Okay, okay. To many folks, the task of building a website in an hour let alone 30 seconds might seem like a feat similar to the 4 minute mile, however in this quick walk-through I am going to show you this is a reality, I am going to show you how I did it, and how you can do it. I am even going to be providing you with a video walk-through!
First, What is WordPress and Why Choose it?
Let me give you a little back story on my “website” journey. Back when I started out in the online business (…10 years ago now), building a website was highly technical. You basically needed to be a programmer, you needed to have good photoshop skills, and you need a decent computer and expensive software even to create a crappy site. Yes, I use to build some of the ugliest looking sites (in hindsight), but they were very profitable, so it worked out well.
Then along came WordPress, an open-source framework that has a community of millions of people, and 10,000’s of developers. It is by far the most supported and powerful framework for building sites, however, WordPress alone still requires web hosting, FTP, a database and some technical knowledge to install.
It is the best platform, but sometimes it can be a little difficult to install. In fact, even seasoned online marketers and webmasters can have a heck of a time installing WordPress websites. BUT…
…Along came WordPress Express!
Although I went to school for computer science and know how to build and install a WordPress site manually, I don’t enjoy doing it. So back in 2010, we created a website builder and released it within Wealthy Affiliate called WordPress Express. It is probably the most efficient, techie free way to build a website that I have ever used and I actually created this website using it…and did so in less than 30 seconds. It takes all the technical stuff out of it…
- No FTP’ing files
- No setting up databases
- No worrying about DNS or Domain Registrars
- No HTML or PHP
- No photoshop
- No expensive programs to buy
So I guess you are wondering abut this 30 second bit and how to go about building your own site?
Well, I have real, tangible proof that I can do this and that YOU can also accomplish this as well. Simply click on the video below to watch me walk you through the S.I.M.P.L.E. process of installing a WordPress website from scratch. I name it, choose my theme, and install…just watch and you will see!
YOU can get your own niche WordPress website set-up for FREE!
In less than 5 minutes from now I can have you up and running with your very own WordPress website. This includes access to MANY different themes and you can use your website within ANY niche of your choice. You can promote whatever you like on your site AND (here is the kicker), you are going to get access to a community of help and training when you get your site.
It is a two step process:
(1) Create your Starter Wealthy Affiliate account (FREE)
(2) Build your WordPress Website
It is that simple. Another thing that is awesome about these sites is that they are getting awesome rankings in Google. I have just one example that I wanted to share with you, from a member inside of Wealthy Affiliate. In less than a month he was able to get over 4,200 clicks to his website, all natural traffic and all with the free website he created (see proof to the right). Read the story here.
Please do me ONE favor.
I want you to promise me one thing though. Since I helped you get a website up and running, I want you to come back and post your website (free traffic for you) within the comments below. I also want you to share this page with any friends or family members that you know that would also like a WordPress website. Do we have a deal?
And of course, if I wasn’t clear enough with anything in this walk-through, I am here to help. Just post your questions below. 🙂
I took your advise and made a website. It is still new and got some of the pages up. I’m in the process of beefing up the site. And yes, it was easy.
Awesome Anwar, great to hear that you are enjoying the website builder at WA. It really does make life easy to get a WordPress website up and running in a “flash”. I look forward to seeing how your website progresses.
Hi Kyle. Great post. I like the “Video Proof” comment. Will try that myself soon and see how that looks. Do you recommend we leave our website url’s or actual post url’s in the website boxes above? I haven’t done that with WA members because I didn’t want to appear as if I was scamming them.
I like the invitation to come back to your site. I didn’t realize how powerful that was until I read it…will definitely be back. Thanks.
Yeah, you can post your website (which was built using WordPress Exppress). You have successful built website using Wealthy Affiliate so by all means show it and you can share it here if you like. If you have any siterubix.com website that you built at WA Rick, feel free to share them here within the comments.
That story about the siterubix site looks familiar 😉
as a follow-up. I moved the site to an owned domain and started getting 1,000 organic visitors per day. This is the real deal guys!
Yeah, thought you might like that one. You are becoming a traffic mogul before our very eyes. 1,000 clicks per day, ROCK ON MAN. If you had to pay for that traffic within Google, you would be looking at $400-500 per day minimum…and it all started with a free SiteRubix site at WA.
Congrats man, onwwards and WAY upwards!