…? ✌️
Trip to Thailand was wonderful, people there are awesome, food is great, and got to see many different parts…from the beaches in Koh Samui to the Nothern area of Chiang Mai. 🙂 Awesome country you live in Suntiwat!
Hi Kyle, I found your opinion on your choice of the best online opportunity,and you said wealthy affiliate. Am i right in saying that you are the co owner of wealthy affiliate, if that is the case you of course will say how good it is, can you please let me know.
Yes Mark, I am co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate and definitely proud to say that. We have been working with folks since 2005 helping them create business online and if you do your research online, whether it is through this site or other sites online, you will see that Wealthy Affiliate gets very good reviews. There is a reason for this.
We make decisions based on helping people, not making more money (like what happens with pretty much every other company in this industry). Although we have invested millions per year into our platform and evolving WA to remain the leader in the affiliate marketing training world, we have not raised our prices in 9 years. That should be evident as to where our ethics are and how much we are focused on creating something special for folks that are truly willing to create a business online.
We would love to have you as part of the community at WA, it is free to get rolling and I know that as soon as you step foot inside of WA you will see that we are different. Thanks for stopping by!
They have just lowered their subscriptions for premium members also. So their intent “really” isn’t to get extra money but to sincerely help others.
Our intent has and always will be to help people. That is what our decisions are based off of at Wealthy Affiliate and if it was all about the money, we would have raised our prices in the 10 years we have been in business (and we spend millions annually to improve our services). We haven’t. We will continue focusing our the family inside of WA and continue evolving and improving the community to stay ahead of the curve.
I have been with WA for less than a month now and I have to agree that it is very different to all the other affiliate marketing companies that I have been involved with. These have turned out to be all scams, at every step asking one to pay yet some money. I just thank God for WA!
Thanks for your feedback and I am so glad that you are enjoying your experience at Wealthy Affiliate. Great to have you as part of the family!
Your website took me away and saved me from Empower Network. I love WA!
So glad you are enjoying WA Anna!
Hi Kyle,
I am looking to get into PPC campaigns, but have heard they are very expensive if not done properly. Do you have any advice/tips before I get started?
My suggestion is to “learn” your market before you get into the PPC world. The best way to do this is to get some good SEO campaigns going, interact with your audience, get traffic, understand conversions and do so using free techniques then transfer your knowledge and audience understanding over to the PPC world. It will be much more natural that way.
hey kyle, i am writing from mexico, i would like to start learning business online with WA, but i don’t have a niche or passion to work on, my question,
do you think that it is possible to earn a decent income promoting WA in latinamerica? I mean, learning and writing content in spanish knowing that most of people in latin america don’t speak english…. do you know some one who have accomplished something like that? i would to earn at least 5 k per month, i have all the desire and now i have plenty of time during day time, i quit my job last year and started a little business that give me enough money to keep going and specially gives me the enough time to work in something like WA and put all my effort… thank you!!
You just need to understand that WA is an English only service. If you are promoting WA, the audience is going to need to be able to understand English at the very least. Within WA though, you can create a niche website in any language you like. You are not obligated to create English websites and we have many folks within Wealthy Affiliate that are full time and very successful in pretty much every language that you can imagine.
Hi Kyle,
Just wanted to get you thoughts on web address endings?
.info for a home based business?
Just signed up for WA yesterday.
Thanks – Jim
I would never suggest a .info. They don’t rank very well and they are not all that brandable. I always get either a .com (preference) or a .org when building a website. It will lead to much more success.
PS. If you have any questions going forward, please let me know inside WA and I will be more than happy to help you out Jim.
Hi Kyle
Seen this program https://en.neurs.com/
A member in chat asked about it and Carson reflected that it was a Scam.
As curiosity prevails I checked it out and it has a catchy sales tactic (not revealing what it is until you register).
Maybe one to add to your Scam review.
Thanks for posting this Colin, I will definitely investigate this program and offer people insight into what is going on over there.
Kyle i just go envolved with empower network and after i read your posts i am reconsidering to back off.
Hola amigo Kyle, am curious about your header image. Did you have that done professionally? Or was it something you did yourself?? I think it looks pretty sweet-like!
Hey Tim, this is done quite easily using a free online “text” graphic creator. I have created a tutorial within WA on how to do this:
Check that out, it will walk you through the exact process.
Hi Kyle I have not had a chance to visit your website as yet. I have read letters with questions and answers you posted on your page. I find them to be honest and sincere which is something that is missing in the business community today and especially in the on line community.
You made an evaluation of the Zillo MLM business. Something similar has shown up on line that my friend is asking me to get involved with “It sound too good to be true” they say it is different from zillo. Is it really
I haven’t heard of Zilo MLM, but I can tell you that these ponzi type “opportunity” programs are popping up left and right. One of the bigger in recent memory is the Zeek Rewards scam and it was actually taken out by authorities because it was deemed a ponzi (swindled over 400 MILLION from folks). These same folks promoting programs like this have moved onto other programs, many of which have ended up within some of the more “popular” programs.
I can tell you that if you are looking to create something of substance online, there is no other place that you need than Wealthy Affiliate. It will take you from an absolute newbie to creating a business online. All the training, websites, tools, resources, support, community, and mentoring is included..and you can get rolling for free via the Starter membership.
Hi Kyle,
from the 1st moment I liked the energy of your Website (it is not full of flashy promises, bells and whistles). Everything is nicely explained and your videos can hold attention because they are mostly under 15 min. Really, so far so great. One major advantage is that any newbie can understand, you don’t need to have a background in internet marketing to get this. Soooo, thank you! I will do this step by step. I just KNOW that I can reach my goal, and that is $ 10.000 per month income, which is ONLY $ 333 per day. Freedom, here I come! Kyle, see you when I get there : )
Totally…100% believe in you Valentina. To be honest, when I started out I was quite sure what was possible. My goals were like yours, ambitious to many but on the net you are dealing with billions of people actively looking for things, for help, and for solutions to their problems. $333 per day is more than doable and I think as you move forward through the training at WA, you are going to see all these pieces starting to fit together.
Kyle, you are a real leader, you inspire people. I wish I was able to print some of your blog pages so as to share them with some of my potential referrals some of whom don’t have computers as yet. I now know that I have work to do and feel very confident that as soon as my website is up to standard and feel proud to share it, that will be the beginning of my crusade to teach and share my experience with many people. Keep up the excellent work.
Thanks for the kind words Joe. You can feel free to share any of the content on my site with folks that you think would benefit from the education. I am honestly here to help and available to anyone that needs a hand and I am really glad you found WA. It truly is going to take you from a pure beginner position to an expert…it is just a matter of time. I look forward to working with you!
Hi Kyle! This is my first week here at Wealthy Affiliate. You and Carson have done an awesome job at building a business to help people. I’m extremely excited to be here!! 🙂
Awesome Jen, I am really glad you are enjoying yourself at WA. Wonderful to have you as part of the community at WA and I do look forward to working with you!
I just barely started using Wealthy Affiliates and I am so impressed! I honestly thought I was registering to yet another site that I would dedicate hours to and end up with nothing in return. I haven’t even made it through the getting started lessons yet and I’m already so excited about this. I really feel like your site might help me actually change my life. So thank you!
Awesome Jess, I am glad you are enjoying Wealthy Affiliate!
I read your review of Empower network. I joined MLSP over a year ago. It seems that all my sponsors form that site are selling “get rich quick the easy way” guru products. Is Wealth Affiliates
a MLM? Is it the same as Affilorama OR IS IT BETTER. Looking for a honest business opportunity not a MLM scam……Gerry
We are unlike anything you have tried. WA is the equivalent to going to school, getting an education, having all the tools you need to succeed, having direct access to all of the experts in the business, and having a community behind you. We are not an MLM there is no levels and we teach you how to market within any niche (there is no requirement to promote WA).
I suggest you check it out Gerry, it is free to set-up your Starter account and this includes your Getting Started training, support, two free websites, and much, much MORE. I look forward to working with you and helping you out.
Is Travis Sago still a member? He used to talk about WA all the time!
We were full time online from 2001 until 2012, marketing our own wood products, but things started heading south in 2008 when the Wall street fiasco hit. (We were producing instrument wood in CHilliwack BC, and doing very very well until that happened….our market was 95% USA)
Sold our home and the equipment and bought a hobby horse ranch in the rolling hills of North Easter Alberta. Been dabbling in affiliate marketing, as well as offline marketing ( http://albertabusinessonline.com ), but so far it has just been enough to keep our heads above water, no more than that. Like to take it up a few notches. Keep having to go back to work in the oilfields for short periods of time…..quite a step backwards.
Michael Rytter
Travis is still a member, although not that active within the community. He is working on other projects at the moment.
I am sorry to hear you were hit so hard by the downturn, you are definitely not alone. Many companies struggled during this period and anyone that says they were unaffected completely by this is feeding you a line.
We would love to have you back at WA Michael, I think if it has been any amount of time since you have been there you totally would not recognize it. We have not stopped evolving and innovating the community at WA, and it is truly in the best position it has ever been in (and is a true, highly active community). We can also help you get things turned around and headed in the right direction!
Hope you had a great weekend and if you do make your way back into Wealthy Affiliate, make sure you hit me up via my profile .
Hello Kyle,
Nice to see a face to a name. Love the kitty, mine isn’t as big as yours. Gorgeous animals cats, love em. Free spirited and not a care in the world when properly looked after. A credit to you for all your achievements to date to create a better life for yourself on your own terms.
My name is Ray (Razor) to my friends, please feel free.
You’ve probably heard all the reasons or excuses there is why someone has not been able to create an on-line business and acquire financial independence for themselves. Mine is no exception. I suppose in a nutshell due to my lack of knowledge, experience with computers and ability to trust and believe everything I’m told, as this industry is full of sharks as you have already explained and verified in your writings/reviews. Thank God for review sites like yours. My inbox is inundated daily with scams and fake products promising the earth. Luckily I have the wisdom to ignore them and do research if there is something that takes my interest. If there is nothing to find, then I leave well alone.
I’ve been looking for something to do online that doesn’t involve gambling or forex, doesn’t take forever to learn and apply before seeing some results. Am I dreaming or what lol. From my readings and understanding, it takes roughly 6 months of learning, building, preparing and implementing various tasks online before experiencing any financial results. Please correct me if I’m wrong, or you can help me achieve results quicker.
I am 64 years young, I lost my job over a year ago, savings are dwindling and really do need to get a grip of my situation before it gets desperate. I have basic computer skills, no business building or affiliate experience, don’t have any niche skills to promote and could really do with some expert help & guidance in the right direction to be able to make a living online into my old age, without being in poverty and able to enjoy life and my freedom, take a holiday occasionally and be financially independent. Are you able to oblige Kyle. I would class myself as being of average intelligence and my ability to learn new things to achieve success as being a welcome challenge and stimulating whilst my brain can still function as normal. Look forward to your response and a good kick up the rear to get going and stop dreaming.
Best Regards
Razor, thanks for stopping by. That “kitty” was in Nothern Thailand (Chiang Mai). Was quite the experience and believe it or not I was really allergic to the cats (just like regular cats).
Anyways, in regards to the crazy Internet business, I can feel your pain in respect to ALL of the distractions out there. There are literally 1,000’s of low end products that will not help you achieve success, rather just suck you dry of your money. That is why I created this site and that is why Carson and I created Wealthy Affiliate back in 2005…to help people earn money the right way, the ethical way, and the way that will lead to a long term business.
It doesn’t take 6 months to reach your first success, it can be done much quicker. In fact, it took my 2 months working at this to achieve success and by month 6, I was doing quite well. The work you invest now pays off later, unlike a job where you are working for a wage. You can get your foundation up and running within WA very quickly and get your site rolling along nicely. I highly recommend that you join via the free Starter membership and check it out, I know I can help you out and I look forward to working with you!
Hello Kyle! Im so glad I came across this website to get some more info. I am a single mom with 2 busy daughters, working 40hr+/wk. I have the fear I will get in over my head and not be successful but really have the desire to branch out of the rut and make this happen for me & my girls to have a better future! My fear is to get too involved, not get anywhere, and have missed out on time with my girls! How realistic is this for a motivated single busy mother?
It is very realistic Dawn, assuming that you learn the right techniques. The problem you are going to find within the online world is finding a opportunity that works for you, this can be very daunting with all the garbage programs and shiesters there are out there. That is why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate because not only do I stand behind it and offer support within the community, we teach real business that any motivated person like yourself can truly benefit from.
Any niche you want. You can follow your dream, but within the online world and you can work around your schedule. As you see more and more tangible results you can phase out your existing work. It took me personally about a year to go full time online, but that was 11 years ago now and I haven’t looked back. I do encourage you to get started with the Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate, I know you will absolutely love the community.
I look forward to working with you Dawn!
I like your blog. I am looking to maybe doing something like this to make money online. I do like your reviews of other systems. Have you looked into Instant Payday as well as the Shoe in Money system? Also there is another system called wall street exposed that uses something called “auto binary code” to make money off of stock market trades. Its not a marketing system but I wary of anything these days. Could you also look into Partner with Tom? Thanks
I will definitely be reviewing these products as time goes on Mike. I will save you the trouble of spending your money on these programs though and get you up and running for no cost within the Starter membership at WA. I can sure you the free aspect of WA offers more than any of these systems as you are going to be provided with websites, training, support, and access to ME within the community. I suggest you check it out, you can find it within my Wealthy Affiliate review or here.
Hey kyle there is a business called life vantage or protandim that requires you to pay 680 to join and you can get up to 60000k if you recruit 30 people. I just wanted to ask you what you think about this business.
I would personally stay away from any program like this as it requires you to hustle and recruit 30 more people into the program. This sounds like your typical, low grade run of the mill MLM. I suggest that if you are looking to build a business and do so in a way that is ethical and that will lead to long term success, you check out my walk-through on how the process of making money online works.
Hope this helps you out Emeka.
thanks kyle but how bout if its like a investment and I think I will go with your walk through process. So do I have to make my own website.
Yes, building your own website is ESSENTIAL to creating anything of substance within the online world. By lesson 4 at Wealthy Affiliate (within the training provided within the Starter membership) you are going to have your very own niche website up and running, ready for content and traffic…which will ultimately lead to your revenue stream.
I’d like to know if you’re sp legit why you’re not accredited with the BBB. Their website also says that you all have an F rating. Also On August 1,2012 BBB was informed by your City that you don’t have a business license. What is up with that?
This is exactly why BBB has next to no credibility. We have never focused on BBB, they are a charity of information and the only people that go there are those that have a complaint to submit. They also lack credibility and they try to guilt companies into paying for their low grade service. Personal reviews and getting your own experience of a product is the best way to make a judgement and I highly recommend if you base all of your “ratings” on BBB, you are living in the 90’s.
There are much better mediums (Internet) that you can use to come up with reviews and insight into a product or service. I encourage you to review Wealthy Affiliate and do your own due diligence as I do with everyone.
Out of over 100,000 customers in the last 8 years, we have 3 complaints at Wealthy Affiliate. I would say that a complaint rate of 0.00003% is a pretty good one. 🙂
And yes, or course we have a business license, that is laughable. We have been in business since 2005 with our services at Wealthy Affiliate and we remain the top service in the industry for one simple reason, we care about our customers. You can join the free Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate to see what I am talking about, I know you will be warmly surprised.
Hey kyle there is a business called life vantage or protandim that requires you to pay 680 to join and you can get up to 60000k if you recruit 30 people. I just wanted to ask you what you think about this business.
Whoa, sounds like a typical “pyramid” style MLM scam. If you like hustling and recruiting people into schemes, this may be for you..but if you are looking to create a business, I would avoid this at all measures. Check out the Getting Started button within my menu as that will get you moving in the right direction online.
Show me how to make money online…..am that serious
Hey Ebony,
I can definitely do that, head over here and take action on what you read.
How Does the Process of Making Money Online Work?
Hope this helps you out and I look forward to working with you.
Hi Kyle!
I am Ann from Norway and I have been member in W.A. sinse yesterday..:) As a New beginner I started to read info. and continued to follow the steps.. When I tried to set up the webpage, my username and either not the password was accepted.. error, error, error.. And even worse; I logged out from the whole program (wealthy affiliate) and now I can’t even logg in here.. I have been ‘googling around’try to find you, and at last, yes!! 🙂 I’m not gonna give up, no, but I don’t know how ‘the heck’I can be able to manage to “come inside”..
When I still was inside the program, I went to the chatroom and asked the question why I could not open my New webpage.. and somebody answered me that if I had been to long in one of the info pages,, and I guess yes, because I was curious and I searched all over the place:)
Anyway, I think he told me to delete the whole thing..
What can I do? And why is it like this?
Can you please help me? Hope to hear soon 🙂
All the best,
Hi Ann,
There is a login page for WA here:
If you can’t remember your password, you can click the “Forgot Your Password” link and it will help you recover it. Also, I highly recommend that you visit the Build My Website page if you are looking for your website admin login details.
I see you have been quite active within WA so I am assuming you might have figured this out already. Let me know if you have any further questions or issues.
Sounds like an incredible journey. Working towards making my entire living but I still have a ways to go.
Steve Schellert
Definitely been quite the ride and I have seen the Internet go through many changes over the years. One thing that has always remained constant is the way you create success, it works exactly the same these days although the mediums have evolved (in fact, there are just many more ways to do it). To be successful, you have to be in the business of helping folks and this is done through the content you create. If you can help, you create trust. Trust leads to a customer relationship and revenue.
Thanks for stopping by Steve and I absolutely know that one day you will be very successful online. Keep working at it and if you ever need a hand with anything, I am here!
Hi Kyle,
Hows it going? No doubt you are doing Awesome, how couldn’t you be with massive passive income All while helping So many people as well. I joined WA a few days ago and am right now going through the Affiliate bootcamp, just about to create the content for my 3 pages that you said to create.
I am still feeling Overwhelmed at the moment though. I am a positive guy with a real desire! me and a mate in Italy attended events and seminars and have already decided we are going to be Multi Millionaires and then work on the Billions! 😉
Its really hard to decide exactly where to get started and how to do it.
So its Awesome to have you here to help, just got to make sure I continue to Take action instead of sitting back and watching TV which is definitely a weakness of mine.
One thing is, if So Many people are gonna be promoting the same thing and we all gonna be going into the same Niche, How to make sure we stay in the front and get the traffic we want.
Have you heard of Webfire? I would also like to start being an affiliate of that as well. I have SO Many products I would love to be an affiliate of, One thing I always found to be Real confusing Was Exactly how Hoplinks worked? Originally opened a clickbank account but then that was as far as I got 🙁
Really wanna be super successful at this
Before you think about making millions or billions, you need to first figure out your own formula for success Andrew. It is great to have you these goals, but you need an actionable plan to get there and this is what you are going to be given within Wealthy Affiliate. Keep working through the bootcamp and keep taking action on the training, this is definitely going to move you in the right direction.
When you are working online, you should not be worrying so much about competition. There are BILLIONS of people online, it is very global in nature. Think about all of the successful coffee shops in the world. There are millions of them, the exact same thing can happen online, there can be millions of successful folks within the exact same niche.
Work hard and you can even work as a team with your friend. If you need any help with anything going forward as well, I will be there. Just get in touch with me inside of Wealthy Affiliate and I will be more than happy to help you out!
Hi Kyle, I came across your website while researching EN and I just wanted to thank you for the insight. I don’t know anything about internet marketing; but I am willing to learn. I was very inspired by you following your dream, and I want to accomplish mine as well. I am hoping that Wealthy Affiliate can help me fulfill this dream.
It absolutely can Desiree and I would love to help you get there. I think that you are thoroughly going to enjoy the community at WA and going to make some good progress. Take action on what you learn, set goals, and work to achieve this…oh ya, and ask for help when you need it. Lots of help for you at WA!
I have reviewed WA and I take some time to look around in the website. I really like your community for helping each other. Only a minor problem is that all your videos have no closed captions as I want you to understand that I am Deaf.
Also, I have noticed that all of members, who joined, have similar website as yours. How will that benefit me for having a similar website as others and yours?
I know you are a very nice guy for helping others.
Another concern is that all people who join WA, how will the system help me to profit? Supposed I have a website built and is up running, somebody bought a product from my website, does that mean I also have to order something from other people’s website? Is that how all people profit from each other?
Do I need to write to grab their attention on several pages covering a few different subjects? Or it is just fun for them to read some blogging information? My wife is helping with my stinky English, but my wife is also Deaf.
I am very aware that to earn 10,000 dollars a month within a few years as you indicated on your blog. . .is that because you have tooooooo many websites to promote. The way I see in the “mlm” style, you are at the top because you earn commissions from all those people joining WA under you. What if some people who do not like to read?
I understand how the key word work in the search, but you believe yours is way better. I don’t know what it is called. I think it’s jinx or word that starts with j. How does it work? It spreads all over the google? Do I need to be in video, fb, or tweeter?
Final one comment is that I have to keep up with new customers, just like you keep up in chatting with all kinds of people like me? I like the quote of what you said, “I am real as you are real.”
I have to make sure what you say is true as my quote, “Perfect Planning, Perfect Timing, then Perfect Acquiring.”
That is all for now. Right now I am eating a delicious dinner composed of feta cheese and spinach stuffed steak and roasted garlic potatoes with peachy vanilla tequila. .all prepared by my lovely wife! Take care! Jon
Hey Jon,
Thanks for stopping by. I can definitely help you out here.
WE have both video training and text based training. There is 100’s of resources that are purely text based and 1,000’s of discussions that are text based as well. Just because you cannot listen to videos, there are definitely many alternatives within WA that you can leverage to get all the training you need to get your business up and running and to scale it.
There is room for all of us in the online world. There are 100,000’s of different niches and millions of potential products/services that you can promote as an affiliate. That is just one of the business models that we teach at Wealthy Affiliate and there is room for millions of people to be very successful online. Thinking like you are is like saying “what is the point of getting into business if there are already others in business?”. It is not a rational way of looking at things as there is a lot of opportunity out there.
We teach Internet business, not an MLM. You don’t have to promote WA nor is it set up like an MLM. We teach REAL business online. 😉
The best thing you can do is check out Wealthy Affiliate for yourself and work your way through the Getting Started training Jon. This is where you will be learning all about how the process of online business works and you will be building your website, choosing your niche, building content, getting traffic, and ultimately earning revenue through your efforts.
Hope this helps you out Jon and I look forward to working with you inside of WA.
Hey Kyle
I’ve been with WA for over 3 years and have seen some amazing work from you guys. Forward thinking, staying on top of cutting edge information and WA’s ability to relate to the community is second to none. Keep up the great work!
Mike, thanks for your kind words and it is wonderful to have you part of the awesome community at WA. My promise to you is that we will continue to evolve at WA to keep ahead of the industry and to keep our members ahead of the game. We have lots of awesome stuff coming this year and as we evolve, there are going to be many additional channels for people to succeed.
Hey Kyle,
3rd comment. 😉 Felt like browsing through your website again. Had no idea you were a Basketball and Steve Nash fan. I think I caught you say in the chat once you were gonna be Basketball with Carson or something. I played Football, Track, and then Tennis sort of became my real sport hobby my Junior & Seniors years in high school all while I did Band. I love playing music, but I know that’s sort of different than sports although they play for the Football games.
My high school was a state competitive one, although they were kind of small. What was funny was pretty much all the players were black, so it was known that black players were better Basketball players than the white dudes. This was just my small high school near the Bootheel in Missouri.
I noticed you put “I did have” before you put dream and felt like running up a response. I know it’s possible you just sort of meant to say this for your past goals, but even at where you are with I.M., you can still dream even now. Somebody like you can easily help a lot of people, and you’ve definitely done a great job of doing so thus far. I realize you make regular updates in WA, Street Articles, and a little for Jaaxy; but we both know there’s still room for more possibilities.
I remember when you opened up Street Articles about 2 years ago, you & the WA staff were trying to get everybody to start writing for them. (this was about when I was a newb & starting out). Then 1 year later, you came out with Jaaxy as a totally separate entity than the WA keyword tool, which sort of struck many people as odd; but still understandable. Who knows, you might decide to create a totally separate Internet browser, name it the “WA” browser, and install certain add-on applications that co-exist specifically for that browser.
Then orient that browser towards Internet Marketing related things with the built in search bar, have a main landing page for marketing mainstream, and ofc fix it to where it co-exists with social media applications like Google + big time, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. Then have your WA team regularly make updates on the WA browser to constantly be modernized with today’s online technology. I’ve been doing some research into who Matt is, the creator of WordPress, and it seems to me all the BIG game comes from primarily programming & pushing forward with brand new ideals.
The question will always be: What can you do to improve the internet for others, and what are some ways you can help a broad or small range group of people find what they’re looking for easier? Anyway, I’ll quit jibber jabbing. Thanks again for building WA & helping people on a 1 on 1 level with all of this. Ttyl.
I definitely did have a dream and I worked towards achieving that dream. I still dream. I know that anything is possible with hard work and between WA, Jaaxy and SA…we do have our hands full, but we are not done.
There is one thing that I have never been short of and that is ideas (and I think you can relate). Taking these ideas and creating a tangible service from them is what excites me. There is nothing worse than running a “same same” business and evolution and growing something from scratch becomes the exciting part, not the money.
There is always going to be opportunity online because the audience is massive and there are always going to be ways to help people (new ways and already existing ways).
I’m wearing the same T-Shirt
Awesome, it is the magic shirt. Wear it, take action on it, and things will come true. I also have one that says “future billionaire” that I should pull out and take a photo of. Apparently if you wear it, it comes true!
Your success story is really inspiring. I am moving here and there for more than last 3 years, but till no hope. I spend lots of money. Now I am really frustrated and thinking of leaving the idea of earning money from Internet Marketing. My present feeling is that I cannot get success. Because I build my websites but not getting traffic. As per your advice I have written us several articles and posted to different article directories. Till now I am continuing to do the same. There is no light no hope.
Thanks and regards
I definitely recommend you join at the very least the Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate (it is free). You can do that here.
It sounds like you have had a bit of a tough run online as many people have, but you will definitely get all the help and training you need to turn things around at WA.
Wow! What a powerful testimony, Kyle. I love it and I love your passion for success and helping others like myself. I look forward to growing with Wealthy Affiliate.
Thanks Lorrie, you will get there. It has been fun and I would not trade where I am at now for the world. Anyone can achieve this if they understand the hard work and passion components of success. You have to work hard, but you also need to enjoy what you do. That is when it does not feel like “work”. 🙂
Well done Mister Kyle. I am inspired by you following your dream. I want to accomplish mine as well and so far coming across Wealthy Affiliate has been the luckiest discovery to help me fulfill this yearning. But I am sure there´s more than luck at work here, so I am grateful to finally have found a serious place to learn about creating a business online.
Serendipity at it’s finest. You will achieve your goals if you work hard at this and you have an entire community behind you within Wealthy Affiliate Emma! I look forward to working with you and seeing you progress within the online world.
Hey Kyle;
Cool picture with the baby tiger. I’m tripping all over myself trying to get my first website going, but I know I will do it soon. I’m pumped to find a life of more independence, as you have found. I know very little about internet marketing, but I am giving it my all for the next year (3 year plan to evaluate where I started and where I am 3 years from now).
I’m planning on meeting you, Carson, Jay, and many others in person in Vegas, or maybe sooner if chance provides.
Is it too late for me to pay the 1 year membership rate? Since I’m committed to see you in Vegas, why should I be making monthly payments?
Talk with you soon.
Best regards,
You can most definitely join as a yearly member at Wealthy Affiliate, it is $359 per year (which works out to under $1 per day!).
In regards to your website, I do suggest you watch this video. It is going to help get you moving in the right direction.
As with anything new, there is a learning curve…but I am confident that you are going to get the hang of this. If you need a hand with anything going forward, simply get in touch with me inside of WA and I will be more than happy to give you a hand.