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  1. Dan Thompson

    I have purchased many affiliate systems and cancelled them all either because of my disappointment in them or in my disappointment in myself. I finally labeled them all as scams or just moneymakers for the owners. My distrust for all systems and all offers grew to the point that I did not believe any of them. I am not over that yet.

    My disappointment in myself stems from a couple of things. The first is that I am 79 years old, and even though I possess a sharp mind, I am not confident that I can properly learn this business adequately enough to make a living at it.

    The second is that I seem to have a fetish about my own personal websites. That comes from my ignorance about them and not being able to be creative enough to come up with a domain name that I feel good about. I have owned several domain names over the years but I have allowed all of them to be terminated. My niche would be “golf”, but I might be better off letting someone else pick a better niche than that for me. All in all, I am going to have to get over my fetish about my website.

    Third, and certainly not least is my distrust of the Google system and their keywords. I guess that I just don’t know enough about it to have much confidence in getting near the top of their list in any category. Regardless, I don’t like for my success to be contingent on my ability to get in a favorable position on their lists.

    In short, I consider myself to be a challenging problem for anyone to take on as a willing student should I decide to join Wealthy Affiliate. I would probably begin as a Starter Member at first, but I would certainly consider becoming a Premium Member if someone could prove certain things to me and that I could learn enough to make money with the system.

    In closing, I am looking for a reliable internet system that I can make a steady income from, and I have not found it yet. I do feel better about your presentation than I do the many others that I have reviewed in the last year. Truth usually wins out.

    I will make my decision when I hear back from you. Your response and the promptness of that response will help me decide.
    Dan Thompson (Not Proofread)

    • Kyle

      Thanks for getting in touch with me Dan. First off, the best thing you can do is check out the Starter membership, it is completely free to join and it will get you access to the community, 2 free websites, hosting, training, and support. This is absolutely the best way to see if the program is for you as I am sure you will quickly realize that what we offer for free at Wealthy Affiliate is superior to what others are charging for.

      Golf would absolutely be a great niche for you and we can help you get up and running within that niche. Our training is not niche specific, meaning that you can use it to create a business within any niche, no experience necessary (and no technical knowledge required).

      There is no such thing as a challenging student. If you are challenging, it means that you are interested in learning and the helpful community within WA is going to be behind you ever step of the way Dan. I look forward to working with you and if you need a hand going forward, please do get in touch with me inside of Wealthy Affiliate (my profile is Kyle) and I will be more than happy to help you out.

  2. Jesse

    Hi Kyle. I am Jesse who is living in Toronto. According to your comments and discription of your site,your program seems to be something more diffrent than other online making money site. I already joined some online making money site and brought programs but all these are provided a lack of information and too long period of training sections. No feedback or just nomal answers when I need their help. If I am joining to your program, you are going to guide me to the right direction in the online business field as you mentioned and described your site on your landing pages.

    Have a long weekend

    • Kyle

      Absolutely Jesse, you are going to get real help within WA and real training that works today. This is going to be very easy for you to follow along with and there is always help within the VERY ACTIVE community at WA if you ever need it. I suggest you check out the Starter membership and get rolling from there, you will get instant access to the training within the back-end and you can always touch base within WA when you need to (I will also connect with you when you join).

      You have a wonderful long weekend as well and I will see you inside WA!

  3. Sam

    Hi Kyle,

    What is the value of working with WA if I could just create my own website? I’m not sure what I stand to gain when it seems like I can compose my own research and find my own affiliate programs.

    You’re probably not inclined to answer this, but I’m honestly asking – how do you (the owners) make money from WA? I guess overall, I want to know the average percentage of profit I’d make from any subsequent product purchases via my site, versus what WA makes from that same purchase.


    • Kyle

      Wealthy Affiliate has a Premium membership which is a paid membership. We don’t make a cent off of you if you join our Starter membership, but we still offer an awesome service there. Our goal is to put our best foot forward and to show you what a “REAL” business looks like and how you can create one and to offer you a service that you trust and that you want more of. Our Starter membership exceeds any paid program out there (yet it is free), and our Premium is out of this world compared to any education in online business you will receive anywhere.

      You can promote whatever you like within WA, we will teach you how to create a business within any niche and as you go through the training we will help you with this process. Hope this adds some clarity Sam.

  4. Reba

    Hi Kyle, I struggle with whether I’ll be able to produce enough valuable content to actually drive an income. Does WA help with this type of challenge? Thanks!

    • Kyle

      Absolutely Reba, we have a ton of training on content and authoring within WA, in fact we have an entire classroom (of 100+ training modules) dedicated to this subject and we have a lot of support within the community from content experts if you ever need it.

  5. Latisha

    Hi Kyle

    I was just looking over all of the comments and am very interested in WA and right now I am unemployed anf actively seeking employment. I have never ran a business but I know there are people who make lots of money online but I have no idea where to began or what to sell. Iam a mother of five and looking to make money from home. Can WA help a low-income person like me.

    • Kyle

      We can definitely help you out at Wealthy Affiliate Latisha, no experience necessary (and no product required). We are going to teach you how to build a website within any niche of your choice and build a successful business from the ground up. I recommend you start out with the Starter membership which is completely free and then start working through the training. You will instantly gain access to the community and the ability to create free websites upon joining.

  6. Alan


    I currently have a 181 page site hosted by another company. I have no real interest in selling a product, rather utilizing those programs such as AdSense to create passive income.

    My site is just over 2 years old, receiving 130 visitors daily, but little to no revenue from AdSense. Traffic seems to be more the issue, and there may be some other programs out there similar to AdSense to create additional revenue. Info-links was not a favorite.

    Alexa ranking is just over 4 mil. How can WA meet my needs?

    • Kyle

      We can teach you how to create websites that rank and it is obvious that you don’t quite get the concept of proper keyword research, because with 181 pages of unique content you should be getting 1,000’s of visitors per day to your site. Also, adsense is far from the best way to monetize your website, so we will help you get rolling in the right direction with that.

      It sounds like you have the work ethic part down and you understand the process of getting content up on your website, it will be just a matter of fitting a few of the pieces together to get your campaigns moving in the right direction. I suggest you set-up the Starter membership and we will get rolling from there.

  7. Teresa

    I am involved in a company that uses relationship marketing to promote and sell the product. Will this system help me generate leads for that business?

    • Kyle

      Without traffic, you don’t have anyone to “market” to. All marketing is relationship marketing and anyone that is successful within the online world understands how to get traffic to their website. This is one of the many things that you will learn within WA and we would love to help you out Teresa. I suggest you join the Starter membership and I know you will instantly know you are in the right place (and I will get in touch with you right away upon joining).

  8. Andreia

    Hey Kyle,

    Was wondering if i can take advantage of the free membership and use with my MLM business? Because I do my business with people i know, but i want to expose the opportunity to more people, what do u advise?

    • Kyle

      What we teach at Wealthy Affiliate can be used within any niche, including with MLM programs. I would suggest that you join within WA and you will get a good idea of what we offer. Absolutely everything you need to succeed within any vertical of the online business world is included at WA.

  9. Al

    Hey, I’m still in college and I would like to know if I actually have a chance in WA? I have no experience what so ever on the online market and the only techie thing iv’e ever done was build my computer.

    • Kyle

      You absolutely do have a chance, an awesome chance. I know this first hand because I started while I was in college and you are a step ahead of my, I didn’t know how to put a computer together. I can assure you that you will be more than fine and we all start with no knowledge at one point. That is what the training is there for at Wealthy Affiliate…and the tools…and the support…and the community. Everything you need to go from nothing to as successful as you want is there.

      Get rolling with the starter membership and if you need a hand with anything going forward, touch base within me inside the community.

  10. saul

    Hello Kyle i would like be a membership but i want to know if you have some information in Spanish because my wife she don’t read very good English so if she enjoy with you do you think u can help her or not?

    • Kyle

      At this point all of our training/videos are in English, but if you can understand English, you will be able to use this information to create Spanish websites and earn money through the spanish speaking audience. Many members at Wealthy Affiliate create websites in other languages.

  11. Stephanie

    I’m a salon owner and only been open 6 months. Business is growing, but I still need a lot of help. I know it takes 3-5 years to fully develop a business, but in the meantime I would like to make money on the side to help out with bills and such.

    Can WA help me with that? Will the websites help promote and advertise my salon? I have seen Neucopia and other companies that are pyramid based, I even unfortunately joined one (for only $99!), and never made anything no matter what I did. I’m just trying to figure out what WA does and how I can make some money with it. I intend on signing up for the free membership, but I just wanted a little more insight first. Thanks 🙂

    • Kyle

      WA can absolutely help you with your existing salon along with anything else that you would like to do within the online world. We teach you how to create a business or how to take an existing business and get it reach through the online world. We have A LOT of local marketing training within our Premium membership that would be highly valuable to locally marketing your salon, but absolutely start with the Starter membership and go from there. I know you are going to love the community, training and atmosphere.

  12. san

    Hi Kyle I’ve read your article along with most of the comments. I’m in pretty much the same boat as everyone trying to make money online to free myself form the 9-5 job! Although I’m an IT security specialist I’ve never really had the “time” to start my own online business before. One of the problem I face is that I live in Mongolia (not sure if you’ve even heard about our country).

    So my question is do you think it is possible for me to start make money through WA even though I live in a relatively remote place. Since our country is a developing one and not many ppl use online merchandising.

    • Kyle

      You can absolutely work from Mongolia, and yes, I have heard of Mongolia before lol. The thing about the Internet business world is that your location does not really play an impact in respect to the success you can achieve. We have people from Mongolia and all over the world for that matter, you will be able to do the same.

      I would suggest you get rolling with the Starter membership and take action on the training. It is going to get you up and running with your own niche website and show you how you can leverage this to generate a “worldwide” income.

  13. Krysten

    I joined WA a month ago with absolutely no knowledge of how to create a website or how to start an internet marketing business. I am VERY suspicious of online claims that you can be a gazillionaire over night. This is the first program that I have found that you can join for free, with out every having to upgrade, and that actually provides a value. The fact that you don’t need to provide a credit card number when you sign up for the free membership, really solidified that I was doing the right thing.

    One month later, I have two great looking websites, and a solid understanding of how I can use them to earn a living online. The support truly is amazing, and I have never stayed “stuck” for very long as the amazing WA members jump in to help.

    This is not some scheme where you are going to make loads of cash right off the bat. You actually have to work at it and create a website that creates value to the reader and ultimately leads you into a long term and sustainable income stream.

    Seriously, the training is outstanding and provides support for those at all levels – beginner, intermediate or advanced. I love it!

    • Kyle

      So glad you are enjoying yourself within Wealthy Affiliate Krysten and it has been nice to work with you thus far. Thanks for stopping by with your review, much appreciated.

  14. Paul

    Soooo… straight forward talk – what is one of the products? Just one. Cause this seems like you haven’t actually answered that question but danced around it. Sorry if this seems rude, I’m just a skeptical person. A friend told me about EN (do not like them…) and now I’m here. I want to know more, and I get there is a free membership (I like free) but I’m still hesitant. Any help here?

    • Kyle

      Not sure what you mean by products, but I will help explain to you exactly what Wealthy Affiliate is and how it will help you out Paul.

      Wealthy Affiliate is an all inclusive community, training, support, services, and websites platform for building a business online. We do not push you to promote any product in particular (in fact you don’t even need to promote products to earn money), rather we training you how to build a business online from scratch. This starts with a foundation, a website. From there, you need to understand how to generate traffic, because without an audience, there is no money to be earned online. We show you how to accomplish this the proper way, the way that works in 2013 and has worked since 2005 when we started WA.

      Within the community you will get training and you will be able to get support when you need it. Within the free Starter membership you will be creating your initial foundation which will be through some Getting Started training along side free websites and support that we are going to be providing you. There is not a PAID program in the industry that can compete with our free membership, let alone our Premium service (which offers much more).

      I suggest you check out the Starter membership…there is ZERO cost and risk to do this. I know you will be impressed!

  15. Edmond SM

    Kyle,3 issues for clarification.
    1. Are there any membership sites in your program that free WA member affiliates can choose to promote to obtain recurring/passive monthly income.
    2. For the upgraded membership, will it be a continuation from the free WA + getting access to additional resources or is the upgraded version an entirely new business where you have to start all over again to set up.******
    3. I’ve seen comments on differing sites mentioning the free WA membership has 7-day trial period and some mentioning 10-day trial. Which is correct?**********

    • Kyle

      Hi Edmond,

      1. We teach you how to promote any affiliate program you like within WA, whether this be a recurring commission program or otherwise. So yes, to your first question.

      2. When you upgrade within WA, you carry everything you have created and all the training you have completed with you into the Premium, you do not have to start over again.

      3. There is no trial, you get indefinite access to WA Starter when you join for free. You however get 7 days free access to the Premium level support within our system which includes all the help you need, after this period it is only included in the Premium membership.

      Hope this helps you out. The best thing you can do is join the Starter membership (it is completely free) this is going to give you a go understanding of exactly what our offering is.

    • Kyle

      Absolutely 100% legit Dave. Check out the Starter membership at the very least. I will be there to help you along the way within Wealthy Affiliate, absolutely everything you need to get started and scale a business online is within the community. I know you will thoroughly enjoy your experience!

  16. Alex

    Hi Kyle,I am self employed & work is slow.Looking on the internet for work at home sites.Have come across alot of sites but when I check on them most are scams.Have been reading about WA,there are some very good reviews.Wandering if WA is a good choice.Money is very tight,trying to support my family.Do you think WA can help.Thank You,if this works I would love to help others that are in the same position as I am.

    • Kyle

      Absolutely it is a good choice. I can assure you that you are going to get a REAL education on how to create a REAL business online within WA. It is completely free to get up and running within the Starter membership and you have access to 2 websites, support, and the ability to interact with experts within the community. We can definitely help.

  17. gopal

    Will i make money the first month after becoming a member. I want to make 100 dollrs a day how much how much time it will take if I follow you.

    • Kyle

      I don’t guarantee success, I assure that you have all the tools, training, websites, and support you need to get there. Some folks can definitely earn within the first month online, but generally speaking you need to first create your foundation before you can build your business. That is how it works. Treat success the same way you do any thing else in life where you learn, build and the succeed. Those that typically want success in an instant are those that continue to buy endless “shiny objects” in attempt to fuel their “hopes”.

      I can assure you that absolutely EVERYTHING you need to succeed online is included within WA, whether your take action and work hard (which leads to your inevitable success) is up to you. I am there to help every step of the way.

  18. Paul

    Hi. I’m recently got into EN (like 4 days ago). I don’t see why it couldn’t work, although it does seem odd to me concerning some of the things you mentioned about them. I would love to be able to make money online, and have no problem with spending some time each day at it on the side of my current 40 hour-per-week job (that I can only tolerate, not enjoy). I very much like the idea of of your starter membership being free, while EN’s is $25. My problem is that I’m a complete noob to all this. I understand now how to make money with EN, but not with WA. But WA is free when starting out. I guess my big question is: what am I going to sell online with this free membership that you’re offering?

    • Kyle

      You can sell anything Paul within any niche and the training that you are going to access within the FREE starter membership is going to immediately be walking you through this. You are also going to be building your very own niche website by lesson 4. You have full control over your destiny and you have everything you need to get started, create and scale any level of business within the online world at WA.

      I do suggest you join the Starter membership and get rolling from there. I can assure you that the WA free membership will exceed ANY paid product out there, and the Premium membership at WA is even beyond that!

  19. solomon

    Thanks Kyle. I was wondering round to get a legitimate menturing, training program. There are millions of scams and liers out there to my surprise.I was very frustrated and discouraged. I spent thousands of my money for different products, including websites developed by different warrior forum individuals. Glad i saw this website this morning. I joined as free member for now and see how i do on that before upgrading to the premium level. I own more than 15 websites(niches)and making $0 so far. I am also in the free prescription discount card business, which is to some extent much better than the IM. you dont see any scammers or liers like the IM business.

    I am hoping your program will help me learn about IM business.



    • Kyle

      You are definitely try to do too much at once Solomon. It only takes ONE website to be very successful online. It is not a good idea to diversify until you know how to be successful with just one website. Those that tell you otherwise are those that are likely struggling online or those selling you a product that teaches otherwise (yet they probably do not use their own techniques).

      I suggest you create your Starter account at Wealthy Affiliate right away and we can get you moving in the right direction. I will be more than happy to help you out once you are inside the community.

  20. Ken

    Hi Kyle,
    Just wondering if there is an affiliate program option in WA? Can a member invite others into the program, and make a commission if the invited person upgrades to the premium? Not meaning to downgrade the other avenues of making money within the WA system, just wondering if that additional stream is in there?

    • Kyle

      Absolutely Ken, we have a very lucrative affiliate program within Wealthy Affiliate that is included in both the Starter and Premium memberships at Wealthy Affiliate. We also have a payment model for people that you refer that are free members as well. In addition to this we have something called our “Affiliate Bootcamp” which is specific training that will walk you through the process of creating a successful business using our affiliate program.

      So yes, our affiliate program is definitely one option, but you will be able to choose your “path” with your business as you go through our training.

      • Tim

        Wouldn’t this be considered multi level marketing? Just curious since I am new to all this and thinking about joining the free side first

        • Kyle

          Absolutely not Tim, we are an education platform. Just like going to Harvard or any other acclaimed University, WA offers you the platform you need to get educated…along with all the websites, tools, community, classrooms, live video classes, support, mentoring, experts and networking you need to create a business online.

          It isn’t MLM, there are no LEVELS at WA. MLM programs in this industry are a scam and should be avoided.

          If you join WA, I know you are absolutely going to love the community and the platform. If you do, make sure you stop by my profile and say hi!

  21. Bulelani Langeni

    Hi Kyle

    Thanks for the eye opener regarding Empower Network. I was about to join them before I saw you review about their business model. I have been getting several emails from their members to join but I always failed to understand what I would be doing exactly. I am really looking for something that will set me financially free, successful and add value to other people’s lives. But I have had a bad experience in the past due to scams. I hope after reading all this comments above about your business it is really legitimate I will give it a try and see time will tell


    • Kyle

      I hear you Bulelani. Almost everyone that I have ever worked with has had at least one “run in” with a bad experience online, whether this is at the hands of a guru or one of the many schemes online. It is unfortunate that this has become what the Internet stands for and I find it appalling that most of the programs are allowed to even exist.

      What I can tell you is that if you give us a chance, you will be warmly surprised. We are truly different and we do care about ALL of our members and this is going to be very apparent the minute you walk in the door at Wealthy Affiliate, even as a free Starter member. I would love to work with you and please do get in touch with me when you do create your account with Wealthy Affiliate. My username is Kyle over there.

  22. Sajan

    Hi Kyle,

    I am newbie in making money online.,Checked all sites like Chrisfarrell,work from no home,Empowernetwork, etc etc.I also checked whether if its scam or real.When i checked WA,website looks legitimate and i am interested to join since i am going through very bad time,but the problem is I am really really newbie and i dont now what to do and scared.


    • Kyle

      I would recommend you join the Starter membership Sajan. It is completely free and I know you will instantly feel right at home within WA. If you do need a hand with anything going forward, I will be more than happy to help you out. Get in touch with me inside of WA!

  23. Greg W.

    So by joining the starter account first, can you actually make money via the starter account, or do you have to be a premium member before you can start generating income? I know that nothing is gonna happen overnight, but wondering if the starter membership is basically just for valuable information leading up to the premium membership. Thanks

    • Kyle

      You can absolutely earn on the Starter membership, but obviously the Premium membership does include a lot more. I can assure you that our Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate will exceed the quality of ANY paid product in the industry (and it is FREE) in respect to the support, the training, the tools and services. Absolutely don’t take my word for it, find out for yourself. I know you will love it Greg and please do get in touch with me inside of WA if you ever need anything.

  24. Kirsty

    Hi Kyle,
    I’m really keen to join and already have an idea of the direction I’d like to go with my niche. I’m passionate about educating and helping people to improve their lifestyles through education and knowledge of health, diet, chemical free products and essentially “cleansing” their lives so that they can be productive, useful and live rich and fulfilling lives. I’m desperate to help others, can your training help set me up? Also, how does things like tax etc work? Do I need to have an ABN and how do I declare income/be accountable for tax with income earned from internet marketing? Do we just treat it as if we’re self-employed? Do you advise having an accountant if our online business takes off?

    • Kyle

      This is absolutely a great niche and if you are passionate about this niche, you can do very well within it. You nailed something when you said you are interested in “helping” people. If you can help people, regardless of the business you choose, you can be very successful online. We can absolutely help you out at Wealthy Affiliate and DO NOT worry about taxes right now, you are putting the cart before the horse. Earn money and then deal with it, it is actually quite easy and you will be able to work as a sole proprietor when starting out.

  25. Archie

    Hi, I have an existing website for my business that I’m trying to rank higher in the search engines. My knowledge of SEO is very minimal at best. By joining WA will it help me obtain the SEO knowledge needed to improve my site’s rank or is it more geared to individuals who want to start a website from scratch? Thanks for your help!

    • Kyle

      We can absolutely help you out. If you don’t know SEO, then you are going to have a tough time getting any rankings in Google and we teach SEO and we have many SEO experts within WA that you will be able to work with. We teach techniques that work in 2013 as well, unlike the many folks that are still pushing “backlinks” and “article spinning” which can adversely affect your business and kill all of your rankings in the SERPS.

      I suggest you join the Starter membership first, it is completely free and I absolutely know you are going to love the community over at Wealthy Affiliate. Make sure you stop by and say hi when you join, my username within WA is Kyle.

      • Archie

        Thanks for the reply. I’ve finished the first ten courses and I found the material really helpful. Will be upgrading to premium soon.

        • Kyle

          Awesome Archie, glad you are enjoying Wealthy Affiliate! If you ever need anything, you know where to find me!

  26. Rosie

    Thanks for your review about empower network, I recently join them 4days ago and I am contemplating if I wanted to buy all the video they are selling. I know for a fact that people can empower themselves with the right mindset. I am also looking for an on-line business coz I wanted to have a lot of time for myself and do something that will enhance my gift. Hoping you are the answer to my prayers so i can get out of debt.

    • Kyle

      We will absolutely be able to help you out. You just need to be honest with yourself and what your goals are. Anything is achievable through hard work and dedication, but don’t treat this like a race. The first month of your business should always be focused on getting a solid foundation in place. This is what we teach at Wealthy Affiliate and by the end of your first month you will have a website (within any niche) that is getting ranked in Google and getting traffic.

  27. Mike

    Hello K

    Just been doing some extra research before i take the plunge. Some of the comments on your youtube videos are not so good. For example one non paying member claims to not have access to the community because they only have the free starter account. Another says that when he was in the middle of a live chat that he was booted out for asking to many questions. What are your thoughts on these comments. You almost have me mate but I just wont jump in blind ever again.

    • Kyle

      Hey Mike,

      The best thing you can do is join via the free starter membership. As a Starter member, you have access to a good deal of training, a Getting Started course and an Affiliate Bootcamp. Additionally, you have access to build TWO completely free WordPress websites before you ever have to consider spending a dime.

      Yes, we do have a Premium membership (as explained in this post), but that is up to you and if you want to take things to the next level. I can assure you that our FREE Starter Membership is better than all of the paid programs out there. Our Premium is just that much better and instead of me tooting the WA horn here, I would love for you to have a look for yourself.

      I can appreciate you reviewing products/services before you join them, in particular in this industry. There are a lot of scams out there and this is something that we despise about our industry. People make assumptions based on their past experiences.

      In regards to someone losing access for asking questions, that DOES NOT happen at WA. The only time we cut someone off is if they are spamming the community with promotions, something that we take seriously and do not tolerate. We have a spam free environment at Wealthy Affiliate.

      I hope this has answered your questions Mike. Again the best thing you can do is join the Starter membership and then if you have any further questions going forward, you can connect with me directly inside of WA.

  28. Tom

    For someone who is willing to follow direction and has 1 to 2 hours a day to put in to your WA program would it be likely that I could make my first $100 online within 3 weeks? Does it take months to build up the SEO traffic and start making any money online realistically? I know everyone is different but on average for your people through your program what have you seen?

    • Kyle

      Hey Tom, it typically takes a month or two to get up and running online and this means getting your website foundation in place and getting it ranked in Google. Do you only have 3 weeks to achieve success? I always find it strange when people only give themselves 3-4 weeks to achieve success yet they will work a job for 30 years to get a few dollars raise. To be honest I have never met someone that has reached HUGE success in a month online, but yes, you can definitely start building your business and be working towards success.

      When I started years ago, I had only a few hours per day like you and within 2 months I had my my first money online. By month 6 I was doing really well…and at the year mark I was full time. That is more typical and the work you invest now pays off later as with any business. Wealthy Affiliate can help you achieve any level of success you want online, we have people earning a few $100 per month and we have people earning several million per year, it really depends on YOU as we have everything you need to start, build and grow a business of any stature within WA.

  29. Lucy

    I have just gone through your website and read a lot from you and your visitors. I am going to take a leap of faith and get into WA. I have come across many programs but I have never felt the need to engage in any of them. I have a millionaire mindset. I just need the right people to help me achieve my goals. Am hoping am at the right place. Only time will tell.


    • Kyle

      You are going to feel right at home Lucy and I know you are absolutely going to love the community! I look forward to working with you and please do get in touch with me inside of WA if you ever do need anything!

      • Kyle

        It truly is and that is why I created this site. To help folks like yourself out Liz and to get you moving in the right direction. There is a lot of vultures out there in this industry that are in the business of “taking money” and it is my goal to uncover all of these scams and portray the legitimate ones to folks.

        If you ever need a hand with anything going forward, I do suggest you get in touch with me inside of WA (I think you just created an account) and I will be more than happy to give you a hand.

  30. Berna

    So I’m understanding that in order to make money from your company, I need to have a blog? It’s not like an MLM company?

    • Kyle

      To make money online, you need a website these days. That is why we provide you with websites at Wealthy Affiliate and make the foundation building process centered around getting a successful website up and running. This is how you create an Internet business, which is different than build a downline within an MLM company.

  31. Kyle, I will definitely join WA.
    What is the Premium membership fee amount?

    How do I get in on working with companies site in the internet market place like AMAON,WALMART,GOOGLE and DELTA through WA as a Premium member?

    • Kyle

      The Premium membership is offered at $19 for the first month if you join within the first 7 days, and then after this you can either pay monthly ($47) or you can pay for a year at a time at a discount ($359, works out to just over $29 per month). This is an “all inclusive” membership, meaning that if you are Premium you do not have to pay for anything else. No upsells at all…everything you need to start, build and grow a business online is included and you will never have to buy another Internet marketing product again!

      Check out the Starter membership though when getting rolling, this will give you a jump start with your business and grant you access to the community, the training, tools and support (and your own two free websites). We will be teaching you all about how to make money online with the first couple of lessons within the Getting Started training and by lesson 4 you are going to have your very own niche website up and running!

  32. Viv E.

    Kyle, I am quite impress that as an owner, your HUMBLE-being took the time personally in responding to ALL internet replies, even to the ones that didn’t make sense, you are a rare patience character person and may the Spirit bless you abundantly with good health and wealth riches in the name of Jesus(Son of God-Almighty).

    • Kyle

      Because unlike 99% of the companies in the industry, we care more about helping people create success online than making our company more money. Yes, we run a business but we are in the business of helping people and when you join WA (even as a free Starter member) you are going to find that this is evident very quickly.

  33. mark

    Hi Kyle,
    It sounds to easy do you think your system can work/help someone with no online experience.l have a young family so money is tight but we are in a position were we need to start something on the side and hopefully be able to build it to full time.
    Thanks for your time.


    • Kyle

      We can definitely help you out at Wealthy Affiliate Mark. I suggest you take advantage of the Starter membership, it is completely free to get going and this does include support and the ability to create TWO free websites. I know you will love the training the community and if you have any questions going forward, feel free to touch base with me inside of Wealthy Affiliate.

  34. Carol

    I am definitely going to join your community and cancel a couple of others that I belong to.

    As I havent read any of the other questions/responses above, I have a quick question, can I upgrade at any time or is there a specific time frame.

    Kind regards.

    • Kyle

      That is great Carol, we would love to have you at Wealthy Affiliate! And yes, of course. You can upgrade at any time that you like, it is completely up to you and there are no obligations. Your Starter membership does not have a time limit, although you do only get the Premium support for the first 7 days you will still have access to your training and your websites beyond that.

  35. bryan and jo

    Hi we have loads of domain names we have brought we are so fed up with the scams we have had so many we are getting fed up now. We have lost our house and mortgage we have a wifi dongle to get on the computer we have been doing this over 7 years now and all the money we get for the little bit of work we have get’s used online we are so sick and tired of this and now enough is enough we want help to get the money in we deserve and hope Kyle you can help us we think we might as well get the money out of the bank and just burn it! thats what we feel like. and being in a caravan thats starting to leak and the arguments well need i say no more we have 5 kids and we don’t get to spend time with them as we are on the pc looking for ways to make money it’s about time we made some decent money for our selfs and our kids we don’t even know how we got to this site but just for once would be nice for someone to help us start seeing the money coming in instead of the scams so PLEASE HELP US KYLE!!

    • Kyle

      I can definitely help you our Bryan and Jo and I can assure you that if you step foot inside of WA you are never going to get scammed again. It is great that you have some domains, but you are going to need to learn the proper techniques for creating and building out your websites in order to get traffic and ultimately generate revenue. It only takes ONE domain as well, anyone that told you otherwise has been feeding you false information.

      I would suggest that you create your free Starter account and then you will immediately but through the Getting Started training. Also, after you join get in touch with me inside of WA if you ever need a hand with anything (my username is “Kyle”) and I will be happy to help you guys out.

  36. don

    Sir Kyle,
    I register for Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership this morning,do I need to have/buy a registered domain name and hosting for me to earn here in WA?
    Thanks bro.

    • Kyle

      This is completely up to you Don. When starting out you can absolutely use the free websites, they are full WordPress websites. At some point down the road you may want to move to getting your own domains, but this is up to you. Work through the training and take action on what you learn, you will be moving in the right direction very quickly Don.

  37. Franky

    Hey Kyle,

    Somehow I ran into this website, don’t really remember how, but I read this review. This seems pretty neat. I’m curious on many things. I’ll just ask a few that come to mind, since it can be a long list.

    I’ve been looking for an online job for a while, just to be able to have some time to help my family out and myself. I’m actually living in central America and I’m curious to how the payments would be made? Like is it deposited directly or by check? Also, right now I’m working as a technical support specialist, but need some extra money to be able to help my family out. I was wondering what’s the average income that’s received? I’m sorry to ask these questions, but for a job/careers, basic questions can help in decision making. Oh, and what’s the time span after joining that it will take to receive your first payment?

    Lastly, does it matter what language (if someone can’t speak/write/read english) a person speaks to try this out? I know that last questions random but if it’s a global type of business, is there help for non English speaking people? I myself speak more English than Spanish, but I do know some other ppl that might be interested, but they don’t speak English as much. Please let me know, feel free to email me. Thanks!

    • Kyle

      Hey Franky,

      Glad you found my website, I can definitely help you out here. In response to your questions…

      I’m actually living in central America and I’m curious to how the payments would be made? Like is it deposited directly or by check?

      It depends on the company and the type of affiliate program. Almost all companies pay via check along with other methods of payment, including Paypal and bank wire transfers. We have many members at WA from every country in the world, since this is global, the opportunity is just a big for everyone.

      I was wondering what’s the average income that’s received?

      That depends on the person and how much effort you put into YOUR business. That is like saying, how much do people earn in business? It depends on the person, some make no money (those that are not willing to work at it) and some make several $100,000 per month. Everything you need to achieve any level of success is included within WA, you just need to take action on what you learn.

      Does it matter what language (if someone can’t speak/write/read english) a person speaks to try this out?

      You can market in any language you like, whether this be English or Spanish. It comes down to the audience you are promoting to and there are many people in the world that speak different languages and search for things in Google and other search engines using different languages.

      You can get rolling with a free Starter account at WA here. I hope this has helped you out and if you have any questions going forward, you will be able to connect with me personally inside of Wealthy Affiliate.

  38. Harmony Jensen

    I like your approach so I am giving you a chance with my info. If you prove yourself to be nothing but fluff in the free program I will be blocking you from my contacts and moving on. Either way I look forward to posting my opinion of your program right here.

    • Kyle

      I would encourage you to do that and if you don’t like our service at WA, I want you to absolutely let me know. I know you are going to instantly realize that we are really there to help folks out and it is apparent within the community and the access that you have even within our free Starter membership. I look forward to working with you Harmony.

  39. Krista

    Hi Kyle! I have been so ripped off and spent so much money trying to work from home, that I could have lived a couple months without working at all, just on the money wasted. I’ve been searching for the right idea or right business,for over 25 yrs. From Amway to Herbalife, from Mary Kay to Avon, from online video production to marketing varied merchandise. I’ve worked my whole life to make other people money and I’m still working 3 jobs, 7 days a wk. I’m tired. As for my “passion”, I’ve always dreamed of being a writer. I’m pretty good at it, according to others. But how do I make money at it without being a top-selling, published, novelist? How can having a website help me achieve success at being a writer? And if a website can help, then how will I make money from this website to continue writing? All of it takes time, which is what I have the least of. Thx

    • Kyle

      Everything boils down to content online Krista. For example, look at this website. I am “writing” to you right now, you read “writing” on this page and you will notice that my website is comprised of writing. Having a website gives you a medium to write on any topic you like, you can incorporate promotions and you can earn revenue in many different ways once your website starts getting traffic and this will take place as a result of your writing.

      We will walk you through the process of all of this within WA, I think you are really going to find your path and be able to leverage your passion. You have finally found the “right place”, I can assure you of that.

  40. Mary

    To start making money, do you have to buy the premium membership first? I have no money but would like to try this out.

    • Kyle

      You don’t have to go Premium to make money but you will have way more access but absolutely you don’t have to join Premium. At some point you may want to, but there is no pressure to upgrade and you will have a substantial amount of access within your Starter membership as well (and full access to two websites).

  41. Steve

    Kyle, I am also interested in WA, didn’t realize you were the owner, and did not know that it is free to get started, sounds like a good program for people who have been scammed by those other programs that offer so little, except the dream of making money.

    Could you please make sure that Joseph gets my email , I am giving you permission to share it with him. Thanks a bunch , I appreciate it… 🙂

    • Kyle

      Would love to have you on board at WA Steve, I do suggest that you join via the Starter membership and check it out. I know you will be impressed!

  42. Elmira

    Hi Kyle, I was reading about the keyword search tool,Jaaxy, that you recommend and the cost of it. How much more money would I need to be prepared to spend per month, in addition to the WA fee, to have the best tools to make money online? I know WA comes with a lot of resources, but I am concerned about joining WA and finding that I still need to purchase additional tools to have everything necessary to be successful. You recommend buying this keyword search tool…. anything else I need to know about?

    • Kyle

      You actually don’t need to buy anything else after you Premium membership if you don’t want to. There is a keyword tool included within WA and as a Premium member you do have unlimited access to that. Jaaxy is a separate research platform that many people use and love (much more than just a keyword tool), but that will be up to you whether or not you want or need a system like this.

      There are no secret “upsells” at WA. We don’t do business like that, we are very transparent! 🙂

  43. Michael Jon Baptiste

    Dear Kyle,
    Can you please advise me as to whether or not I should join the premium membership considering that I really have less than $200 to my net worth, but I really don’t have any immediate expenses for the time being, not even food. I am even actually homeless but I do have all the time in the world, plenty of education, computers and laptops (state of the art), and free Wi-Fi. I am physically fit and of sound mind but because of extenuating circumstances I can’t easily work or live most anywhere, which I would rather not get into at the moment if you care to know. I obviously desperately need to get back on my feet ASAP. Thank you for your time.

    • Kyle

      Hey Michael,

      Thanks for stopping by and I can absolutely help you out here. If you have not already, I would suggest that you start out with the Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership which is completely free. This includes your own niche websites, a website builder, and training that will walk you through the process of getting up and running online. This will serve as you starting point online and it does sound like you are very dedicated to this, but on a limited budget so this will be a cost efficient way of getting started.

      Then if you decide you want to advance your skills and want to get some of the Premium features, you can decide whether or not it is a fit to you. Will you benefit from being Premium, absolutely. Will it speed up your path to success, sure. But first and foremost I would suggest you get rolling with your niche site and then if you are interested in Premium, take advantage of the first month $19 offer that is available to you. This will give you a good idea of what is included in Premium. I know you will really love it, but again, I don’t want you to stretch yourself too thin.

    • Kyle

      You can sell anything you want through what are called “affiliate programs”. There are literally millions of products that you will be able to promote through these programs within any niche imaginable. At Wealthy Affiliate we help you choose your niche, get your niche website up and running, and teach you the techniques that you need to understand in order to succeed online. I suggest you join the Starter membership and get rolling, I know you will absolutely love the service at WA! 🙂

  44. Vai Niu

    Hi There, Yeah, I really appreciate your review on these “fly by night scams” I suppose technology have also aided the speed of manufacturing scams to make believe for the untrained eye of impulsive buyers that create an environment for these “gurus” to thrive in their scams. I suppose we are also guilty of one thing or another by being either or. I have been burnt several times but I haven’t given up trying to find a genuine opportunity. Chris Farrell’s program is the closest I have come so far but I do now have second thoughts and I have decided to pull out after your review. Sorry Chris but I am not in to make friends buddy I need to earn a living. Anyway don’t worry I don’t think he needs to hear me say that. Great job though and good on you for keeping the community and poor suckers like me informed.

    Cheers, Vai Niu from the beautiful southern breeze of New Zealand. Have a great day.

    • Kyle

      Hey Vai,

      My goal is to bring some clarity to an industry that is full of scams and vultures. There are many people out there that are in the business of making money, not in the business of helping people and I am glad you found my site as I truly want to help you get moving in the right direction with your online business. I do recommend that you take advantage of the free Starter member, it will give you a really good idea of what we are about and you will get up and running with your own niche website in the first 4 lessons of our walk-through training.

      I look forward to working with you and if you EVER need a hand with anything going forward, please let me know and I will be more than happy to give you a hand.

    • Kyle

      Hey Adam,

      We teach Internet business which is global. We have members from all of the world at Wealthy Affiliate and have MANY (some of our top members in fact) from the UK. You will feel right at home and upon joining, you will instantly realize that it is a very diverse community and you will be able to network from people from all over.

  45. Luis

    Information products is the new way of marketing online. If you don’t know what you don’t know, then why degrade something you don’t understand?

    • Kyle

      Sorry, I am not sure what you are getting at here. There is nothing new about information products, they have been around ever since the inception of affiliate programs and in the offline world, much, much longer. If you think that info products are new, it may mean that you are new to the online world. I would never degrade info products either Luis, there is a good deal of opportunity in the “content” world and info products are included within this.

      In saying this, there are networks like Clickbank that are notorious for low quality digital products, so you need to pick and choose the products you promote carefully to prevent high refund rates.

      • Lanre

        Hey Kyle how can you choose products to promote on clickbank carefully, please help cuz there are lots of products to gets into. Thanks

        • Kyle

          We can definitely help you out with this inside of WA, I suggest you grab a Starter account. The key is not only choosing products that are relevant to your niche, but also to choose products that are quality. Remember, this is a people business and your focus as a marketer is to help people. This is all taught within WA and we can get you up and running with a proper website within any niche in just a few short lessons.

  46. Beckie Borda

    My dream retirement involves traveling domestically and internationally to work on environmental causes.

    • Kyle

      Wealthy Affiliate will definitely help you out with that Beckie. That is the dream of most folks that enter the online world and if you are realistic about the hard work and dedication that it will take to build your own successful online business, then it will definitely happen. Absolutely everything you need is within the community at WA, including the network of support which is essential to your online business development.

  47. Joseph V

    I am 68, disabled viet nam vet. Living in S. America. My bank here just closed and I lost all my savings. I am very down. I am very sales oriented. Tired and scard.

    • Kyle

      Definitely take advantage of the Starter membership, it will get you up and running in the right direction. I know you will highly benefit from the community at WA and we will get you moving in the right direction Joseph. By lesson 4 of our training and our services you are going to have your very own website within a niche of your choice.:)

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