Wealthy Affiliate Review
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Website: www.WealthyAffiliate.com
Price: Starter Membership, $0 (Join Here)
Price: Premium Membership, $49/month OR $495/year (Join Here)
Owners: Kyle & Carson
Overall Rank: 98 out of 100
Who it’s for: Newbie – Expert
Introduction to Wealthy Affiliate
I have a unique take on Wealthy Affiliate, the main reason being I am the owner. Before you call “bias” on me, let me explain why my review of Wealthy Affiliate will serve to be of benefit you.
ONE, I have insight like nobody else into what Wealthy Affiliate is, where we came from and why we have been able to create the longest standing and what I like to think, the most innovative Internet Business community online.
TWO, I am probably our biggest critic of Wealthy Affiliate and I continue to be to this day. I know Wealthy Affiliate is not perfect,nothing is perfect. When you know that you are never going to be perfect, it gives you something to work towards right? I honestly know where we lack, where we are great, and what we do well.
LASTLY, I care what you think and I care about helping people. Because of this, I want you to offer your comments below this review if you have anything to say about Wealthy Affiliate, both good and bad. I have tough skin and I want to prove the realness of this review but putting this out there. You comment, I respond.
Before I get into the “what”, I want to outline the pros and cons of Wealthy Affiliate.
What Exactly is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is an business building platform that offers you everything you need in one place to create, grow and manage your businesses online. With over 850,000 members, it is an all-inclusive experience where you can get everything you need from your websites and hosting on the state of the art hosting platform, to 1,000’s of training modules and support.
The community at Wealthy Affiliate is second to none and something that we pride ourselves in. If you are a jerk or you like to spam, you are not going to be welcome within the community. If you are looking to earn money online, network with fellow entrepreneurs, get help and help others, and learn a ton from the 1,000’s of experts at WA, it will be your new home.
One thing that you will find unique about Wealthy Affiliate is that Carson and I, the co-founders are very active within the community…on a daily basis. You will even find us in there (sometimes into the early morning) helping folks get their campaigns running, website operating, or getting their businesses rolling in the right direction.
Why Being a Wealthy Affiliate Makes Sense!
If you are on this review, chances are you are interested in a few things. Learning how to create a successful business online then being able to actually do it. The platform at Wealthy Affiliate is going to allow you to do this, regardless of your background, your technical knowledge or your experiences. If you can butter toast, you can build a business within Wealthy Affiliate as far as I am concerned. 🙂
Here are some of the most common “positives” that people love about WA.
- Getting Started Training (the process is completely SIMPLIFIED!)
- Video training, Tutorial training, Classroom training and Courses
- Close the 700,000 HELPFUL community members
- 13+ Full, Interactive Classrooms
- Live & Interactive Help (even at 2am in the morning!)
- One FREE, Beautifully Designed Websites
- State of the Art Secure and Fast Hosting
- Access to Industry Experts & Millionaires
- A strict spam free environment.
- Completely FREE to Get Started! (with no catches)
The last one is a big one for most. Not only do you get access to all of this, you get to do so for no cost. This is the only program in the industry that does this and there is a good reason for it….YOU WILL LOVE YOUR EXPERIENCE AT WEALTHY AFFILIATE. If you don’t, you can come back here and leave me a nasty comment. 🙂
What Skill Level is Wealthy Affiliate For?
Wealthy Affiliate caters to all levels of marketers and entrepreneurs, from a brand newbie to someone that is running an already successful business and wants to scale it to a whole new level. When you get access to the members area you are quickly going to be immersed in the community and the activity within the community.
So in a word, EVERYONE. All levels of expertise, any age, any country. It also works like a charm on your mobile phone, tablet computers (I frequently use Wealthy Affiliate from my iPad!)…and or course any laptop/desktop. Anywhere that you have a connection to the Internet, you can be building your business, getting training, or getting help within Wealthy Affiliate.
You can start a business from scratch, and build something truly substantial online. Wealthy Affiliate is a community of all shapes and sizes, from newbies just starting out on their very first day to experts that have been running full time businesses online for 10-15 years (whom you will be able to communicate with the minute you join).
Wealthy Affiliate Training & Tools
The Training is comprehensive, organized, and current within Wealthy Affiliate. There is training for all levels of expertise, including training for even the most advanced marketer. The training is offered in different formats:
- Live Weekly Training Classes
- Question and Answer Periods
- Organized Classrooms (on specific topics)
- Interactive Discussions
- Video Training, Tutorial Training
- Task Based Courses
Seems like a lot right? Because it is. There are over ONE THOUSAND (1,000) powerful training modules within Wealthy Affiliate, essentially each Classroom reveals an entire different online business model that could be used to generate a full time income online.
And that is just some of the perks to being a member of Wealthy Affiliate. You also get access to ALL of the tools you need to run a successful business online…
The Tools & Services within Wealthy Affiliate offer you a robust “tool belt” to accomplish all of your research, writing, and website
building/hosting applications for your business. Included in the members area is:
- Keyword & Competition Research Tool
- 30 Second Website Builder
- Low Competition, Cherry Picked Keyword Lists
- State of the Art, Unlimited Cloud Hosting (Premium Members)
- Access to over 4,100+ website templates/themes
- Ability to add over 65,000 different plugins (feature extensions) to your website
- Rapid Writer, your content “friend”
Once inside Wealthy Affiliate, you don’t have to worry about tools and services need to run your business. EVERYTHING is included, it truly is the only “all inclusive” online business platform out there.
It Takes a Community to Create a Success Story (Literally)
Have you ever needed help with something and ended up going to Google and searching for help. I know how you feel. When it comes to making money online and trying to create a successful business, it is nice to know that you can get help when you need it…and get it in a timely fashion.
That is what you get at Wealthy Affiliate with the live, 24/7 community and support system. There are many different types of support offered at Wealthy Affiliate…
- Live, 24/7/365 Chat
- Interactive Discussions
- Live Question & Answer periods
- Private 1-on-1 support with ME
- Private access to community experts
You are never alone and you will never feel like you are in the “dark” like you will with almost every other service out there.
Some people to this day find it hard to believe that me, the CEO and founder takes the time to help people out. It is a reality within Wealthy Affiliate though, I am there to help folks. With over 10 years of experience, I have a lot of things to share and a lot of insights that will help speed up your path to success.
What Sort of Work Will You Be Doing at Wealthy Affiliate?
I get many questions about “what will I be doing to make money at Wealthy Affiliate?”. There are many things that you can do to earn revenue online, in fact, there are 100’s of different ways that are taught within Wealthy Affiliate. However, I want to simplify things for you, so in a nutshell, this is how it works.
First a breakdown diagram of the process here.
When you join, you are given two options. You can either follow your passion, maybe you like helping people with skin care or fantasy football, or whatever you want. There are MILLIONS of potential directions you can head and you can choose that as your direction. This is going to be your starting point and the initial training course is going to show you how you can take your passion and turn it into a full time business within the online world. Cool stuff right?
If you don’t have a passion or a niche, or you want us to choose one for you, then that is OK too. Wealthy Affiliate has an affiliate bootcamp with a “predefined” topic that you will be building a business from. This training is a complete walk through, starting at the bare bones and there is no experience necessary.
So basically, you are going to learn to take your passion and create a business online. It starts with a niche website, and it is going to end with you earning in a whole variety of ways from that website. This can be through the promotion of affiliate programs, ads, or otherwise. If you want a more in depth explanation go to my “how making money online works” post.
The Pricing Plans of Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate has two membership price points:
Starter Membership, $0 (Join Here)
Premium Membership, $49 per month / $495 per year (Join Here)
$0 seems too good to be true, but that statement would be completely wrong…and I will explain why . When you join Starter, you are going to be granted instant access to the Wealthy Affiliate community. This includes access to live chat, over 500 training modules, 3 classrooms, networking, commenting, 2 free websites, access to the keyword tool. On and on and on.
In fact, I encourage you to start for free. I would rather see you “see for yourself”, much before you ever have to invest any of your own money.
To be honest, there isn’t another service or platform in the industry that can compete with Wealthy Affiliate’s FREE Starter membership, other than…
Wealthy Affiliate Premium. This is the true “all inclusive” platform if you are even remotely interested in an online business.
Wealthy Affiliate Premium was created to remove all of the other “costs” you typically need to worry about during your day to day activities. The pesky hosting fees, the pesky keyword tool fees, website builder fees, paying for hired help and mentorship, writing tools, domains, live events, searching the net tirelessly for answers to your questions, and getting access to the RIGHT training…all those things have vanished within Wealthy Affiliate Premium into a single low price.
I always say that once you have Wealthy Affiliate Premium, you will never buy another guru book, internet scam, or expensive online success course again. I mean it! Absolutely EVERYTHING you need is at WA, including the 1-on-1 expert help from real living, breathing and proven experts.
You will never get scammed again online if you are a Premium member at Wealthy Affiliate, I can assure you of that.
My Final Opinion + Special BONUS!
Join the starter, it’s $0. You can come back here to my site and yell at me if you don’t like it (seriously). And did I mention it was free? Upon joining, I will make sure to get in touch with you within the first hour. I want you to make me one promise however if you do join…that you will set-up your account. It is simple and you will be walked through it upon joining WA.
Join Wealthy Affiliate, it’s $0. Get Rolling Now!
How to Claim Your Bonus…
When you join your FREE Starter Account, I am going to offer you a bonus if you do decide to become a PREMIUM member in the first 7 days (including a 59% discount). When you create your account at Wealthy Affiliate, I will be personally contacting you on your profile with my “hello” and some more information about WA, how to get help from me, and how to claim your bonus. Trust me, this is going to be some AWESOME stuff (hint: it includes my FULL 10 years of experience and mentorship!)
You will never know what you have been missing all of these years until you step foot inside of Wealthy Affiliate.
Summarized Overview
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Sales Page URL: http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Owners: Kyle & Carson
My Overall Ranking: 98 out of 100 points
Read Real Testimonials: READ REVIEWS
If you would like to leave your personal review or experience of Wealthy Affiliate or you have any questions, please do leave them below. I would love to hear your feedback!
Scam Prevention Team
I just love when you are being honest with yourself, and your readers. Your review was a good read to me and It feels like I know what will be my next move. I really want an online business and to be free in life, does your trainings provide better content than, let’s say clickbank’s training or other online websites? It feels like it does but I am afraid of being a victim to previous scams..
Thanks a lot,
One thing that you can look at when researching any company is their track record. Wealthy Affiliate has been around longer than any other company in the industry and that is not because we sit around and offer the same service now that we did in 2005. It is constantly evolving, improving, new features being added, new platforms being added, and the community at Wealthy Affiliate has never been move thriving and helpful than it is today.
If you are serious about building a business online and doing so in a cost efficient and ethical way, Wealthy Affiliate is a place you can call home. Everything you need to create, grow and manage your business is included under one roof.
I can absolutely appreciate that you may have been scammed in the past as many have been, but one thing I can assure you of is that if you become a member of WA you will never be scammed again in the future.
You are very correct in stating that the Wealthy Affiliate training is the best on the web. Not only do you get the live training, live chat and two different styles of training platforms, you get a push from the owners to get you going.
The biggest problem that most people have is the self motivation to do the work required to make a website profitable. It does take some time and effort. I find some of my friends here at WA are my best supporters and give me a kick in the rear when needed, boy do I need it now.
The thing that I can say is the training works and you can make money with this program. Nobody is going to do the work for you, you must get yourself in gear and in very little time you could be living your dream.
And “making money” is a byproduct of building a business which is the focus within Wealthy Affiliate. You can literally go into any niche that you like and create a business using the platform at WA. Nobody does the work for you like you said, Wealthy Affiliate is the “facilitator” of your success, you are the creator of it.
I am so glad that you are making full use of the platform John and truly enjoying the service.
I completely agree with you. I almost fell for one of the many scam programs out there before finding WA. There are too many services out there deceiving desperate people. Thank God we have people like you Kyle to fish out the bad eggs. It is alarming to see scam websites telling make believe lies and getting away with people’s money.
Great work!
It is unfortunate that we reside in an Internet world that is rife with programs and gurus that are in the business of taking money from people, versus offering a quality service. That is one of the main reasons we offer a completely free Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate so people can get more than just a “look” into our service, they get to experience it.
You can build websites, you can use our state of the art hosting platform, you can get help and support when you need it, you can network, you can go through the world class training…without every spending a dime. The reason other companies in the industry cannot afford to do this is because if they ever gave people a sneak peak or in many cases, revealed what they were actually offering nobody would ever consider giving them a cent.
Hey Kyle, I’ve been in wealthy affiliate for almost 2 months and it’s the best community you can find out there in the Internet, It’s incredibly all the things that I didn’t know before getting engaged by WA community and the certification.
It’s a pretty good review.
Your friend, Saúl.
Thanks for your kind words Saul, so glad you are enjoying the community/platform at Wealthy Affiliate.
I came across this site before I signed up for WA and I am now a premium member and I though I would come back and report my findings.
I think the content is to a good level that keeps the users interacting with the site and it feels impartial.
The site feels honest and targeted , this gives me as a user a level of confidence that you are not just selling 1 site but providing tangible feedback and letting the user make his own decision on their niche/direction.
That is something that makes WA unique is that you can literally take any passion or interest you have and turn it into an online business, no experience necessary. There are literally 100,000’s of different niches you can choose from and MILLIONS of products and services that you can promote as an affiliate. The sky is the limit once you understand the fundamentals of building a business online, which we provide you within Wealthy Affiliate.
I look forward to working with you and seeing your progress as you do build out your website/business.
Hey Kyle
I’ve been part of the Wealthy Affiliate program for a few months now and I would recommend it to anyone that wants to start their own business online and blogging. The community is very friendly and I have learnt a lot.
Thanks for the review and the program. I’m confident that with your advice I will be successful online too.
Thanks for your input here Josh. As you said, the community is very friendly, but not just that, there are 1,000’s of very successful folks within Wealthy Affiliate that are constantly immersed in the platform, there to help you out if you ever need a hand in your journey to success. You do have a bright future ahead of you!
Hi Kyle;
I pretty much concluded that the platform at WA, with the training and community would be of benefit to me. I first started checking the internet about three years ago. At that time I joined PIPS. With the learning curve of SEO, HTLM, back linking, posting, etc. etc. etc. and not having a clear path of understanding, it became very overwhelming. Along with the programs it was promoting, and all the scams in that niche, I became very skeptical. Another thing, the online making money niche is very crowded.
I run a niche heating company for 25+ years and at that time the busy season kicked in and had to give up my pursuit but still have a belief that an online business is doable. I find it a very slippery slope to find the proper direction and guidance.
I just have a few questions to ask if I may do so.
1- If you provide a niche for me to get started, Is there ways of adding content on that niche that I am unfamiliar with?
2- Is this how the Rapid Writer works, by helping with content?
3- I believe WA used to be IM reports #1 recommendation and I see Chris Farrell now. Any insight into IM report?
I believe after reading the comments and your reply’s, I know what you are going to say. Join the free starter and check out the community support, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. LOL. Thanks
Regards James
First off, no niche is too crowded James. To be honest, most people don’t know what they are doing and by being a member at WA you are going to have competitive advantage over others in the industry. There are BILLIONS of keywords and 100,000’s of potential niches. So regardless of the direction you head, there is an incredible amount of opportunity.
In response to your questions here:
1. You choose your niche, we don’t tell you what direction you head. Content is definitely part of the process and if you plan on building content, you can leverage the Internet (the information highway) to research any topic/keyword, the same as any journalist would do. We teach the process and will be breaking that down for you within the training.
2. Rapid writer is a platform you can use to write, manage and store your content (and to create campaigns). It doesn’t write the content for you, you still have to do that. There is not a tool in the world that will write your content for you, nor is this something that you would ever want to seek out. The lazy way out, in particular when it comes to a critical aspect to your business like content, is surely to end in low rankings and often times complete disaster.
3. I am not familiar with IM reports, but we are the longest standing and the most thorough platform in the industry. There is likely a relationship between IM reports and Chris Farrell. By no means would I ever disrespect Chris or his service though, he has done good things in the industry for years. I do recommend though that you give the Starter membership WA a try, you will not turn back! 🙂
There is not a community or platform that offers in their “paid” membership what we offer in our free Starter membership. Our Premium membership goes far beyond any offering in the industry and I will stand behind that. The level of hosting you get within our platform is a top tier, Managed WordPress platform that exceeds the quality of the industry average and the most reputable companies packages (that average $100-$250 per month). And that is just ONE of the many things you have access to within Wealthy Affiliate.
Hope this helps you out here James and I definitely do look forward to working with you.
Great website! I do have a weird question though. At the top of the page you aligned your WA picture to the right of your beginning text (name: price: etc.). When I try to add an image to my page, it aligns to the right, but pushes the next lines of text further down and there is a huge gap. Do you know how to fix this? I can elaborate more if you need.
Yeah, glad to help you out here Tristen. When you are within your editor, you will want to put the cursor within the content where you want to add it. Then when you “insert” the image, you will want to make sure the alignment is set-up to the right. This should do the trick, just make sure the image isn’t too big or it will show on one line all by itself, so you might want to choose a smaller size (usually around 300-350 pixels is max width).
Hope this helps you out. If you need any further help with your website, get in touch with me inside of Wealthy Affiliate and I will be more than happy to get you moving in the right direction.
That is a very little tip – thank you very much!
Hi Kyle, I am about half way through reading all these comments, but think I am going to take the plunge. One question though, I read where you recommend to stay with one or maybe two web sites/niches. Why then does WA offer 50 possible site in the premium package?
Yes, we absolutely recommend you start off with one website (two at the most) when getting rolling with your business. It is much better of to build one website that is GREAT than it is to build many different websites that are mediocre. That is a trap that people get caught up early on in their business, they feel as though they need to be involved in 10+ websites to be successful online, simply not the case. You can create as much success as you want with ONE website.
Wealthy Affiliate offers a hosting platform and a managed WordPress hosting experience comparable to that you would get other places that are over $250 per month, all included within your Premium membership. Over time you might have multiple websites and within the Premium membership you can also host your own domains, at some point along the journey you will get your own .com (or top level domain) for your brand. You can host up to 25 of your own domains within the Premium membership as well as create 25 free .siterubix.com websites (total of 50).
Hope this clarifies for you Lou.
Got it, Thanks for the reply Kyle. I went ahead and signed up and I it so far!
Excellent! I look forward to working with you Lou and I know you are going to absolutely love your experience at Wealthy Affiliate. See you inside!
Hi Kyle, I plan on hopefully joining Wealthy Affiliate soon. The community appears very generous, and the authenticity of you and Kyle really was an eye opener. I have many questions about how I will be building my business at some point. Is the affiliate boot camp only for people who promote wealthy affiliate, or does it teach you how to earn commission with any niche? Also are there multiple ways to earn money from one website like with advertisements and affiliate links promoting another product? Thank you again, it’s a breath of fresh air that millionaire owners like you and Kyle are humble enough to take time out of your day and help the community, as well as be a part of it. This seems like the cream of the crop when it comes to online business building
Glad to help here.
There are two initial paths you can take within the training at Wealthy Affiliate, the Getting Started training which will walk you through the process of building a business in your own niche (could be anything) or the Affiliate Bootcamp which is focused more on the make money style niches and the surrounding verticals.
You have open reigns on either path you go, but ideally you will head in a direction that you are passionate about and in your own niche. That is what we encourage at WA and we have an incredible amount of help available within the community if you ever do need a hand coming up with a niche.
Your website is your platform and your foundation for your business, once you learn how to get traffic to your website (which can be done for completely free and we teach this within WA), there are many ways in which you can monetize that traffic. Affiliate programs are one of them, but a huge opportunity as you can literally promote MILLIONS of products/services as an affiliate for no cost at all. There are other ways you can generate revenue though like advertising (adsense, etc) as well as selling your own products/services.
Hope this helps you out here Stephen and I know that you will thorough enjoy Wealthy Affiliate if you do make the decision to join.
Is there any limit on WA hosting in regards to traffic.
What happens if you build a blog and it get say 500,000 page views a month.. I have heard from others that they were told they were using too many resources and forced to move their website.
Can you please clarify this..?
Our hosting could definitely support this. As you start to get to that point in your business, sometimes you do want to move to your own dedicated environment but that would be up to you. With that sort of traffic coming to your website, you would be earning a minimum of 6 figures per year and likely MUCH more (potentially 7 figures). Cross that bridge when you get there, but do know that we offer a state of the art, managed WordPress hosting platform that competes with the best in the industry and is included in your membership.
To get more information about the hosting offered at Wealthy Affiliate, you can read more about it here.
The WordPress Hosting at Wealthy Affiliate
Thank you for the response, and I didn’t realize what a great value WA has just in hosting alone..Thanks for the clarification..
Yeah, any service that you are offered within WA you can assume is benchmarked against the industry leaders. We don’t add anything to WA unless we feel can offer a service equivalent to, or better than, the industry leaders. Hosting is no different and between that and the SiteRubix website platform, you are getting access to website/hosting/domain features not offered anywhere else in the world. Glad I could offer some clarity.
Do I have to commit to paying the full price for a certain amount of time or can quit when I want?
There is no “contracts” whatsoever. You stay for as little or as long as you like, it is completely up to you Brian. There are members that come and stay a month, and we have had members that have been with us for the past 10 years. You are in full control and we are very transparent about everything we do within WA (and you also have direct access to me within the members area if you ever have any questions).
Kyle, You are absolutely correct when you said “If you join premium you will never buy another another guru book, internet scam, or expensive online success course again” Everything a person could possibly need to start an online business and be successful at it with their hard work is right here. I am very glad I joined and look forward to see my results of my handwork in the months to come. Thank you
We are absolutely serious when we make that statement, WA has evolved, grown, and innovated over the past 11 years to what it is today. Everything you need to create and grow a business online is in one place and we have always been motivated by the helping others, not financially (hence why our price hasn’t gone up in 11 years though we invest millions into our platform every year).
So glad you are enjoying your experience at Wealthy Affiliate and I look forward to seeing your progress as you do move forward.
Kyle! I love your review of your own business. I have not been unhappy EVER since I joined. I just wish I had not waited so long to go premium! I can’t wait to get my business up and running but I’m also glad I can get through the training and build my website at my own pace! The membership is well worth the money! I’m a happy customer! Just thought I’d give my two cents. Thank you! B
So glad you are enjoying your experience thus far Briana and thanks for dropping by and offering your feedback. Now that you are a member of WA, you have absolutely everything you need all in one place to create, grow and manage your online business(es) including my personal support.
I look forward to working with you and if you do need a hand with anything at all, you know where to find me!
Hey Kyle, I just wanted to stop by and say thank you. Wealthy Affiliate is changing so many different things in my life right now. It’s been less than a month and I already have a beautiful website with published pages and comments of my very own! I am working through the bootcamp training now and plan to choose a niche for a second, unrelated website within the year.
I am proud of what I am doing and where I am headed. I am set up for success because of you and I just want to say thanks. I have wanted to do something like this for years and now I am finally able to do so. I feel like I am attending a special college just for entrepreneurs but it doesn’t cost me my life. It was FREE to start and I even got a discount on the first month. You have boosted my confidence and truly lifted my spirits. I feel like the options are endless and I cannot wait to complete ALL of the training. It will take some time since there is just so much to offer but I plan to learn as much as I can.
So long story short, thank you so much for what you have done and what you continue to do. I am having fun while building a better future for myself and my family. I couldn’t be more pleased or blessed.
That is exactly what our goal has always been with Wealthy Affiliate, to offer EVERYONE a chance to properly build a business online. The unfortunately problem with institutionalized education (University/College) and something that has always frustrated us is their inability to stay current with their education in particular when it comes to topics related to marketing online/SEO.
Thus, why we have evolved WA into a safe, interactive, and very progressive platform for ANYONE to create, grow and manage their business online, all inclusive of the tools/websites/hosting/training/support/mentoring you need.
So glad you stopped by and offered your feedback and I look forward to connecting with you and working with you moving forward inside of Wealthy Affiliate. Cheers.
What are the current price points for joining at the Premium level, I have seen prices saying after you join for Free Review you have 7 days to decide on the Premium level to get a discount. Does this apply to a whole year etc. Is this only a one time discount and then the price goes up to 47$ per month etc. Also do you have to make a decision in 7 days for sure to get the discount? I have a high pressured job and time may not allow me to get through the free review within 7 days to make an informed decision.
First off, the “free trial” isn’t a “trial”, it is access to the platform as a Starter member. Yes, this is more limited than the Premium membership but it includes a heck of a lot and will definitely get you up and running with your business without every paying a penny. We put our best foot forward because we stand behind our service and I know that you will love your experience within WA.
There is a Premium membership, it is offered at a first month discount for the first 7 days…beyond that it is $47 per month. The monthly charge for the service at WA, which includes EVERYTHING you need to run a business from the training, the live classes, the tools, the website platform, the hosting pllatform, mentoring, support, networking, etc…is $47 per month, for everything. There is also a discounted yearly option if that works best for you, $359 for the entire year.
But I always recommend you get started on the free Starter membership. By lesson 4 of the training alone, you are going to have your very own niche website up and running!
I’d much prefer to be paid via check. Is this possible with WA since my PayPal was hacked and they’ve yet to fix the issue
Yes, we pay via cheque as well if you earn over $100 is commissions. Most companies only that you will be learning how to promote also offer cheque as one of the main forms of payment.
Awesome! This is really good to know. Thanks a billion!
I am with a direct marketing company that I absolutely love, the products are amazing, and I do pretty good in getting people to open an account, but I’m looking for leaders, will WA be something that can help me with this?
Absolutely we can help Maria, regardless of what you promote we can help you out. We have many direct marketers, internet marketers, affiliate marketers and even many local businesses that are leveraging the WA platform to drive their businesses online.
We teach you how to properly create a proper business within the online space, it doesn’t start with a product though..it is going to start with an audience. Once you build an audience, you have someone to promote to and you build out your business with this way. The sky is truly the limit.
I’ve enjoyed reading about this opportunity, and it may be just what I’ve been looking for. The question I have is if this allows me to continue in the MLM business that I have already started? I’m convinced that it is a good outfit and will grow, but I’m not getting very many of my personal friends and family to come on board yet, as most of them are anti MLM so far. I bought my own website already, using wordpress, but I’m 61 years old and not very computer literate, so I don’t know how to draw/attract potential customers and/or distributors to my website, or to actually finalize the website to my liking.
The focus of any business should never be a product, rather an audience. That is what you are going to learn in the early stages at Wealthy Affiliate and that is where MLM folks are usually steered in the wrong direction. They are so focus on promoting their products and often times to people that truly are not their audience.
So yes, we can help you out and we work with MANY MLM folks. You are going to be learning how to build out your business in a way that first focuses on building out a website in a respective and relevant niche and BUILDING up traffic…from there, you can promote whatever you like to people whether this be your MLM products or any of the MILLIONS (literally) of products out there that you can promote as an affiliate.
I joined in October of this year, and didn’t do much research. I was looking at an offer that had NBC, CBS, etc on their site and happen to get warned by you of scams. The way you presented WA drew me in, and I decided to take on the 7 day free membership to start, and was immediately offered the $19 first month. I had been sitting for over 6 weeks with no work, flat broke to where even $19 was scary. I appreciated the fact that you allowed me to go 12-14 days I believe before I finally decided that I had $19, so went Premium.
I was still scared & skeptical, and questioned from all my past experiences if what I was seeing and experiencing was really true. WA was just too good to be true. At the same time I had just started a new job that has unreal hrs, and mixed with trying to learn the lessons, and stay up with what I was learning when this job took so much of my time and away from WA 4-5 days a week.
The Community is a God send, and have kept me encouraged to just continue to take things one step at a time, and be patient. I really enjoyed your review, and would have to say that as I have experienced what you & Carson have created, it is truly amazing, and exceeds them all. I still am a long way off from where I desire to be, but know that the only thing that can stop me, is me. Thankyou for the passion you have, and the way you present it. I was had without ever reading this review.
I am so happy the at you are loving your experience at WA Wayne.
It is comments like this that continue to drive us to continue making WA better and better with each day. We have invested our blood, sweat and tears into the platform at Wealthy Affiliate and what you see today is 10 years of constant innovation, evolution and improvements. I can tell you that we are only getting started too and that we have some really awesome stuff slated for the members at Wealthy Affiliate in the year ahead.
I look forward to working with you and seeing your progress as you move forward Wayne. A bright journey lies ahead.
Hi Kyle,
I must say, I joined WA recently and I was both scared and sceptical to go over to premium. But this in one decision in my life that I can say – this time I did not make a mistake.
I’ve been working online for years now and read everything I can find on affiliate marketing – spending hours and hours learning. If I knew about WA then, it would have saved me allot of time and allot of headaches.
Wealthy Affiliate is definitely one of a kind. Linda
SO glad you are enjoying your experience at Wealthy Affiliate Linda and of course it is only natural to be a little “scared” and skeptical within the online world. There are so many scams out there and I would never argue that. When people typically find WA, they feel at home immediately because of the supportive community and the fact that everything you need to create and grow your business is in ONE place, without the constant upsells.
Let’s look forward and towards the exciting journey ahead. I look forward to working with you and I know you are going to have a brilliant year ahead!
Can a website be used to sell sporting goods as an affiliate of amazon and eBay, or is best to use the Astore from amazon? How about physical goods and shopping cart like shopify, can you add shopify to your website?
Shopify is a completely separate and very expensive platform for selling your own products/services if you want to run your own mom/pop shop online. If you want to promote products as an affiliate, you don’t need and you don’t want your own store. You will be able to leverage the WordPress Platform for building your websites and these are the types of websites you will be building at Wealthy Affiliate.
RE: what you promote and what affiliate programs you promote, that will be up to you. There are 10,000’s of options out there and millions of products you can promote, what you promote will be based on what your target audience is and the context of your actual pages/posts. Relevance converts.
This is all going to be taught to you and a very easy-to-understand way inside of Wealthy Affiliate Gen.
Hi Kyle,
I ‘m thinking of signing up with WA but I’m confused about the costs:
1. I know the starter is free
2. The Premium is $359/year
3. My question is: is there a $19.00 subscription fee for the first month and then $47 for the remaining months totaling $536 in addition?
4. If I go with the starter and then to the Premium will I still need to pay the $536?
You are correct. The Starter membership is completely free.
There is a Premium membership which gives you the key to the community and access to EVERYTHING you need to create and grow a business to any level online. This is $19 for the first month, then either $47 per month (if you want to pay on month to month) or $359 per year which is the discounted rate if you pay for the whole year at once. Hope this clarifies for you here.
I’m struggling to make ends meet, losing a six-figure a year gig and now have just taken a job making minimum wage. Talk about fear. Something I could do online from home would be great, but how can I really trust this will help or even be successful? Can I turn this around into a real career, or am I only going to make $400 a week? Plus, how do I know what to promote? What are examples of things people promote? I need help, and FAST, is this really something that could help me get caught up on past due bills then build a financial future to give myself and my y oung child security?
You can’t trust anything until you actually are able to try it and that is why Wealthy Affiliate offers a free Starter membership with no obligation so you can get a taste of how helpful and support (and useful) the platform is before you have to invest any of your money into it.
I have been doing this for 13 years full-time now so I can assure you that this “online” thing is much more than an opportunity, it is a path to create a business and do so doing something you are interested/passionate about. Wealthy Affiliate will give you all the tools, training, live classes, support and mentoring you need to accomplish this.
What you promote, how you promote it, how you get traffic and build your brand, and EVERYTHING you need to create and grow a business online are going to be covered within the training.
Hi Kyle,
I came across this thread whilst conducting my own due dilligence in reviewing affilorama. I joined as a member of salehoo.com which is founded by the same person who created affilorama. I joined salehoo.com as I wanted to sell products online via dropshipping but soon realised that affilate marketing was a better online business model.
I was about to purchase affiloram’s jetpack which includes 5 x websites but after reading a review of a guy who got ripped off with the same purchase I now have my reservations.
I am basically a newbie to all this online affilate marketing so what I am looking for is a system that will be there with me step by step and help me to be equipped with the knowledge to become a successful affilate marketer and hopefully one day give up my fulltime job. The “how” is the challenge for me at the moment, as I already have my “why” reasons for wanting to start an successfull affilate marketing online business and this to have the worklife balance to be around my family more.
I will definitely try the starter membership, but I would appreciate if you could run me through some of the support/mentorship program you have and the costs.
Thank you.
Drop shipping can definitely be a viable model, but you see more arbitrage these days through platforms like Amazon than anything. An example of this would be someone selling a product on eBay without owning the actual product and selling it at an inflated price over what you can get it at through Amazon. Then they will have an Amazon prime account, and take home the difference between the two. Often times this is a lot of work and you end up working for pennies doing either arbitrage of drop shopping.
The key though is not what you are selling or how you are selling it, it comes down to having a platform to create an audience (a website) and understanding how to get traffic to your website. Once you accomplish that, you are going to be able generate revenue in many different ways. We can absolutely help you with this entire process and offer you everything you need to create and grow a business online from scratch, no products necessary, and in any niche.
I suggest you get rolling on the Starter membership. I know you are going to love it and I really do look forward to working with you.
I’m curious, out of the community of people who started as a beginner then been involved for approx. 1 year have they earned consistently over $1,000 or more? I understand each field is different and will have different results, however average beginner over time should evolve and break through whether it be a 1 year or 3 years. Should I assume the percentage of over $1,000 per month for the mentioned time is possibly 1-10%?
I am finding it astonishing that a lot of people think by investing a small amount into themselves and their venture that will give massive change ultra quick. Yes it starts small, however in most most things it’s a constant investment of quality (more money, time, learning more) and evolving. If that is too much then maybe it’s wise to just consider finding another job that pays a little better.
Kind regards.
The number would be very high. I cannot give percentages because by everyone within WA is working within different niches, earning success at different rates, and they are in no way obligated to report success. A good percentage of the folks within the community that are vastly successful are those that keep to themselves. I personally am one of those and always have been in the 13 years I have been online, to this day I have actually never told anyone how much I make.
What I can tell you is that $1,000 per month is more than possible, in particular if you dedicate yourself to this for a year. The only reason I see people fail is because they quit too early in the business creation process, people naturally want success FAST and this is not a reality in the business world. Any level of success is possible if you work for it, whether it is $1,000 per month or $1,000 per day.
You have 100% chance of succeeding if you work at it. That is all I can tell you, what you do with that is completely up to you and I would be more than happy to help you every step of the way within Wealthy Affiliate Dee.
Hey Kyle
Once again you out done your self nice way to list the cons and pros of upgrading to preium really makes me feel.good that we have the I owner backing us Thank you.
Sincerly,Levi Baker
Most definitely Levi, we are here to help and the basis of Wealthy Affiliate and the constant improvements within the company are based on helping people achieve success online. My recommendation to folks is always to get rolling on the Starter membership and immerse yourself in the community before you consider upgrading. You are going to see just how valuable and support the community is. I know you are going to love it.
I only have a smartphone for internet. Work a full time job and sell Avon for extra income. I am barely getting by. How can you help me. I am a true NEWBE. I have no clue about working a website other than the one I have with Avon.
What I can tell you is that is going to be very difficult to create any type of “online” business without access to a laptop or a desktop computer. You can definitely consumer information and educate yourself from a mobile device (I use them for consumption all the time) as for the actual work side of things, it will be more difficult.
If you have access to a library, they always have computers that you can use and many people without access take this approach when getting rolling within the online space. We can definitely help you as a complete newbie, so that is not a problem. Just the mobile only thing might be a bit of a hurdle.
Just wondering….
I am in Australia – Go Aussie!!! I recently (4 months ago) joined Isagenix. I had some good results, toned up and am feeling great. I have been able to easily keep some elements of the program incorporated into my daily life, and I honestly really love the products. I think the key to success with any MLM is to have a great product, and a story to share about it.
I have only really managed to sign up three other people, but we have all stayed on the program, and enjoy the products.
My question is: I realise that there is series money to be made in MLM and that like anything you have to put in effort and do the work. This is the bit I find hard, as I have a full time job with an hour travel each way (11hours of my day) plus I run a 24hour gym evenings and weekends, and in my ‘spare time’ (does anyone really have that?) I have my children every second weekend. This is where I am wondering how WA might help, and how it would do so?
Unlike MLM where you people tend to promote the scheme to their friends and family before their efforts dwindle, the Internet marketing world allows you to connect to folks from all over the world, you can promote whatever products or services you want through affiliate programs (millions of products to choose from), and you can build a business within any niche.
The natural structure of MLM’s stifle people’s ability to create successful business as they tend to rely on selling products that may be overpriced (to support the commission structure) and require a lot of offline hustle and “convincing” to get people to join. Within the online world you can simply help people and build a business doing so. We teach you the exact process as to how to do this within WA, no experience necessary.
Hi Kyle,
Thanks for your thorough responses to all the posts. Is there a minimum contract period on the month to month Premium membership?
Thank you,
We don’t believe in contracts. As a Premium member at WA (if you choose to upgrade) you are in full control of your membership and you can cancel and rejoin at any time that you like. We are full transparent and if you ever need any help with your account once inside WA I will be able to help you out as well.
I’ve been with your program for about 8 months now and would recommend it too anyone just starting out. Thanks for all the good articles and training you guys put out there.
So glad you are enjoying the platform and training at Wealthy Affiliate Mike!
Hi Kyle your program seems interested but I have a few questions:
1. Can this program work on a part-time basis?
2. If so, can it assist me if I am working as an affiliate for a company in my case Total Life Changes as that company has already given me two websites – one to recruit persons and the other for persons to join and purchase products.
3. Can this program help me to generate traffic/leads to these websites to help promote my business?
4. Would you accept international debit cards as a form of payment?
5. I did not notice this in your review above but I just want to be sure – would I have to promote other companies’ programs in order to stay in WA?
I apologize for all of these questions but I really want to make sure this is the right thing for me to do as others have expressed I have seen other programs and of course reviews have shown they are scams. Thank you so much for your time and assistance.
Glad to help you out here and some really good questions. Here are my responses…
Absolutely it can, in fact I got started within the online space when I was full time in college. Like any business though, you get what you put into it. Hard works pays dividends over time and the more energy you invest into something, the greater the rewards. By all mean, part time is typically how most people start within the online world.
You never want to use “canned” websites. The reason is that they won’t rank, you don’t typically own them, and you have no control over the content (minimal flexibility). The starting point to a successful online business (in any niche) is having your own website. This is the foundation of your business. You own it, it allows you to build a brand for yourself, and it allows you the flexibility of being able to promote what you want and what makes sense to your audience.
Absolutely, this is what we teach. Website, Content, Rankings, Traffic, Opportunity. That is the order of creating a scalable and long term business online. Within WA you are going to get all the training you need, 1,000’s of resources, but most of all, we offer you a path through our training platform that will walk you through the exact process. On the Premium side of our membership there are live classes every week that usually run around 1.5 hours on a brand new and very current topic every week.
Yes, you can use debit cards if you use the Paypal option. We offer both Paypal as well as credit card payments.
You can promote what you like, you are in full control. You choose the niche/interest for your business and there are 10,000’s of affiliate programs you can join and millions of products you can promote as an affiliate (pretty much everything you can imagine). We help you find these programs within the training and help you with the process of turning a potential customer into a customer.
Hope this helps you out here and offers some clarity into the Wealthy Affiliate platform. I know you will absolutely love it and I highly suggest that you set-up your free Starter account when you get a chance.
Hi Kyle,
I want to tell you that it’s taken me a while but I’ve read every single question and answer that has been posted on this site. I want to thank you for the patience professionalism with which you’ve answered all the questions posed to you. I now know everything that I need to know to make an informed decision. I have no doubt that you offer a top-notch educational site and I definitely intend to join at the premium level from the get-go if that’s possible.
However, I do have an issue that really bothers me. In my desire to get an online business started I recently purchased a membership from a company called Clickfunnels for $997/yr and I also bought 5 websites from a company called Coolhandle for $750. To make matters worse, the latter company does not offer refunds. I must admit, they were mostly impulse buys that I should have avoided. I wish that I would have found your site first.
Now I have to see what I can do to get my money back. What’s your opinion on Clickfunnels? Do you offer training in funnel creation? Is it an important/viable promotional tool? I see them all over the net.
I am sorry to hear that you have been scammed by both of these companies to the tune of $1,600. These tools will serve no value to your business. This is the problem we have always had with this industry and exactly what we have been fighting an uphill battle against in the 10 years that we have been running the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
For the same price you just invested into programs that will never lead to any level of success, you could have had a 5 year membership at Wealthy Affiliate which includes absolutely everything you need to create and grow a business to any level online…in any niche.
If you want to start a business and learn the PROPER process (in any niche of your choice), I do recommend that you at the very least get a Starter membership at WA. It includes access to our website platform, our world class training, the most active and helpful community online, and direct help from 1,000’s of Internet experts. I would love to work with you and if you do have any further questions about Wealthy Affiliate please do let me know.
Finally I finished reading all the comments and it took almost 6 hours ! I am really excited and feeling bad about myself.
Feeling bad because , I joined wealthy affiliate 2 years ago , but I didn’t stick with it. I have the disease of “shiny object syndrome”. Over two years , I chased after all kind of things and made $0. Only money I have made is $108 from fiverr and I bet it would have been much, much more if I initially stuck with your program.
So, for two years I chased all kinds of shiny objects and achieved nothing and finally I am back to Wealthy Affiliate and I am here to stay!
I wasted 2 years of time, what could have I achieved if I sticked with wealthy affiliate and only focused on it? Will be far better that I am a member again. It is exciting to think that I can now relax as I finally have found the only resource I need to succeed online in Wealthy Affiliate.
Currently I have a starter membership. I am jobless now , but when I get the job and complete all the training in starter, I will upgrade to premium. Plain and simple, there is no better platform in the world.
Thank you so much Kyle , you are 1 in 100. It is really hard to find someone like you in the world of internet marketing. In fact, it took me 2 years ! Haha
Man you are amazing! I salute you for all the hard work you are putting in.
This actually happens more often than you think. People have a natural tendency to chase “shiny objects” because we are in an industry where people claim that “getting rich quick” is a reality. In fact, it is not. Getting rich within the only space IS, but only if you are realistic about it, willing to work hard and willing to be persistent.
On top of that, you need to learn the PROPER way to build a LONG TERM online business and that is exactly what folks within the Wealthy Affiliate platform. I am so glad you are back and I can’t wait to see where you take your business this time around!
Hi Kyle:
WA looks like what I’ve been searching for. And was wondering how much working capital I should set aside. So do you have an good estimate?
Thanks for your help.
Other than the cost of maybe a domain name (your own .com) which is around $15 per year, the only potential cost would be the Premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate which is $19 for the first month, then $47 thereafter (or $359 per year). This includes absolutely everything you need to create and grow a business online, from the training, tools, support, mentorship, websites, hosting, etc.
Hope this clarifies for you here Bruce.
Hi Kyle,
First of all I just want to say that I am a very suspicious person by nature and When I came across Wealthy Affiliate I had been scammed many times before and my first impression was “here I go again” I even read the scam reports as well as the legit reports of WA but I wanted to see for myself. I signed up for the free account and once inside I found an amazing community, extremely easy to follow training and guidance. Within just a few hours of interacting in the community and looking around at the training and tools WA offers, I joined the premium program.
thanks kyle for putting this very unique opportunity out there for people to take advantage of.
It is only natural to be skeptical of programs within the “online business” space as there are so many scqms out there. I am glad that you decide to try WA out as the Starter membership is truly FREE and as you saw, we offer a heck of a lot even within the free side of our platform at WA (moreso than any other PAID product/service online).
I really look forward to working with you moving forward and I look forward to helping you achieve success online Rocky. If you ever need a hand, please do get in touch with me inside of Wealthy Affiliate.
Hi Kyle,
How long is the average time would really learn your lesson and start making money?
There really is no “average” because everyone works different. My journey to success will look completely different than yours and yours will be unique to you. What I can tell you is that the opportunity is the same for everyone within the online space and because of the size of the Internet (2.8 billion active users on high speed), the potential is limitless. If you work hard and take action on what you learn at Wealthy Affiliate, you are going to create a successful business online.
For me personally, it took 3 months to earn my first income online…by month 6 I was earning revenue with a lot of consistency, and just after the year mark I was moving pretty close to a full time income. That is how success online works, the time and energy you invest now will always pay off down the road and often times for years ahead.
Absolutely everything you need to create and grow a business is within WA and if you are not a Starter member (completely free), I recommend you get yourself an account. I know you will absolutely love it.
Hi Kyle!!! The more positive reviews I read about WA, the more it makes me want to join!!!! Just a question or two—I have an older laptop that I would be working on, if I did join. Is there any software I would have to be careful about downloading onto my laptop? Also I DO have a tablet—would it be possible to work/view tutorials and classes on my tablet? Thanks so much!!!! Take care and I may just see you there!!!!
If you have access to the Internet and a working computer Kelly, that is more than adequate to access the WA platform and leverage it to build your business online. Personally I use WA on all my devices (desktop/laptop/tablet/phone) and it works really well in all. So by all means you can take the training lessons on your tablet or phone.
My recommendation here is to get started with the completely free Starter membership. I know you are going to love it and I really look forward to working with you!
I’am a young 33 year old want to be entrepreneur and I was wondering would how would you file taxes on your earnings, I just joined the free website and looking forward to coming aboard in the near future sounds like a great environment thanks for your time.
Taxes are dependent on your location, but with online income you will claim this as a sole proprietor/contractor initially until you are earning enough to consider creating a business (I usually recommend doing this around the $100,000 mark). Cross that bridge when you get there, it is not all that difficult to sort out and because generating revenue online is much more common than ever these days, accountants have a very good grasp how it works.
Hey Kyle.
Just wanted to stop by say thank you! WA is an absolutely great experience! I appreciate all of your hard work!
So glad you are enjoying your experience at Wealthy Affiliate Jay. If you need a hand as you go through the training, let me know and I will be more than happy to help you out inside of WA.
I was wondering if you can tell me if i am in right place as I am trying to find a way to see if there is a company online that will help me work from home that is NOT a scam. I was wondering if Wealthy Affiliate will help me with what I need to know and learn. I don’t own any business at all and also was wonder if i have to pay in next 7 day as I am not sure when i will be able to go through everything this week? If i join and i am not online in next 7 day as for some reason will you still change me?
The Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership (which is completely free) is not a trial and therefore if you don’t have much time to work on your business in the week ahead, that is fine. You Premium communication is for the first week, but beyond this you will still have access to your websites/training and the community itself. A business is not created in a week so do approach this as a journey with no time limit…each day you work on your business will lead to further success as you get out of your business what you put into it.
Hey bro, So Im wanting to get into online marketing hard core. Very passionate about it. I have come across this and Mark Lings Affilo Jetpack course. Its $1,000 to do, but comes with five websites, and basically everything you need. But its $1,000. Im looking to get results in about 3 to 6 months. What would be your best recommendation for me? Thanks
$1,000 for 5 canned websites? I would never recommend doing this. At Wealthy Affiliate you are going to get everything you need to create and run a business, you have a website builder (SiteRubix) that will literally allow you to get a website up and running in a matter of minutes. For the price of $1,000, you could have access to WA for 3 years which includes everything from training, live classes, tools, websites, hosting, support, and help from vastly successful marketers.
But before I would ever recommend you pay anything, get started at Wealthy Affiliate on the Starter membership (completely free). I know you are going to love your experience and the helpful nature of the community. You won’t find anything like it online, that is my promise.
Hi there!
I really like what I am seeing here! Quick question….If I upgrade within the 7 days, would the 59% discount be on the $47/month and the $359/year prices??
The 59% off is for the first month of Premium if you join within the first 7 days. The $359 is actually discounted and is an option once you are a Premium member, it averages out to $29 per month if you upgrade to yearly which is another awesome discount. Absolutely everything you need to create and grow your business is included at WA, I know you are going to love the platform and I highly recommend that you get rolling on the completely free Starter membership and see for yourself before you consider upgrading.
Hi Kyle,
I am curious about WA and it seems to be getting really good reviews.
Would WA work for me? I am French but I don’t necessarily want to target just the French speaking community. (Still, I’d like to have a go at it too.)
I am patient. But I don’t have that much time as I teach full time and I have 6 year old very energetic twins I’ raising alone… That only leaves the nights to try and build another business that will enable me to leave my current job (very hard, plus I’ll soon be 60 and I live in Reunion Island, near Mauritius…).
Can you help?
WA can work for absolutely anyone Sylvie, regardless of your situation, location, and your language. The training is in English only, however the website you create and the audience you target can be of any language that you like. If you wanted to target a French speaking audience, that would be completely fine.
I like you (and most people) started my business within the online world when I had little time. At the time I was full time in college and I can tell you that if you dedicate any free time you can create to your business, you are going to see progress and results. As you see more results, you naturally dedicate more and more time to growing your business. That is simply how it works.
WA can definitely help you out, no experience necessary. As soon as you join you are going to be put directly into the Getting Started training where you will not only have access to some really awesome training, you have access to a community of help and world class tools you can use to create your website/business.
Hey Kyle,
I really like what I have seen and read about WA recently and would like to ask a couple of questions. I’ve been pitched a few times recently by SEO “Experts” to take their courses for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Their pitch is that what has worked in the past no longer does but that THEIR methods work NOW. I can understand that things change over time and have no doubt that what these guys say is at least, theoretically, correct but it seems that they want to fleece purchasers before they pass on their knowledge. So, how do you at WA keep up to date with what supposedly works now in SEO through your tutorial mediums?
Also, I’d like to build a business via a regularly updated main blog plus creating an ever growing number of mini sites within various niches making consistent small/large profits all giving a growing, aggregated income and profit. Do you think that WA is a good vehicle to use towards that and if so how would I best go about creating that business model from scratch?
Thanks in advance Kyle,
The SEO “experts” are often times the most expensive and least knowledgeable folks out there. Don’t be fooled by folks that classify themselves as experts in the industry because these same people were those that were promoting the idea of duplicate content, spun content, heavy backlinking campaigns and other black hat techniques.
At the end of the day Google and other search engines are looking for quality content and engaging content. What worked in SEO 5-7 years ago is still working now and what we have been teaching then, still works now and will work for years to come. We are absolutely current with our training at Wealthy Affiliate and we stay in tuned with any Panda/Penguin/Google Animal update that hits, but at the end of the day WA members are usually excited about these updates because they always benefit from them.
RE: mini sites, that is a horrible business model. You don’t build a business by building lots of sites, you build a business by being great at one thing. There are 2.8 billion people online and all takes is to be really good at one thing, regardless of the niche, to be VERY successful online. We teach proper business at Wealthy Affiliate and I know you will absolutely love your experience.
Impressive. Can I move a website just started to Wealthy Affiliates? I am a (senior) newbie. You guys have a great thing going. Thanks
Yes, you can definitely move your website content over to the websites you will be building/hosting at Wealthy Affiliate on our state of the art platform. Not a problem at all Oscar.
I’ve been with WA for 6 months now, and it’s great. Thanks to Kyle, Carson and the rest of WA for all the support.
So glad you are enjoying Wealthy Affiliate Mike and it has been a pleasure working with you!
How can WA help me leverage in my primary business?
We can help you in every aspect of your business, from the initial stages of building out your website properly (for search engines), to creating content and getting traffic, and properly incorporating promotions that convert well. This goes for absolutely every niche, whether you are completely new to the online business world or have experience, and whether your have an online or offline business.
If you are looking to have presence within the online world and want a platform that includes absolutely everything you need to accomplish this, we can help you out.
Hi Kyle,
Do you provide direct information, links to the
10,000’s of affiliate programs and millions of products/services you can promote as an affiliate with WA?
In essence, does your training lead you to the source to develop income?
Great to keep learning on the opportunities that exist online.
Thank you!
Absolutely it does. You are going to not only learn how affiliate programs work, you will learn how to find relevant affiliate programs within any niche. There are specific techniques that work wonderful well for finding niches, keywords as well as affiliate programs and these are all discussed within WA.
I really like the honesty expressed here and oddly enough wound up saving an old house by repairing the foundation. It had a sill and the owner of the website at the old house rescue business called me and talked to me like for a half hour and told me just how important the sill,( a picture like frame of heavy timber used under old houses on the east coast) really was. He talked me out of a band-aid repair approach and literally told me everything about how to do it, his story and more. Later it sunk it that experiencein saving that old house was all about how the foundations we build and stand on need to be true, straight, robust and honest.
Now being here only a few days already I have a good foundation and unlike totally being on my own with the one conversation there is more than I could have ever dreamed of here that is needed to build my online business. It is like striking the true motherload or vein of knowledge I have been looking for. I know it will take some time but it is the quality and sturdiness, the long term results that will last that I think are really important. Thanks Kyle and Carson to for creating and making this all possible.
The integrity of your foundation is business is critical. The problem is that when most people go to create a business online they are not only being misinformed by one of the many low grade products out there, they are not focusing on building the foundation of their business (which starts with a website) before they focus on the money part.
Without a website and without getting traffic to that website, there is no point in worrying about making money. You need people on your site and ideally coming from relevant searches in Google if you want to promote something to them (and make money), so that is the first step and the exact process we teach within WA. Wealthy Affiliate teaches the proper way to build a business with LONG TERM success in mind…and it all starts with that foundation.
how many websites can you host at WA if you are a premium member?
As a Premium member of Wealthy Affiliate you can host up to 25 domains of your own as well as 25 free websites on our .siterubix.com domain (for a total of 50). These are all hosted on our state of the art “managed” hosting platform which offers full security, monitoring, support, SiteHealth metrics, SiteFeedback system, password protection, etc…on the most powerful hosting servers in the world.
I went through some of the content on your site and read through a lot of the comments, cool stuff and I like the way you professionally handle some of the negative and insulting comments, I am more and more tempted to join your network, just one question though, how soon after I get started will I be seeing results? meaning WHEN WILL THE MONEY COME? even if it is only $20 in the first month or so, this will make me more positive hahaha, I will join your network for sure, sounds good to me.
What you earn is obviously based on what YOU do and the time and energy you invest into this. You are creating a business at Wealthy Affiliate and sure, we provide you with absolutely everything you need to create and grow a business online but at the end of the day, it is you that ends up building it.
For me it took me 3 months to earn my first $1 online. This is quite normal as the first couple months are usually the foundation building process. Once you have this foundation in place, then you have the infrastructure to build a very successful business. I have now been at this 13 years full time and I know if I didn’t dedicate myself those first couple of months, I wouldn’t be where I am at today.
So the sky is the limit and what you get within WA is everything you need to build a very lucrative business, but I don’t give an “expectations” because everyone is different, everyone works at different rates, etc. Hope this offer some clarity here. What I do know is that you will love your experience at Wealthy Affiliate and you will love the community there.
Yes is there any Training inside Wealthy Affiliate that will teach me how to be a Amazon affiliate I’m looking to sell with Amazon?
Absolutely Dave, what you promote is completely up to you and the training at Wealthy Affiliate will work with any type of product/service within any niche. You are going to learn how to build a business from the ground up, no experience necessary.
The first focus is going to be building out your website in a way that leads to rankings and relevant traffic. Once you have this audience, then you can promote whatever you want…whether it is something within the Amazon platform, your own product, another affiliate network and in some cases monetize your traffic through ads.
We can definitely help and I know you are going to love the community at WA.
Hi Kyle, what do you get for referring people to WA? Do you make continued revenue?
Thanks, Beth
There is an affiliate program at WA yes (and a very lucrative one). The training at WA does show you how to build a business in any niche though and I recommend to people that they follow their passion when building a business. It tends to lead to much more success.
But yes, the affiliate program is there for anyone that would like to promote WA (both free and Premium members). Hope this helps you out.
Hi Kyle,
I’ve been busy reading up on WA for the past two days and have to say that I am very impressed and intend joining. I do however have a couple of questions for you:
1/ Why doesn’t WA take advantage of posting its success stories on line in order to give more encouragement to people like myself?
2/ How does a WA member know whether advertisers are being truthful in the sales they say they have received via that member’s website?
3/ Is copyright ever a problem when a WA member names his or her website? For instance, could I call my website Macdonalds.com or Kentucky Fried Chicken.com?
4/ I’m curious to know who Carson is and how and why you hooked up with him?
5/ What would happen to a WA member’s online business if you or your website were to cease trading?
Finally, so suspicious am I of being scammed that I did initially wonder if you were in fact an avatar blogging to himself, but of course, that would be impossible…wouldn’t it?
Answer my questions Kyle and you will have convinced me to join up for sure!
By the way, like the personal touch you supply, keep up the good work.
Kind regards,
Nice to hear from you, I know you are really going to love the community at WA Warren. In response to your questions here:
1/ Why doesn’t WA take advantage of posting its success stories on line in order to give more encouragement to people like myself?
There are many success stories posted within WA every day. You can read about them when you are inside of the community if you like, but we are not built off of people bragging about their success (to be honest, the most successful people never brag about it), WA is a platform where anyone can learn to create a business within any niche. Our training, tools, resources, support, websites/hosting, and community are unparalleled in the industry and you will gain an appreciation for this even within the Starter membership.
2/ How does a WA member know whether advertisers are being truthful in the sales they say they have received via that member’s website?
Affiliate programs are completely automated. When you make a sale (regardless of the programmed) it is tracked and you are notified. Stealing sales doesn’t happen with normal affiliate programs, the only time you might see something like this happening is within the MLM based “make money” programs that are out there.
3/ Is copyright ever a problem when a WA member names his or her website? For instance, could I call my website Macdonalds.com or Kentucky Fried Chicken.com?
Yes, some companies are more stringent about domain names and the use of their trademarks within them than others. I usually stay away from domains like that, you want to create your own brand and create a domain that is brandable to you (and your niche). This is discussed in much more detail inside of Wealthy Affiliate.
4/ I’m curious to know who Carson is and how and why you hooked up with him?
We met in school and we were independently successful online (in the affiliate marketing industry) before we created WA. We built Wealthy Affiliate back in 2005 with the mission to help others achieve the same sort of success we had and to this day we have stuck with our roots. Everything we do and every evolution of WA premises off of the idea of making the service better for our members with the focus being “help”.
5/ What would happen to a WA member’s online business if you or your website were to cease trading?
You are in full control of your business, it is independent of ours. You own your domains that you buy and you own the information in your head (the skillset that you are going to learn). You can take this with you wherever you go. In saying this, you have nothing to be concerned about. We are not going anywhere. We are the top Internet Marketing education platform in the world and the best is yet to come. 🙂
Hope this helps you out and adds some clarity.