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  1. Elmira

    Hello Kyle,

    As a former WA member (2+ years ago), I left a reply here a few weeks ago. The goal of my post essentially was to find out if, as a former WA member, I could return and use the free starter membership.

    Immediately after posting my reply, a message appeared that my post was being (I don’t remember the exact terminology) ‘evaluated’ or ‘moderated’. I figured it meant that you guys have to decide whether each post is appropriate before you allow it to be read by others. Absolutely understandable. However, Kyle, I was keenly disappointed when I never heard from you and my post never appeared “in the rankings”.

    As I previously stated in my initial post, I thoroughly enjoyed my WA experience. However, as an unemployed “domestic engineer” and married (add about two children – LOL) mother of five, I decided over two years ago to suspend my membership. Since making that decision, my high demand family commitments have changed (graduated 4 from high school and on to college!), I am better prepared to commit the time that building an online business requires. It would be advantageous, however, to start slowly–delving into the free WA offerings and moving on from there.

    It’s obvious to me that I am locked out of the starter membership option at this time. WA “remembers” my “former” password and current email and only allows me to 1)join at $39 a month or 2)pay the full yearly membership.

    I would have to agree that WA is well worth the $39 per month and have every intention of gaining full access shortly. I am most concerned that no one extended the courtesy of a reply to my post which seems not to have made the “list”; I have no clue why!

    • Kyle

      Hey Elmira,

      You can resubscribe to your old membership if you like or you could register a brand new account (since you have been away for so long), but this would require you to use a new email address as your existing one is already being used at WA.

      If you want to resubscribe, it will reconnect your old account and all the details within it. It will also grant you access to the old price as well! 🙂


      If you want to register for a new account, you can do so through the WA.com website. Do know that if you create a new free account, you will not be able to access the grandfathered pricing from your old account. There are LOTS of new things at WA since you left and the community has changed drastically in the last two years (since you were a member). I know you are going to absolutely love it and I look forward to having you back.



  2. RazorSharp

    Well Kyle, as many have said It’s a good job I’ve found you and WA and your on line community. I was researching EN too. Bye EN hello WA. If I’m honest I’ve been looking for the quick fix too.

    I get scams everyday flooding my in-box, I read/watch them all though in hope of someday finding a genuine way to earn a living online. I Have found none to date and treat those “dramatic start” sales videos with the paid actors, limos, yachts rented mansions, bikini-clad models etc “Yawn” with contempt. I can no longer watch them without feeling utterly stupid to say the least lol.

    I think, now, I know, it’s time to stop all that time wasting and dreaming of the ultimate “quick Fix. I have read every comment and reply from start to finish on your review page and feel that it was time well spent to wake me up to reality and finally face the fact that I’m never going to find a genuine “Get Rich Quick” scheme in my in-box. Research has been invaluable many times into some of these “scams”. How are they able to get away with it day in day out though.

    With Clickbank & Clicksure behind them, promoting their affiliate programmes for these “product launches”, I personally don’t understand it. I am a complete newbie in every respect and having read as such from others here, your reassurance that it is not a problem Is enough for me too. I must resign myself to the fact that if I want to start my own online business then it has to be the “with help” way and with WA lol, it just turned out that way Kyle.

    Thanks a million for your obvious passion in WA and your commitment to helping others achieve their goals as you clearly have. A credit to you. I am in the UK by the way, is that a problem. Much appreciated Ray

    • Kyle

      The circle of scams only continues because there are people falling for the scams. My goal is not only to bring these illegitimate programs, but to show folks the light and that there are real tangible businesses that can be created out there, without any pre-requisite experience.

      That is what we teach at WA and we can take anyone by the hand and show them the fundamentals…and then help them move into building and scaling their very own business online. Laziness is not supported nor is it a path to success.

      I have never met someone in my life that has created anything of substance “quickly” or without any effort, it takes time but it is worth it. Not long I wrote a post on this subject within the WA community called “How long did it take to earn what you earn?“. You should have a look at this when you get a chance, it is a very active thread with a lot of perspective.

      I look forward to working with you Ray and if you need a hand going forward, there is a good deal of it within WA! I know you are going to love the community and you will be in a safe haven from scams!

  3. Maverick Carson

    Hi Kyle,

    I’ve just cancelled my subscription with EN. Though I have been with them for quite a short period of time, I really felt I was too late to have joined because it seems that the “early birds” were the ones that actually gained a ton.

    I am practically a newbie (with regard to online marketing) and as a person that doesn’t know shiz about OLM, you’d get squeezed by all the bullies out there promising all the bull.

    I really thought EN would help me out, but my excitement came to a fall when I realized that no one even bothered.

    I came across this website of yours just awhile ago and after reading a couple of testimonials, I cancelled all my shiz with EN.

    I hope you’d be able to help me out though, I am interested in joining your WA program. Then again, just to ask, I am currently working in Singapore, does your program entitle the latter? (What I mean is, does WA work with people outside u.s.?) Unlike the other programs that only allow people within their vicinity (country)

    Appreciate your reply.

    • Kyle

      Maverick, glad you decided to join us at WA and I definitely look forward to working with you. Working from any country in the world is fine, it is “Internet” business afterall and the techniques you will learn are not country dependent. That is, you could easily target people in the US (or anywhere in the world) with your website, it does not matter on your location and you can be just as successful as anyone else.

      Anyways, hit me up within WA when you do have any questions and I will be more than happy to help you out. I know you are absolutely going to love the community and you are going to get rolling very quickly with the Getting Started training.

  4. Debbie Kane

    WoW! Kyle, I am so thankful to have stumbled upon your page here tonight! For so many reasons.

    Now, before you (or anyone else reading this comment/post) I must emphatically WARN YOU. This is an EXTREMELY LONG comment! SERIOUSLY! But, I had to share my story with you. It is so important to me and every word I have spent so long typing here tonight… I believe was necessary so that I could paint you an accurate picture of what I am dealing with, needing and hoping to receive back from you… if at all possible. I pray that as you continue to read my words, AND after you finish reading the entire “comment” Kyle… that you will understand why I went to such great lengths as I have done. OK?

    Here we go!

    I previously ran a small and somewhat successful, unique advertising/marketing business out of my home from January, 2004 – August, 2010. During that time, I also was (and still am to a very small extent) involved with a great Network Marketing business called Ignite. I live in the NW part of Houston, Texas and Ignite started their business here in Texas back in 2005 (I believe). Ignite btw, is the marketing arm for a (now) very successful energy company called Stream Energy. They operate in several States now, as more States are moving into the deregulation of energy. But I digress.

    On July 15, 2009, I was diagnosed with a critical form of Glaucoma, called “closed angle glaucoma, along with two other eye conditions… Plateau Iris and Chronic Dry Eye. Once closed angle glaucoma starts (and btw… it is almost ALWAYS symptomless… my situation is nothing short of a miracle, in that I was diagnosed within a few hours of the disease taking hold), but once it starts, its victims have approximately 48 to 72 hours to have eye procedures done IMMEDIATELY or else they will go permanently blind. In my case the disease was (literally) miraculously diagnosed within that time frame… a story I will share (for anyone interested) at another time. I did however go TEMPORARILY blind for 5 weeks beginning within 2 hours of the first of 5 eye procedures that were performed between July 16 and December 19, 2009. (I promise, the point of my post is coming up soon, lol!) The temporary blindness was caused by a rare side effect to the “usual” post-procedure eye drops that my husband was faithfully putting into each eye 3 times daily. When he read the fine print on the medications “warnings”, and saw that “BLINDNESS” was a rare but factual side effect, he stopped the medication and my sight returned within 30 hours!

    After December 19, 2009’s final eye procedure, we thought we were out of the woods and while our company had suffered significant financial blows… due to the fact that I was the ONLY salesman, I pulled up my boot straps and immediately went back to my USUAL routine of working 80-100 hours per week between our home based advertising business and our very part time MLM business with Ignite. Now get this!!! Less than 3 weeks of getting the glaucoma under control (glaucoma is NOT curable… it is considered to be a “manageable” only disease, and is a disease for life.) But once I was finally in a “managed” state, I went to my primary care physician for an annual check-up and learned I had stage 3 CANCER!!!

    “What the HECK”???!!! (You might be saying, lol!)

    Ahhh, but you don’t know me… at least NOT YET, LOL! OK, there are lots of great testimonies of what took place since January, 2010 and our present date and time… let’s see… it is 3:45 AM central time on June 17, 2013. (Insomnia is one of about 12 diagnosed disorders that I currently battle 24/7… and each and every one of these (some critical… all debilitating) diseases and disorders have taken their toll on my body. Hence I am considered disabled now. (Oh, but again… readers here listen up… I have NOT YET begun to fight, lol!) I WILL SURVIVE! How you may ask? Because, I died twice during the last 3 years. Briefly of course. But I came back both times because my purpose here HAS NOT YET BEEN COMPLETED! OK… back to business.

    Ignite is a great Network Marketing company with a simple business model. But it does cost over $300 to join. And there are meetings upon meetings… home meetings, webinars, seminars, “Super Saturday” trainings… and tons of training modules within your “power center”. Plus they really offer GREAT one on one support from your uplines, sidelines, downlines (LOL!)… I’m not kidding. They are great. Here’s the problem. My immune system is now significantly compromised. I am the epitome of a “bubble-girl”. I must remain in a very sterile environment at all times. Even the slightest cold or sinus infection can/will/has landed me in the hospital on IV’s of antibiotics. So, I am “supposed” to avoid public crowds, small children (I so miss hugging my grand children :-(….), and animals. I am and have been a “shut-in” since May, 2010. But listen up… I am NOT “complaining”… I am only “explaining”! (Do you like that? I came up with that myself, lmao!) And here’s another one for you: I believe in always having an “Attitude of Gratitude”! Being thankful is the first step and the KEY to surviving any and every thing. ALWAYS BE THANKFUL! NO MATTER WHAT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES LOOK LIKE! Again, I digress (one of the side effects of being a shut-in, is having very, very few people to talk to… add that to a personality that always had a “gift for gab”, and this is what you get, lol! Sorry ’bout that folks! OK… We lost our business, went bankrupt, my husband has now also become disabled and cannot work outside the home… (numerous neurological diseases that we’ve learned there are no current cures for… )We had to voluntarily give back our only means of transportation, currently live on SSI, Medicaid and Food Stamps. (Talk about being forced to learn humility… going from the joy of being a giver, to the awkwardness of having to learn how to be a receiver is NOT easy… not one bit.) But, it’s a lesson we had no choice BUT to learn.

    And now… this unbelievable “ice cream sundae” with nuts, sprinkles and whipped cream… has one final topping. The “CHERRY” that goes on the very top! And here it is… we are now in foreclosure of the most wonderful home we have ever had the blessing of enjoying for the last 10 years! Yup! July 2, 2013 is the current deadline, unless the mortgage company approves a postponement. And where will we go? We have no idea, lol! Remember my immune system? I cannot live with any family or friends because they either work at jobs where they could easily bring bacteria home with them. Or they have small children which again, I am WARNED to avoid close proximity to… OR our friends ALL have at least 2 or more pets! Did I mention how THANKFUL I am? It is so very, very true! God/the Universe has NEVER, EVER given us more burden than we are able to handle. We have never ONCE been left or forsaken. I believe. I know. I choose. “This too shall pass”. So, I recently was invited to look at two MLM companies that do NOT require going to meetings, holding home meetings wherein we have to invite possible bacteria-carrying people into our sterile home, etc. The first is a company called iLA. I love the business model. There is no “buy-in”, unless you choose to become an “associate” and even then it is only $9.95 per month and includes a FREE replicated website that shows the “product”, the “content” and the “compensation plan”. And if you are only interested in receiving the “product/content” once a week… and NOTHING MORE THAN THAT… you get to do that TOTALLY FREE! What’s more… the content is right up my alley! It is an “APP” of inspirational videos sent to your mobile device once a week.

    They have high quality, 6-8 minute long videos, professionally recorded… from some of the big “who’s – who” in the “motivational speaking” world of “Personal Development”. Today’s “Zig-Ziglers”, lol! “Think and Grow Rich”, “The Law of Attraction”, etc. So, I did sign up in February. I am paying $9.95 per month since 2-15-13. And they do offer fairly decent support. But my health issues have once again become challenging and I have yet to “work” this business. I have a feeling that it is because for the last 3 years, I have been envisioning my future purpose. And that is: “I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE”. I have said this for over 20 or 30 years. And now… boy oh boy do I ever have amazing and inspirational stories to share based on personal experience! I have also spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours… (at times when I am physically strong enough… and times when the EXTREME pain that I have learned to acclimate to (for the most part) 24/7…) spending as much time as possible RESEARCHING… STUDYING…. DOCUMENTING…. any and ALL things to do with regaining and/or maintaining, optimal health, disease reversal and longevity. A nutrition based, organic, toxin-free lifestyle. I am compiling ONLY credible and science proven, alternative/holistic therapies. Backed by independent research studies performed at the best and highly regarded facilities, by the most recognized names in the medical communities.

    And I want to SHARE this information with every one I meet. I have purchased two domain names. The first is “Go For The Health” and the second (which I intend to start using mainly as a blog tool) to teach about metaphysical things… like how “thoughts become things”. And how we can “attract” the circumstances we find ourselves in… because we focus concentrated thoughts on those experiences. How having an attitude of gratitude can bring about healing! Stuff like that. That domain name I just bought is called “We Can Pay It Forward”. !!! (you and anyone else reading this ULTRA LONG POST, may recognize a movie starring Helen Hunt, called “Pay It Forward”. If you haven’t seen it… oh boy, do I EVER recommend it!).

    Anyway Kyle… this is who I am, where I currently am… and where I believe I am supposed to go. I am no longer positive about my being an associate for iLA… I think I was drawn to them because of their amazing product, its content and its price point. And the fact that they claim that “even the average person” can make money with their App. Oh and btw, I am also now being CONSTANTLY approached by two “highly motivated” Empower associates to join. They too are with iLA… that’s how we met. And when they got wind of my vision of starting my “We Can Pay It Forward” blog, along with my (long time planned website about health), Go For The Health… well they just haven’t stopped “checking in with me” to see “how are you feeling today”!!!

    Also, I signed up with Word Press last week. I admit that I am NOT well versed in how it all works. Previously, I had a great relationship with a company who, for a modest quarterly fee of only $40 every 3 months, handled all my domain names… making sure to renew them on time, linking different websites to my main website… the home based advertising/marketing business one, and it included hosting of course. But now that I am not currently hosting any websites with them… they simply invoice me for my domain name renewals… and that’s it.

    So, I have my Go For The Health domain name being renewed through them… but my new “We Can Pay It Forward” domain name… well, I purchased it through Go Daddy. And there you have it Kyle…. I have no idea where to go from here… no idea what to do next. Plus, keep in mind that I may be living under a bridge somewhere in the next 30 days, lol! (jk!)While I have no idea where we will find shelter… (and btw… charitable shelters are also a “no-no”… I really have NO immune system at present…). So, it is going to be VERY interesting as to what happens in the next chapter of this extremely challenging, “sitting on the edge of your seat” life experience that is currently playing “at a theater near you”! (Don’t mind me… I am a bit corny most of the time, lol! Humor helps… and I’ve heard it said many times that “laughter does the heart good like a medicine”!)

    I look forward to hearing back from you Kyle. Even if you have no advice for me at this stage of the “game”. I liked what you’ve written, how you approached each subject matter and your overall attitude. So, I have spent all this time writing to you… sharing my story (well SOME of it anyway… there is SO MUCH MORE that just might blow you away, I swear!) Remember what my goal/purpose is. I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I am a distributor for Juice Plus and their new product, The Tower Garden (can we say AWESOME!!!!)and I also am a distributor for Young Living, Therapeutic Grade Pure Essential Oils. They are “businesses” too. However… NEITHER ONE OF THEM is an “MLM” or Network Marketing business. I only became distributors for those companies, because I believe in their health products MORE than any other health products on the planet. And by becoming a “distributor”, I buy wholesale and save hundreds of dollars a year. Not to mention that as a distributor… I am permitted to be my own “customer”. Hence I get paid commissions off of my own monthly purchases! How cool is that??? Signing off here now. (Finally, right?) 🙂 Thanks again for being willing to patiently read this long “book” of a comment here on your site.

    I wish you abundance of Peace, Love and Light.

    Debbie Kane, Tomball, Texas

    • Kyle

      Whew, I made it! You have quite the story and you seem like a really amazing person Debbie. I know exactly the process that you are within, your story is very similar to that within the MLM world, you are part of the overall burn rate that goes through these programs in attempt to look for something that sticks. However, you have everything you need sitting in front of you and no doubt, the ability to write and connect your audience.

      I can tell you that you should stop seeking the next MLM opp and you should learn how to create a real business online, one that you have control of, one in which you own the content and you are building your own personal brand. This is what we teach you at Wealthy Affiliate and we will help you get moving in the right direction with your websites, getting traffic, and leveraging this to create a consistent revenue online.

      Before you jump into the next program, please do me a favour and give at bare minimum our Starter membership (completely free) a shot. It is everything you need and honestly it will end you chasing the next opportunity. We put everything you need to start, to build, and to scale a business online right in front of you. 🙂

  5. Glenn Hughes


    is pointing the accusing finger at your competition creditable? ..I wonder if it it is indeed counter-productive.

    As my old Granny used to say; “Be careful when you point an accusing finger at someone, because 4 of your fingers are pointing back to you”.

    Once you evoke the word “SCAM”it always reflects badly on the accuser. Simply because it sounds like a clear case of sour grapes.

    It also shines the light beam on the notion of “SCAMS”…which they probably never thought of until you highlighted it.

    In the same breath you shamelessly recommend and promote a product in which you have skin in the game.

    Not smart dude, I mean do you really have such little regard for your readers intelligence?

    The real world that’s called negative advertising, in the long run it never works and attracts the wrong type of person, as you will discover.

    Just saying.

    • Kyle

      To be frank with you Glenn, I have grown very tired of the “scammers” in this industry, and this is coming from a place of HELP and RESPECT for customers. Every new scam that pops up on the Internet categorizes us naturally as a scam as people do grow a distrust for the Internet as a whole and this site serves as MY voice, showing folks that there is legitimate help out there.

      Before you pass judgement, I do encourage your to join Wealthy Affiliate and see for yourself. There is a reason we offer the only FREE membership within the industry, because we can showcase how awesome the service is within WA. This includes free training, free websites, free videos, free support…with no obligation to join our premium membership. We do this because we know that if we over-deliver and give people a chance to use our service, we know they will like it. What we offer for free, people are paying $1,000’s elsewhere for.

      It is not a matter of shameless promoting products, it is recognizing what is out there and pointing people in the right direction. It just so happens that there is not a service that can come close to comparing to what WA offers, and I will stand behind that!

      I will point fingers as long as there are folks out there ripping people off. It is my duty.

  6. Lou

    Thanks Kyle. Have just canceled my EN membership after reading info on your site. Knew things didn’t sit comfortably with me. I want the opportunity to learn and to build something sustainable. Couldn’t see how empowerment and people being called wussies fitted together.

    • Kyle

      I know, being called a wussy (a forced buying measure) has never sat well with me. There are legitimate companies out there that don’t use or teach these kind of sales tactics and I do recommend that you check out some of the resources within my site here to get moving in the right direction.

  7. nick luyten

    Hi Kyle, I’ve seen a lot of video’s and revieuws like these about making money online. this is the first one i found where you can get a free membership that can really get you started. I’d just like to say WA seems to me the best one i”ve found up to now and the first one i actualy signed up with. don’t know if i wil go premium but I can’t wait to get started. thx

    • Kyle

      Awesome Nick, I know you are going to love it and I would love for you to come back and post your thoughts after you have experienced what we offer within WA. There are next to no companies that offer a free membership like we do at Wealthy Affiliate simply because nobody would join their services if they did. We take pride in our service and we have spent the last 8 years refining and improving the service at WA to what it is today. 🙂

      I look forward to working with you Nick and if you ever need a hand with anything going forward, just get in touch with me inside of Wealthy Affiliate.

  8. Larry Lashbrook

    I have a beautiful website to promote my guitars and piezo
    bridges.My guitars are in the $6000–$30,000 range so I understand why sales are slow but my bridges(which were
    reviewed by Guitar World Magazine as being the best by
    “a considerable margin” are selling very slowly. This bridge even makes a concrete block guitar sound like an
    expensive acoustic guitar.Can I use my present website with your system? I don’t mind paying your very modest
    fee;but how would we do this?

    • Kyle

      It comes down to first, getting traffic to your site. Without understand how to get traffic to your website, then there is no opportunity to build a relationship with folks and sell to them. Second, you are going to need to understand how to connect with your audience and decipher what your Unique Selling Proposition is. Why would someone buy your guitar over the lower price version and who is the audience that can afford these types of guitars…and how do we connect with them.

      The training that we offer at Wealthy Affiliate is going to help you out with all of this and you will truly have an entire community on your side that can help you out and get you moving in the right direction. Join via the Starter membership, I know you are going to be impressed!

  9. Yvonne Cousar

    I just joined Wealthy Affiliate, the starter program and look forward to learning as much as I can about affiliate marketing. I currently have an account with ClickBank…is that a good place to start getting my feet wet. I would love hearing your input about that company.


    • Kyle

      Wonderful Yvonne, I look forward to working with you. Clickbank is definitely one of the larger affiliate networks out there that you will be able to use with your promotions. Before you worry about what to promote, you need to get a niche website up and running and learn how to get traffic coming to this site (and making it an experience that is engaging for your audience). You are going to learn all about this within Wealthy Affiliate.

  10. makaveligurl

    Looked good, did the first steps, paid for the premium membership at half price for the first month and then it kicked me off right away and said I needed to pay over $300 for access to my account now. What a scam, just be up front about the real cost. Waste of $20, thanks.

    • Kyle

      Not at all!! Sorry if there is any confusion here, but you are absolutely a Premium member once you upgrade and there is no requirement to pay more. I think what you are referring to is a “Yearly Premium Membership” offer if you are interested in going yearly. There is no requirement to do this, but if you do decide to go yearly, it saves you a significant amount per month (it works out to $29 per month).

      If you have any further questions or need any further help, just let me know and I will help you out. As I said though, you have full Premium access and make sure you check out the Live Video Class tomorrow night, it is going to be a good one (on how to get videos ranked in Google). You can also connect with me directly within WA whenever you like.

  11. Michele

    Hi Kyle! Well, I am what I like to call an experienced researcher on ways to make money online! Lol – Ive probably looked on and off for the last 10-11 years, no joke. I have bought several programs and such throughout the years, just to be scammed, so obviously I am as leary as ever. However, I will NOT give up! I am currently working with a Networking Marketing company and I am starting to have some success with it! I think it’s the first Networking (MLM) company that I have actually made true money with! I am also a mother of three kiddos, and currently stay at home.

    All that said to ask this – can this system be used to help promote (even back door) a network marketed product? Right now my husband and I are building a fresh WP site to promote it (to do more than the company provided site) – so we can capture emails, and build a list. But the site is 100% product/company based.

    I’m wondering if something like this would be simpler? I stumbled across this because I have been looing at Chris Farrells membership. Ive also thought about taking some Sandi Krakowski’s course.

    Here’s my goal: market my network marketed co./products
    and BRAND myself & husband.

    Thanks, Michele

    • Kyle

      Hey Michele,

      Thanks for dropping by. To respond to your main questions, YES, the platform at WA is going to help you with the promotion of any product online, whether this be an MLM or an affiliate programs…or even your very own products and services. It comes down to understand websites, understanding content and how to market your products and services. Absolutely everything you need is within WA as we do provide you with an all-inclusive environment (no extra fees, no upsells outside of the Premium membership, and no reason to buy anything else online). Everything is included.

      I suggest you join as a Starter member which is 100% free. This will give you a good taste of the quality inside of WA and you will be able to get a website up and running within your own niche in just the first four lessons.

      I look forward to working with you (and your husband)!

  12. Nick

    Yo what’s up Kyle loving your outlook on things. I’m currently with Empower Network and when I read the first post I was like wow what a mean guy haha. Then I started to realize that all of these updates Google is doing and will continue to do will just crush all the hopes of ranking an EN blog. I’m with EN and have made a lot of money from it but I kinda wanna venture on to the “started from the bottom” and just attack it head on. I took the “wussy” way of getting Empower because I loved the fact that their domain name had age to it and it just speeds the process up with back linking, but a big aspect in SEO is social bookmarking and with the domain barely being able to be posted on sites it’s a tedious process. I’m also about to get started into the affiliate game heavily now and I wanted to have a site that people continuing to come back to for value so they trust me and keep giving me their money mwuaha. I never thought i’d leave Empower but you kinda just finished my last breath of fresh air of it and made me realize the future of where EN is going and I wanna start something new before It’s just a dud. So I look forward to talking to you, and I’m about to check the free portion of WA. I love buying stuff so I’ll probably get the premium today too just to hang with the cool kids.

    Thanks again,
    Nicky T

    • Kyle

      Hey Nick,

      Thanks for stopping by! Great to hear you are making some money and hopefully going forward you can take this money and move onto creating your own business, something that is tangible and something that is much more ethical than what you are currently involved with. You are in a good spot now for organic growth, take your existing revenue and plug it back into your personal business and you will only be on the up and up.

      The SEO of the EN blog is an obvious blunder with anyone that has even a loose grip on how SEO works, unfortunately people continue selling this hot air to others in attempt to make money. There are lots of unethical ways to make money, and there are lots of ethical ways to make money. You have a choice and if you have a passion and drive, I can tell you that you will be in business much longer if you take the latter approach.

      Look forward to meeting you inside WA and if you ever have any questions Nick, hit me up within the community.

  13. Miranda

    Hi. Read your review on empower network, makes sense. I’m thinking about trying WA (newbie on everything). I like to see that you have responded to every comment, that is Awesome. But how do people really know, because people in different businesses and enteprenuers will give bad reviews on other business models, just to sell their own. So how does a person really know?

    • Kyle

      You will know because we let you sign-up for FREE, no catches…no credit card, no obligations. We do have a Premium membership, but I can assure you that you will love the free offering and you will be able to get your website up and running (training and support included) within the Starter. We truly put our best foot forward and the best way to see if we are legit, is to check it out yourself. 🙂

      If you have any further questions, do let me know. Jump inside WA and if you have any questions, you will be able to connect with me personally there Miranda. Hope to see you soon.

  14. Ken

    Hi Kyle!

    I’m a newbie, keen to learn from WA, but is as cautious as a cat on its ninth life ;p

    Now, pls help to answer the following:
    1) Does WA have a step by step workshop which helps a new member brainstorm his/her unique niche(s)?
    2) And a particular forum focused on brainstorming for new ideas/niches/businesses?
    3) And a platform for discussion on the feasibility of these new ideas/niches/businesses?

    I figured we can all iron out the technicalities eventually, but attempting into a “lesser” niche is my main concern – after all, time is a commodity we can’t afford to waste…

    Thanks in advance, Kyle!

    • Kyle

      Hey Ken, I would be more than happy to help you out there with your questions.

      (1) Yes, Wealthy Affiliate has step by step training for a brand new member, this includes training on how the process of earning money online works, how to find a niche, build a website, and how to generate rankings and a business from your site. Within our Premium membership, there is also 12 classrooms (on different business related subjects) with 1,000’s of training modules, 100’s of hours videos, and also live weekly video classes, but that is optional.

      (2) We have many ways to communicate, we have blog posts w/ comments, live discussions, profiles, live chat, private messaging, and discussion boards. So you are not going to feel in the dark EVER if you have any questions. Always lots of helpful folks within the community.

  15. Jeremy

    Hey Kyle. I tried to join your free part of the program, but all the links that I tried took me to a page that had a “404 page not found” error. I’d love to have a look at what your offering if I could get through to a sign up page. Thanks.

    • Kyle

      Sorry Jeremy, these links have been fixed and you should have no problem joining Wealthy Affiliate. Let me know if you have any further issues and I definitely look forward to working with you.

  16. Barry

    Kyle, I have seen the en website and wondered if it was true. I have read your web site and to be honest I still don’t see how you make money. Can you explain a little better? Thanks

    • Kyle

      Hey Barry,

      I am not going to be able to explain every aspect on how to earn money online as there are many ways to accomplish this, but what I do want to do is explain a few things.

      The core of your success online starts with a website. A website that you can use within any niche and one in which you will be able to create your own content. When you have content in place, you can get traffic. When you have traffic, then you can earn money.

      Let’s say hypothetically that I wanted to start an online business within the HD TV niche. I would create a website dedicated to HD TV’s and build out content within that site. Content leads to traffic again, and once I had targeted HD TV traffic, there are many ways to optimize this for revenue. I could do so through affiliate programs, I could do so through advertising, Adsense, email marketing (collect leads & building relationships), or I could even sell this website. These are all things that are taught within WA, the proper practices to generating online…and doing so in a way that leads to long term business.

      I also think you should check out the following walk-through on how the process works. This will likely clarify a lot of this for you.

  17. Nancy

    Hi Kyle,
    I’m glad I read your review.I saw the EN video and it was well done but the red flags appeared. I’m going to find the button to join free starters program for now. I want to be able to do successful affiliate marketing via article marketing.I hope your group is as good as it sounds.
    Nancy K

    • Kyle

      I can tell you that you made the right decision and I think when you take advantage of the WA Starter membership, you are instantly going to realize that you made the right choice Nancy. I look forward to working with you at WA and make sure you stop by my profile and say hi upon getting your account there.

  18. Hilary


    I am having a hard time finding a job. My husband is in the military & have 3 children. Our daughter has hydrocephalus, which is water on the brain. I’ve been looking at working from home. I was contacted by phone, by e-mail, & by Facebook from someone involved in Empower. It sounded to good to be true,which got me to research the company.

    That is how I stumbled onto this page.

    I don’t own a business but I love to write & I wouldn’t min writing reviews on products, talking politics, but just would like a legit job. Working from home is ideal for me & my family. Do you have any suggestions?


    • Kyle

      Hey Hilary,

      Thanks for getting in touch with me. I absolutely can help you get up and running online creating your OWN business, it isn’t just a job and you shouldn’t treat it that way because it can become much more. We will walk you through everything you need to know within Wealthy Affiliate and you can get rolling for free via the Starter membership.

      I encourage you to check it out. Immediately upon joining, you will be enrolled in the Getting Started training which is going to walk you through the process of getting rolling, you will have your own niche an website by Lesson 4. AND there is a ton of help there if you ever need it, so if you ever have questions there is always someone around to help you out.

      I look forward to working with you.

  19. Heather Scott

    Hi Kyle, is it still possible to learn how to earn money online as a free member of WA or would I have to become a premium member for that kind of teaching?

    • Kyle

      Absolutely, you have access to 2 full websites (that you can use in any way you like) within Starter, along with a bunch of training. Yes, Premium members get a lot more access as it is our “all inclusive” business platform, so you may want to consider it at some point. There is nothing out there that comes close to comparing to the Premium membership and you can literally run any size of business from that platform. Absolutely start with the Starter membership that is completely free though to get your hands wet and to start building your business foundation Heather.

      Hope this helps.

  20. Michelle

    What if you don’t have a business and your not good at writing blogs and you don’t have a niche or a passion. How would someone benefit from WA? How would you make money?

    • Kyle

      Hey Michelle,

      There are lots of things that we aren’t good at and that is just because we don’t practice these things. I can honestly tell you that you can get good at anything that you like and you can earn a significant stream of income by helping others. Maybe your passion isn’t a certain niche, maybe it is helping folks…or review products…or learning about new things. These attributes could definitely be leveraged and you will absolutely learn how to do this within WA.

      Also, if you cannot come up with a niche (which we have lots of training on BTW), we will help point you in the right direction and offer you some pre-chosen niches to work within. I recommend you join as a Starter member and get rolling right away…and DO NOT doubt your skills, you have everything you need and then some Michelle!

  21. Vincent Harema

    Hi Kyle,
    Love your review and its only cause I was researching Empower Network. I have Leaders trying to recruit me and its overwhelming with them calling me a Wussy. I am so glad I came across your blog and I am with Pure Leverage, GVO. Is this good?

    Also I joined Wealthy Affiliate as FREEAGENCY. Is there a affiliate program for your WA system? Also I am trying to grow my online Business and Traffic. I am trying to raise public awareness with my Traademark FREEAGENCY- Promoting Freedom and Independence. I am desperate to launch fast as I have another kid on the way. Can you teach how to start a Social Network website or a System Formula, WP Platform website? For people to have profiles, Feedback rating, Account balance like trademe.co.nz? Please get back to me Kyle and thank you for the valuable information. Vincent @freeagencytrust

    • Kyle

      From what I understand, the Pure Leverage has the same bogus 100% commission model (not really 100% commissions, slight of hand affiliate program). Personally I would recommend that if you are looking to create a long term business then you consider what it takes to create a long term business.

      A customer and a product.

      When your product becomes your customer, that is when you need to shy away from the program. Anything that “force sells’ you into promoting their system is something that you should refrain from. Yes, we do have an affiliate program at Wealthy Affiliate, but it is absolutely up to you what you want to promote. You can create your own business within a niche that you like, or you can get training on how to promote WA. It is completely up to you as our training covers a wide breadth of Internet marketing aspects, from SEO to local marketing.

      I do suggest you join the Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate and see for yourself. You are quickly going to realize that we are the real deal and we do care about our members (and the community is awesome). Everything you need is within WA and if you continue looking for “get rich quick” patches you are going to end up jumping from one scheme to another like it sounds you are potentially doing.

  22. DaNeeka Johnson

    I first ran across CSM and thought..tell me what will I be doing, don’t just push the $ in my face. Then I ran across your review of it and you talked about WA. So I came here and it seems like your pretty upfront. If I understood correctly, it seems like it’s not an overnight success but it is doable. OK, so what if I can’t commit to the premium membership within the 7 day period?What if it takes me some time to get there? What is the purpose of the information in the starter kit; how will it benefit me? My life consists of the fact that I’m a wife, homeschooling mother of 7 kids (all mine), children’s church teacher, and I am a hairbraider working to build my business in a new city; is your product worth me making extra room on my plate?

    • Kyle

      It really depends on what your goals are Daneeka, if you want to get something up and running online or you want to leverage the Internet for your offline braiding business, we can definitely help you out at Wealthy Affiliate. Like any business, it takes time to get your seeds planted and to watch it grow, but you absolutely have access to everything you need within WA including the support.

      The Getting Started training is your foundation building course and it should be the starting point, even if you are a Premium member. Once you have this in place you are going to be able to start building your business with a rigid foundation that is prepared for long term success (the ultimate goal). So I guess this was my long way of saying, yes, WA is absolutely for you and I know you will love the Premium service. There really is nothing like it out there!

  23. Kristen Albertelly (@Kristenjn1)

    Hi Kyle:

    Does your system help new members learn to market a blog and or their You Tube Channel? I am interested in getting into these areas to promote myself as the brand and not a company or product.

    I joined EN 7 days ago and like your article mentioned discovered it was more discussions than any system of the training. As an educator with a Master’s degree, I do know the difference between a discussion and a training :p I purchased the Inner Circle and watched the first 3 videos. There were discussions about how others rose from the ashes…and many pep talks. My back was aching b/c these videos were an hour and a half to 2 hours each. Physically, in pain from waiting to get to the meat of the matter. I was not learning how to market or where to go to begin.

    You can catch some quick strategies if you listen to the upline from the free videos they offer in the prosperity team sister site that they’ve created. But they give the message that there is no sure fire way to market. They mention joint ventures but again..the “how” to go about it is missing.

    It’s not a structured program with a clear syllabus or focus for educating..

    Seems like one big disorganized circle so I will be cancelling the IC membership for 100/mo. because I haven’t even made a single sale yet. D. Verrengia, a member of the upline there, since accused me of being negative and blocked me from a conversation on Skype. It was a very crude, and unprofessional act. Positivity and support for members? I guess not. I had inquired about billing and how to downgrade-so the icy reply I had received was right out of left field. Put me on alert once more. I have been since researching free ways to market that are all over the net. I have done more active marketing on my own by the free research available.

    And you are right..none of the sites want the EN name on it.

    • Kyle

      Hey Kristen,

      I am sorry to hear about your experience and it is quite similar to that in which many others are voicing in regards to Empower Network. You are not alone in your feelings as many others have been frustrated in the same way and have been treated as a “lesser” when they said the program wasn’t for them. I can assure you that there are much better ways to spend your money online, in fact I would love to help you get started online for NOTHING at all at WA.

      Marketing a Youtube channel is definitely something we can help you out with at Wealthy Affiliate. There are many people within the WA community that are power Youtube users and there are some really simple techniques that you will learn that will allow you to eat up the first page rankings within the search engines. Marketing your youtube channel is really a form of marketing content as it is all very similar in nature. We can also help you with the branding, as creating an authority site or channel should be your ultimate goal and what we are advocates of at Wealthy Affiliate.

      So I do suggest you take a second and at bare minimum check out the Starter membership (no cost). I know you will absolutely love the community at Wealthy Affiliate.

  24. tee

    This is all interesting. I am looking to make money from home and everything research you have to pay to get started. Now your telling me that there are absolutely no catch in this system.? Do you have an email to contact you, I have some questions I’ll like to ask.thanks

    • Kyle

      There is no catch, it is free to join and get rolling. There is a $47 Premium membership for an advanced version of Wealthy Affiliate (includes a lot more), but you can sign-up via the form on the website and get access to our system and start your training right away. This includes your own niche website (in any niche you like), training, support, and the tools you need to get rolling.

  25. Abraham Otoadese

    Hi Kyle. Am so glad I came across your website. I almost fell for EN and HTA. I believe any business that will prosper in the long run must have a good foundation. That is what you teach.

    I started blogging 3 years ago but couldn’t succeed because I didn’t have any form of support from experienced people like you. I have carefully done my research about WA and I can fully conclude that it’s what every internet marketer that want to remain industry for a very long time needs. I am really excited that there is a community as WA. Signing up immediately.

    • Kyle

      Absolutely Abraham, I think you are going to feel right at home as soon as you step inside of WA. I look forward to working with you and if you need a hand going forward, just get in touch with me inside of WA.

      If you build a business on a sound foundation, you can build a skyscraper. That is what we teach and the strategy we are proponents of at WA!

  26. Teri

    How soon can a person (a newbie) start making money with WA? I just graduated from college and need income fast. I either need to find a job right away or find a way to make money online fast. I’d rather do the latter, but blogging doesn’t seem like a good way to make money quickly. You set up the blog, then wait and wait for it to get indexed, and wait and wait to start getting hits, and then maybe somebody buys something from an ad and you get a dollar. That’s my impression. Seems like getting a job would be a more dependable method.

    • Kyle

      It depends on the person really, so I have no answer to that. Me personally, I took 2 months to earn my first $1, but by month 6 I was full time online. If you are looking for a job, don’t go into business for yourself. If you are looking to create a business, then WA is your path…no experience necessary. Before you build your house, you must first have a foundation and that is what we emphasize at WA.

      There is no waiting either, you are always doing something. Those that sit around and wait don’t earn money. Those that continually build and take action are those that achieve success and we have many folks at WA that are full time business owners, some earning in the millions per year. Anything is possible if you have a foundation and the right support network, which we provide at WA. Check it out, it is free to get rolling and I know you will be impressed.

        • Kyle

          I was in school full time, so in between class and studying at night (and my personal life). Don’t shy away from creating something online, anyone can do it and you are going to learn all about it within WA. We teach REAL business, you get a website up an running in your first 4 lessons and this can be in any niche that you are interested in.

          Time spent “building” and “creating” is what pays off though, so the more time you invest, the more successful a business is. If you treat it like a little side project, it will serve as a side income. If you approach it with effort and energy, it will show. Me personally, I would rather invest my hard work and energy into something that I own than to be in a static position my entire life. A choice you get to make, which is quite exciting.

      • Kevin

        You say you were working full time within 6 months of starting your own online business. That’s impressive! I have had a website for over one year and have yet to make that first dollar. I really need help. I have been pounded with emails from EN and considered joining until I read this blog. Thanks for helping me make up my mind. I had a gut feeling it was shady and I want a legitimate online business, but it seems only those, such as yourself, that teach the business or have the market hold, such as Amazon, are the ones making the money. Am I wrong in thinking this?

        • Kyle

          Kevin, we can definitely help you out at Wealthy Affiliate. If you have had a website for an entire year with no success, chances are very good that you have been sent in the wrong direction and you don’t full comprehend how to make a go with your website. The training at WA will definitely help you turn things around and get you moving in the right direction.

          And yeah, within 6 months I had pretty much a full time income in place, whereas 2 months in I had not earned a penny (but worked my butt off). That is business, that is how it works, what you do now pays off down the road. I was able to go full time within just over a year online, although my story isn’t typical (because people simply don’t work at it), it can be a typical story for anyone that is willing to dedicate themselves to creating their OWN business. 🙂

  27. Jeen

    Hi there Kyle,
    I am quite keen to sign up however, for some reason my surname is nor accepted by the signup form.
    My surname is 3 words and does contain spaces.

    • Kyle

      Our database allows for a first and last name so for the time being, you should be entering two names in there. This does not follow you around WA, it is just used for sign-up purposes so I would just enter whatever works for you. Hope this helps.

  28. Barbara

    I was going to sign up with Empower network and then saw your comments and the others. Everytime I join something It starts off with a small fee and there there is another fee and another fee. But one thing I run into all the time is that after I join they want to qualify me for special training and couching. They go through this big thing about the coaching and you get directed to their reg. director . THen they want to talk you me and my husband and then if we qualify they will aske for $200 + or more to get started for their exclusive training. SoI hope that this site doesn’t do the same>?

    • Kyle

      They are trying to recruit you in their downline to get you to do the same thing they are doing, recruiting more people in your downline. It is an exchange of money form one person to the next in a big hierarchy (let’s just say it is the same shape as a triangle). They charge you $25 per month for a blog (which is not yours, it is theirs) and then $19.95 per month additionally if you want to get paid via their pyramid. Then unless you are a complete wussy, you are going to want to spend $100 per month for a few training videos…and $500 for another few videos…and before it is all said and done, you are stuck with a product you have invested $5,000 into and you have nothing to show for it other than the fact that you now have to promote this same product to others to make money.

      There are real opportunities out there Barbara and this definitely is not one of the real ones. There are many ways to earn money online, but the foundation of success is owning your own website…one in which you have full control over. If you want to learn how to earn money online, check out the following post that outlines the process:

      How Does the Process of Making Money Online Work

  29. Greg

    Hello Kyle, I just found your online adventure while doing some research on the other guy(EN)and after reading all the information you have provided it seems like this is where I begin. I have absolutely no direction to start with but do have a passion, the state for which I was born(Alaska),so I guess I do have a starting point if this is one to pursue. I am 52 years old and have made many bad decisions, financially, I feel I need to prove to myself I can make something of myself and provide a more secure future for my wife, daughter and myself.
    I do have a positive attitude for life but a very, very low self-esteem and so my confidence in being successful is lacking.
    I am looking for a system that I can learn from and be successful to prove I am not just an average man and to prove to my wife and daughter I can give them, and my self, everything we can dream of.
    I ask of you to please help me and show me the way by using your system with all of its resources and help to be more than an “average man”.

    Thank you,

    Greg Mears

    • Kyle

      Well we teach online business at WA, the reality of it. You are going to learn how to create something of substance and something that can produce a long term income within any niche. If you are willing to take action on the training we provide, we are going to show you exactly how it is done and you have an entire community of awesome people within WA to fall back on Greg.

      Your niche is something we help you reveal within the first 3 lessons, it could be something related to Alaska (that by itself is a little broad), but we have a video module on this that will get you moving in the right direction. I look forward to working with you inside of WA Greg and if you ever need anything going forward, just hit me up within the community.

  30. Lisa B

    I have several years of college but no degree, have mostly been a stay-at-home mom, and what jobs I have had were clerical in nature. I’m not computer savvy by any means and have absolutely no marketing skills or sales skills. Plus, I’m a bit of an introvert. Because of all of this, I’m wondering if I should even consider WA at all? Your thoughts?

    • Kyle

      Hey Lisa…it sounds like you are trying to count yourself out of success before you even attempt it. It is unfortunate that we lose the “kid in us” as we get older. We teach our kids that anything is possible, but then we don’t believe it ourselves. We tell our kids that they are going to be able to ride the bike, even though it seems like an impossible task to them.

      You don’t need to be computer savvy, and you can get this expertise by doing. Anything can be learned and everything you need is within WA, including the support. Don’t doubt your abilities, you are much more skillful than you think. Absolutely join WA as a Starter, you are going to be able to…and we ALL have marketing skills, it is the ability able to help someone.

      If you can help someone accomplish anything (could even be showing people how to be a good parent, it is up to you), you can be very successful online. Gone are the days of greasy salespeople…they will always have their place, but it is usually on car lots. Within the online world, you can succeed simply by helping someone within any niche and you will learn all about this at WA.

  31. Denise

    What would I be selling for your company or can I blog about what I am good at? I already have a wordpress blog of my own, would I have to leave that one and create one for your company.

    • Kyle

      Hey Denise,

      You can by all means use your existing blog, or you can create a brand new blog. You are not required to promote Wealthy Affiliate, as the techniques that will be taught to you can be leveraged within any niche (including the one you are already blogging about). You will get full support there as well, full training, and EVERYTHING you need to create and run a successful online business. You will also find me in there as well, my username is Kyle and you will find my personal profile here:


      Make sure you stop by and say hi when you join. Oh ya, start of as a Starter member which doesn’t cost you a dime 🙂

  32. Jonathan

    Hi! Do I need to be involved in a business in order for me to use WA to help promote my business? I have none right now for I have joined several businesses in the past that promised me a lot of things. .just b.s. stuff if you know what I mean. However, I would appreciate a response to my question above. Thanks! Jonathan

    • Kyle

      You do not have to have your own business or your own products to be successful online. If you do have your own products, we can help you with the online promotion of these, and if you don’t have any, we can definitely help you out (most people don’t). There are MILLIONS (yes, that is not a typo) of products that you can promote online as an “affiliate” which allows you to get a cut in any product you refer someone to online. There are many ways of creating a business and we will help you find your “path” within Wealthy Affiliate. Join as a Starter, you will not regret it Jonathan.

    • Kyle

      100% legit yes and you will find that out very quickly when you join the Starter membership (which is 100% free). There are many ways in which you can make money online, but most companies will offer several different payment types including check, paypal, wire transfer, etc.

      Hope this helps you out.

  33. Pat

    Hey I have tried online marketing before in the past. I am over $2500 in debt from all the B.S. products and web hosting and domain names i have purchased.And i haven’t made a dime. And I still get make money online scam emails on a daily basis. My Fiance does not support online marketing and thinks it’s all a scam. Just once i wanna have success and be my own boss. But i just don’t have the time to invest into it unless i quit my full time job which i can’t afford to do. And i would lose my Fiance in the process. Wish there was a way i could have success by starting off part time and grow it into full time after proof of success.

    • Kyle

      Pat, you are not alone in your journey to success. Unfortunately this industry is riddled with some of the most unethical folks out there and I am very sorry to hear that you have been taken by what sounds like, several scams! I am also sorry to hear about your fiance, but they are likely growing tired of seeing you get scammed.

      Here is what I suggest you do.

      (1) Sign-up to the free Wealthy Affiliate starter account (no credit card required)
      (2) Take action on the training (includes a free website)
      (3) Get your fiance involved if possible, it is free for them to join as well

      Yes, there is a Premium version of Wealthy Affiliate, but you do not have to start out with this. You can get rolling on Starter, learn how to effectively build a business online, create a website, etc…do things the proper way. I know it will be a life changing moment for you and I think if you involve your other half, they will be interested in the process as well.

      If you have any further questions, do let me know.

  34. Leanne

    Hello Kyle,

    I am not involved with WA at the moment. However, I am very impressed with you message and the support you offer those that become involved. I came upon your site as a result of trying to find out more information about EN. I have been approached by a friend about it. I have to tell you I have some network marketing experience – I learned a lot about myself; however, I was not very successful at it. In fact, I have kind of been turned off of network marketing after that experience and been bombarded by even more since that time.

    Now…. the reason I am posting this is because I need some help or advice. I, personally love my day job. I work with children and it is very rewarding. At the same time, I would like to find something that will add to my income. I have absolutely no internet marketing experience, and I am very much a rookie when it comes to the computer. Having said that, I am very intrigued at what type of opportunities are available because of WA? I guess what I am trying to say is what could someone like me use WA for? Thank you for your time! I appreciate it!

    • Kyle

      Hi Leanne,

      Wealthy Affiliate teaches Internet business and includes everything you need to know to get started online and build and grow a successful business. What you will not find is the term “get rich quick” because you are going to learn how to actually create a business, not take part in a scheme like the ones it sounds you are being promoted. I do recommend that you start out with the free option (it includes your own WordPress site, lots of training, a Getting Started course, and full support within the community). I know you are going to love it.

      There are a lot of scams out there that are “masked” in the facad of people that are promoting them. Be careful and avoid products that are not “free to try before you buy” because there are a lot of people getting burned out there by the glut of scams. After you do join WA, drop me a note. You can find me there under the username Kyle!

  35. Patricia R

    I have to add that I completely agree with all of the positive comments here.In sorting through the scams, I found a site that said Wealthy Affiliate was not a scam. That one site put me on track to learn what I was searching for.

    I must say that my first week was overwhelming. However, into the tenth day, I think I get it.

    Thank you for the opportunity to learn!

    • Kyle

      Like learning anything new, it can be a bit overwhelming at first but there is A LOT of help within Wealthy Affiliate (as I am sure you are finding out) if you ever need a hand with absolutely anything or are stuck. It is unique in that you are never alone or left in the dark, there is always help. I am glad you are enjoying your experience at WA Patricia and thanks for the feedback!

  36. Steve

    Really cool, well laid out review of Wealthy Affiliate. Just one question, how do you make your join WA link appear as ‘waystoavoidscamsonline/joinwa’?

  37. Seth

    Nice review. Wanted to tell you I’m working on a project to advertise for WA pretty heavily, primarily just through Facebook. I’m still working on it, but it’s just going to be 1 really big page and I’ll probably just concentrate on Fb advertising for it at first and maybe use other means of advertising for it later. I came up with this really funny ideal from the Merlin episodes & I’ve been sitting here laughing to myself thinking of some things I could do.

    Aside from that, I changed up my niche a tad bit once again… and it became “How to Build Games”. I may add sub-domains and sub-directories to it later on other gaming related stuff, but I feel really good about this niche and think I’ll be sticking to this one for good. I ended up buying another domain called GameSabre.com & my categories are Android, C++, Excel, Flash, General, HTML5, iPhone, Java, PHP, and Python. Towards the footer, I have a pretty large banner entitled “Learn How to Market Your Games Online!” WA Style as a big square box that links to a review page for Wealthy Affiliate.

    Anyway, I’ll be keeping an eye on your website & be referring others to it. Ttyl.

    • Kyle

      Sounds like you have things planned out nicely Seth. If you ever need a hand with anything, be sure to let me know. I will be more than happy to help you out and good luck with your promotions.

  38. Emma Fellini

    I have to agree with your review. Wealthy Affiliate has it all. I came across WA on Janury 1st, 2013. To me a very auspicious sign. I was at a standstill in my life, more than anything a lack of inspiration to work. As soon as I got into level one certification I got really inspired to follow through. And I don´t consider this work at all. Internet Business is a very creative enterprise. And for someone like me who had the worst idea about marketing, I am realizing that it isn´t the dry matter I had imagined. Maybe it is how you and Carson have set up WA, letting us members be an active part of its content, a true online community.

    It is overwhelming indeed, but is part of the process, I guess we all start with assumptions and expectations. I had to come to terms with my real speed to absorb everything and now I just focus on following the steps. It starts to make sense when you have more pieces of the puzzle. I wish that those looking seriously for an opportunity to create an online business would station here, since this is the best place for that.

    Forever grateful.


    • Kyle

      Absolutely, online business can and should be fun, but unfortunately there is too much misinformation floating around that will lead people to failure within the online world. That is why there is step-by-step foundation building training within Wealthy Affiliate that can take someone that is absolutely green to the online business and get them building a foundation for success.

      Thanks for your kind words Emma and I am glad you are enjoying yourself within WA. See you inside of the community!

  39. Scott Newkirk

    This is a great review Kyle coming from the owners point of view I think you did a wonderful job of breaking everything down.

    I am enjoying watching you build out this site, I tend to follow you every step of the way and get my site built out at the same time.

    I really have enjoyed bootcamp so far keep the lessons coming, I am ready to learn all I can.

  40. saytue_sayewhat

    I enjoyed reading your review Kyle. It’s genuine. And yes, Wealthy Affiliate is very unique. This is the place whare I started making money, and at first, I was overwhelmed, but as I continued reading, asking questions and pay attention to what others were doing, it quickly came to me. I rate WA 100% legit.

  41. Charlie

    I think you hit the nail on the head with your “uniqueness.” I put my unique Wealthy Affiliate story on my site too, and I think everyone should be using their story on their sites. It’s the only thing that sets them apart, and might connect with that person looking to start an online business.

    Knowing what I know now, it’s a “NO BRAINER” to join WA…NOTHING to risk, everything to gain! Simple as that.

    See you inside WA.


    • Kyle

      Exactly, there is no pressure when you join WA as we do have our $0 membership. Once someone is inside WA, they can then see for themselves the value within the community, which I believe (and it looks like many others do as well), is unlike anything else within the industry. I am glad you are loving Wealthy Affiliate and I do thank you for your feedback Charlie.

  42. Hey Kyle I just wanted to share my experience with your readers and let them know from a members stand point what WA is like.

    First let me say that I have been a member since late 2011 and when I found WA I had no clue about anything related to making money online.

    I can actually relate to the CONS part of your review, the first 2 or 3 months I was there I felt like my head was in a vice and I was under water all at the same time.

    The learning curve can be really tough, especially back at that time because they have listened to us members consistently and taken action based on that feedback WA is now a lot more organized and has much more step by step training and even interactive classrooms to make sure it’s manageable for people.

    It can still be a lot to learn tho and you should expect to feel a bit lost at first but that’s what’s so great about this community is that when you get stuck or lost you have many experts who you can reach out to for help and with the live chat feature you can often get help instantly which to me is just huge.

    I also want to talk a bit about the No Cost starter membership. No one ever pressures you to go premium and there is no time restriction on it so you can relax and focus on the training they have there and getting your initial website built and starting to learn the basics.

    The premium membership if you decide at some point to upgrade is all inclusive meaning there are no up-sells again you can relax and focus on your education and building your business.

    I hope to see you in the live chat my user name is Ty Johnson feel free to holler at me if you see me in there I am always happy to answer questions and help people out.

    That brings me to my last point which is don’t be shy to get involved in live chat the people there don’t make fun of others that’s just not the atmosphere in the community it’s all about helping people and supporting each other.

    I hope my insider opinion is helpful I know from personal experience that it’s hard to believe because I was hesitant at first myself but I think you will find that it’s everything Kyle has said it is and more.

    Hope to see you there
    Ty Johnson

    • Kyle

      Thanks your review and personal insights Ty. I am glad you are enjoying Wealthy Affiliate and that we have been able to make the community much more organized with the latest roll out of Wealthy Affiliate classrooms. I do agree, prior to this things were a little overwhelming to a newcomer.

      Upon joining now, people are given a complete overview of the community (video walk-through) and put direction into a Getting Started action plan. It is because of feedback we get, that we improve our processes at WA and we will continue to improve the flow within the community. Again, thanks for everything you do Ty and I will see you inside of WA!

  43. I am so glad that I found this community back in the dark ages of 2010.
    I was looking for a way to get out of my loss of yet another JOB. Even way back before you added the live chat, the Classrooms and my favorite, the Ambassador Program this place was exceptional. Now, well, I’m very glad that I found you.
    I have thousands of hours here and feel like I’m just getting started with all of the learning on this site.
    Thanks for doing this.
    Now, lets revisit that lifetime membership.

    • Kyle

      Wow, since 2010 already. Time flies!

      Glad you are loving the Classrooms Craig, these have added the final level of organization. I also enjoy interacting within the classroom environment, it feels like much more targeted training and folks can choose essentially what aspect of the online business world they want to expertise within.

      It is wonderful to have you as part of the community at Wealthy Affiliate Craig!

  44. Wendy

    Kyle I just want to say thank you for creating Wealthy Affiliate. Before I found WA I was blowing my hard earned money into a few schemes and scams that didn’t work. WA gave me the skills I needed to finally make money online. But the best thing about WA is the support.

    • Kyle

      Your story sounds so similar to the other stories out there. There are far too many scams and gurus that are creating products with little substance simply to make money from their products.

      I am glad you are enjoying yourself at Wealthy Affiliate, in the 8 years that WA has been around, it has only continued to improve and evolve for the benefit of the members. This year is going to be the most exciting yet.

  45. David

    I have to say when I was first introduced to Wealthy Affiliate, back in 2010 as a completely overwhelmed with the amount of Info provided. I left WA in search of the way to do things online. Sure with the help of a couple people I learned my way around, But I wish I would of stayed on-board with WA. I have recently returned to WA and wish I never had left. WHY!!! Because I can honestly say. You will not find a better place to learn how to start a business online anywhere else online!!!! WA is a community of engaged people building their own online businesses, and Brands that are willing to help no matter the question you have.. BIG or Small. What I find is the interactive community is amazing. This where you will find Kyle and Carson on a daily basis helping anyone at any given time, and not with a simple answer but walking them through the steps one step at a time. But not only Kyle and Carson the owners, but 1000’s of people of all levels of understanding, and niches willing to guide you through to the next level. See you on the inside start your free membership today.

    • Kyle

      Thanks for your feedback David and I am glad you are loving Wealthy Affiliate. I do think you hit on a very important point, Carson and I are just a small part of the overall community. There are 1,000’s of awesome people within WA that are more than willing to help at the drop of the hat, something that you will not find anywhere else.

      It is not a place where we compete with one another, we understand that the Internet opportunity is vast and there is enough room for all of us. WA is a community in every sense of the word.

  46. Great review Kyle, as a member of WA I can vouch for the great wealth of knowledge of the website. My only concern is I don’t have enough time to work through the training. There is new material put up everyday with blog posts, discussions and classroom updates as you say overwhelming. This is not a gripe with the site but my time management. I need to do a weekly planner and allot time for WA and stick to it. I keep going off track. Anyhow, love your work keep it up I’m learning so much.

    • Kyle

      There definitely is a lot of training, but perhaps I can give you a word of advice.

      Don’t try to understand everything.

      There are 13 classrooms that you have access to as a Premium member of Wealthy Affiliate, focus on one or two of these…each are in essence are complete business models. Focus on ONE thing, ONE niche…and you are going to see much more success. Far too often people try to be the “jack of all trades” but that tends to lead to mediocrity across multiple things, instead of greatness at one. Become great at one thing.

      • Good advice I did try to cram in a lot of training but narrowed it down to affiliate marketing on a wordpress blog. I tend to work away now and when I have a problem I search for the answer and it is usually there, or someone has the answer to give.

        • Kyle

          Yeah, there is almost always someone there and available if you have a questions about just about anything….and of course, the search can become your best friend. Also, if you ever need a hand with a particular topic, start a discussion within the classrooms. You will get lots of expert help there Mark.

  47. Hey Kyle, a good summary of what WA has in store for the new indeed –
    The 2 most important messages that I’d like to highlight in your post are:

    1) It Takes a Community to Create a Success Story – OMG so true I’ve been around on the internet marketing circuit for a few years now and there isn’t anywhere else that offers so much value for zero cost. The community and their support knowledge and enthusiasm are second to none.

    2) You will never know what you have been missing all of these years until you step foot inside of Wealthy Affiliate… (period)

    So much on offer and all that’s needed is your time and commitment.

    • Kyle

      Thanks for your feedback Tony. That statement was taken from the “it takes a community to raise a child”…but it is relevant to success as well. Most people try to go at it alone or they buy products/services that come with ZERO support (99% of what is out there comes with no support). At Wealthy Affiliate we have worked hard to create an environment that would support a community atmosphere, allow newbies to get help from experts, and allow experts to have ongoing conversions that will allow them to take their business to the next level.

      Thanks for your feedback Tony! See you inside the walls of WA!

  48. joe

    Where do I find the experts?I love Wealthy affiliate ,and think Kyle and Carson are great guys(even tho you don’t hear much from Carson most of the time) but I never really know where to get the expert help.

    • Kyle

      Expert help is everywhere you look within the community. Ask a discussion, you are going to get responses…from people that have expertise in that subject matter. Join in on a live chat with a question, and there are going to be people with expertise and lots of experience in any facet related to online marketing.

      So if you want expert help Joe, the best thing to do is simply ask for help, regardless of the topic. There are many mediums to accomplish this within Wealthy Affiliate.

      RE: Carson, sometimes he is not as “available” as me simply because he is working with a large design and programming team. He is there, but typically sporadically throughout the day.

  49. Tommy Dillard

    That is a very good review… it sold me if I was not already a premium member I sure would have joined now. Great job

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